Monday, October 18, 2010

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of October 18, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading/LA Syllabus
Week of October 18, 2010
Important Information:
• Don’t forget that your Vocabra List #4 TESTS are on Wednesday this week!
• Our second Reading Log is due on Thursday, 10/28. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Portfolio conferences are this week on Thursday 10/21. Conference schedules went home last week ago. It is also available on my blog. REMEMBER you need to arrive 10-15 minutes early to preview the portfolio.
• There will be a Chapter 27 Capitalization Grammar Test on Friday, October 29.
• Students who did not purchase pictures on Picture Day may still purchase them online. Go to and use Julian’s picture day ID: RN600479YO. Picture retakes will be on 11/11.
• When class work is not completed in class students may be expected to complete it at home. Students will be told to add these assignments to add their planner.

Monday, October 18-
Vocabra Word Story: Ice Cream
Greek Myth Guided Vocabulary Notes: Hera, Hephaestus, Aphrodite
Grammar Text: Page 607 to 608 (Exercise 6)
Revisit Goal Sheet-Complete another goal sheet – Due Wednesday

Homework: Read and Chart Hera
Finish Vocbra Word Story, if necessary

Tuesday, October 19-
Vocabra: Create Vocabra Word Drawing & Spelling (review) Races
Greek Myths: Review Hera
Read and Chart Hephaestus and Aphrodite
Greek Myth Guided Vocabulary Notes: Ares, Athena, and Poseidon

Homework: Finish Vocabra Word Drawing & Study for your Vocabra TESTS!
Finish Goal Sheet - Due Wednesday

Wednesday, October 20 –
Vocabra: List #4 Spelling and Usage Tests
Grammar Text: Pages 609 to 611 (Exercises 7 and 10)
Greek Myths: Read and Chart Ares

Homework: None

Thursday: October 21 (Conferences TODAY!) - Students Dismissed at Noon
No Reading/LA Today Students will attend Periods 1 – 4 today

Homework: Don’t forget that tomorrow is PJ Day and our Read-A-Thon! You need several books, a healthy snack, and you may bring in one comfy item (pillow, blanket, stuffed animal, etc)

Friday, October 22 – P.J. DAY - Students Dismissed at Noon
Students will attend periods 8th, 5th, 7th, & 9th (in this order) today
Read-A-Thon in all classes
Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!

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