Monday, October 4, 2010

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of October 4, 2010

Reading/LA Syllabus
Week of October 4, 2010

Important Information:
• Our next Reading Log will be due on Thursday,10/28. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Portfolio conferences are Oct. 21st. Please return the conference forms a.s.a.p.
• Conference Forms will be sent home this week.
• Students, who did not purchase pictures on Picture Day, may still be able to purchase them online. Go to and use Julian’s picture day ID: RN600479YO
• Picture re-takes will be Thursday, November 11th.

Monday, October 4-
Lit Book Skill: Fact and Opinion
Vocabulary Warm-Up handout p. 173-174
Read and discuss “Names/Nombres” Story, pp. 114-120
Grammar Test Review

Homework: Study for grammar test

Tuesday, October 5-
Grammar test
Lit Book: Complete “Writing About Big Question & Lit Analysis: Tone” handouts pp. 177 & 179

Homework: Complete (Lit Book) Fact and Opinion handout p. 178

Wednesday, October 6 -
Lit Book Skill: Symbolism
Vocabulary Warm-Up handout pp. 212-213
Read and discuss “The Sounds of Summer Running” pp. 142-148
Complete Identifying Symbolism-handout
Vocabra: Spelling Races

Homework: None

Thursday: October 7–
Lit Book: Read and discuss “Eleven” pp. 149-152
Complete all questions in the Critical Thinking Box- bottom p. 152
Vocabra: Quickie Skits

Homework: Study for Vocabra spelling and fill-in-the- blank tests

Friday, October 8-
Vocabra Spelling and Fill-in-the-Blank Tests
Writing Packet
Silent Reading

Homework: None! Have a wonderful weekend!!!

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