Thursday, October 28, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus October 25, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of October 25, 2010
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
* There will be a test on Chapter 9 on Wednesday, October 27 and a lunch study session on
Tuesday, October 26.
*On Thursday, students will receive information about completing a comic strip project on The
Odyssey. Students will read and discuss the Odyssey in class this week. Please get the
information sheet signed and return it to school by Monday.

Monday, October 25–
Review for -test
Homework: Study Chapter 9 Test

Tuesday, October 26- Lunch Review Session –Ask for a pass
Review for the Test- focus on vocabulary
Homework: Study for Chapter 9 Test

Wednesday, October 27–
Chapter 9 Test
Begin reading The Odyssey play when done with test
Homework: None

Thursday, October 28–
Read and discuss The Odyssey
Complete Chapter 10 Anticipation Guide
Homework: Complete Homer’s Epic Poems handout (2-sided)

Friday, October 29-
Continue reading The Odyssey , if necessary
Begin Comic Strip Project. If you need a copy of the Odyssey play to help complete your projects, please ask for it.
Homework: Continue working on Comic Strip Project – due Wednesday, November 3
Get project handout signed – due Monday

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of October 25, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading/LA Syllabus
Week of October 25, 2010
Important Information:
• Due to the large number of tests and projects this week we have very little homework in Reading/LA. Please be sure to use your extra time wisely, to study and complete projects.
• Our second Reading Log is due on Thursday, 10/28. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• There will be a Chapter 27 Capitalization Grammar Test on Friday, October 29.
• Students will take a Greek Myth Major Gods Vocabulary Test on Tuesday, November 2.
• Students will take a Greek myth comprehension test covering all the Myths read on pp.9-69 and the material on the element chart on Thursday, November 4.
• Students invited to participate in the differentiation group will take their Greek myth test on Monday, Oct. 25th and they must earn a 90% or better to be in the group. Ms. Kessler (GTD teacher) will offer a menu of project choices to those students that will be participating in the differentiation group. More information will follow once the group members have been determined.
• Students who did not purchase pictures on Picture Day may still purchase them online. Go to and use Julian’s picture day ID: RN600479YO. Retakes are 11/11.

Monday, October 25 (Sports Team Day)
Introduce Vocabra List #5
Grammar: P. 607 Exercise 7, P.609 Exercise 10
Read and Chart Athena
Vocabra Newspaper Captions

Homework: NONE

Tuesday, October 26 (Twin Day)
Grammar: P. 612 Exercise 11 & begin review on pp. 614-615
Read and Chart Poseidon
Guided Myth Vocab Notes: Apollo, Artemis, Hermes
Distribute Myth Vocab Test Study Guide

Homework: NONE

Wednesday, October 27 (WACKY Day)
Grammar: Finish Review on Pages 614-615
Read and Chart Apollo and Artemis
Vocabra Word Drawing

Homework: FINISH your Reading Log #2- it is due TOMORROW! Don’t forget you MUST have parent signatures!

Thursday: October 28 (Hat Day)
Turn in Reading Log #2
Read and Chart Hermes
Guided Vocab. Myth Notes: Hades, Persephone, Dionysus

Homework: Study for Grammar Test on Capitalization (Chapter 27).

Friday, October 29 (Costume Day)
Grammar Test on Capitalization (Chapter 27)
Media Center: 9th Per. - Front Tables

Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mrs. Alexander's Fall 2010 Conference Schedule

Wed. Oct. 20 - 7:45 a.m. Colin M

Thursday afternoon 10/21/2010

12:35 – 12:50 p.m. Franklin J
12:50 – 1:05 p.m. Kayla K
1:05 – 1:20 p.m. Dajah F
1:25 – 1:40 p.m. Ryan M
1:40 – 1:55 p.m. Lauren
1:55 – 2:10 p.m. Chris B
2:10 – 2:25 p.m. Eva A
2:25 – 2:40 p.m. Kyle G
2:40 – 2:55 p.m. Isaiah R
2:55 – 3:10 p.m.

3:10 – 3:25 p.m.

3:25 – 3:40 p.m.

3:40 – 3:55 p.m.

3:55 – 4:10 p.m. Megan S
4:10 – 4:25 p.m. Mikeya H
4:25 – 4:40 p.m. Colin M
4:40 – 4:55 p.m. Olivia M
4:55 – 5:10 p.m. Delaney C

Thursday Evening October 21, 2010

5:45 – 6:00 p.m. Daniel P
6:00 – 6:15 p.m. Ka Lynn R
6:15 – 6:30 p.m. Ellis T
6:30 – 6:45 p.m. Dan
6:45 – 7:00 p.m. Arianna D
7:00 – 7:15 p.m. Keyon B
7:15 – 7:30 p.m. Kiara H
7:30 – 7:45 p.m. Declan R
7:45 – 8:00 p.m. Brian H

Monday, October 18, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus & Study Guide-Week of October 18, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of October 18, 2010
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
* Students will be dismissed at noon on October 21st and 22nd due to Portfolio Conferences.
* Due to conferences and our half days our schedule will be different. See Thursday and
Friday’s information below.
*There will be a test on Chapter 9 on Wednesday, October 27. The study guide is on the back
of this syllabus.

Monday, October 18– Begin Section 2- Read and discuss p. 155-159
Homework: Use information on pp. 155-160 to define: megaron, tenants, Homer, Iliad, Odyssey, civil wars, pirate fleets, seafaring, and navigate – Due Wednesday

Tuesday, October 19- Read and discuss p. 159-160
Begin Section 2 Assessment p. 160 #2- 6.
Homework: Finish defining words listed under Monday’s homework. – Due Wednesday

Wednesday, October 20– Watch video : Ancient Aegean
3-2-1 Activity
Homework: None

Thursday, October 21– Portfolio Conferences Today. Students dismissed at noon.
Students will attend periods 1 – 4 only this morning.
Review Ancient Aegean Video
Begin Chapter 9 Study Guide.
Homework: None

Friday, October 22- Students dismissed at noon. There will be no Social Studies class. Students will attend periods 8, 5, 7, and 9.
Homework: None.

Chapter 9 Study Guide

1. What natural resources did the Minoan and Mycenaean have? How were they used to better their civilization?
2. What effect did being an island civilization have on the Minoans?
3. What role did religion play in the Minoan daily life?
4. What did the Mycenaeans build instead of cities?
5. How are the Minoans different than Mycenaeans?
6. How are the Minoans and Mycenaeans the same?
7. What happened during the “Dark Age”?
8. What led to the decline of the Minoans? What led to the decline of the Mycenaeans?
9. What new things were learned about the early Greeks from the movie?
10. Study the Anticipation Guide.
11. Know the purposes of a legend.
12. Study the Section One and Section Two Assessment questions.
13. Know what the Iliad and Odyssey is about.
14. Know who wrote the Iliad and Odyssey and something about him.
15. Study these vocabulary words: legends, Crete, bull leaping, Knossos, frescoes,
labyrinth, parchment, shrines, Theseus, Minotaur, megaron, tenants, Homer, Iliad,
Odyssey, civil wars, pirate fleets, seafaring, navigate, legacy, economy, Linear A,
Linear B, and bard.

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of October 18, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading/LA Syllabus
Week of October 18, 2010
Important Information:
• Don’t forget that your Vocabra List #4 TESTS are on Wednesday this week!
• Our second Reading Log is due on Thursday, 10/28. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Portfolio conferences are this week on Thursday 10/21. Conference schedules went home last week ago. It is also available on my blog. REMEMBER you need to arrive 10-15 minutes early to preview the portfolio.
• There will be a Chapter 27 Capitalization Grammar Test on Friday, October 29.
• Students who did not purchase pictures on Picture Day may still purchase them online. Go to and use Julian’s picture day ID: RN600479YO. Picture retakes will be on 11/11.
• When class work is not completed in class students may be expected to complete it at home. Students will be told to add these assignments to add their planner.

Monday, October 18-
Vocabra Word Story: Ice Cream
Greek Myth Guided Vocabulary Notes: Hera, Hephaestus, Aphrodite
Grammar Text: Page 607 to 608 (Exercise 6)
Revisit Goal Sheet-Complete another goal sheet – Due Wednesday

Homework: Read and Chart Hera
Finish Vocbra Word Story, if necessary

Tuesday, October 19-
Vocabra: Create Vocabra Word Drawing & Spelling (review) Races
Greek Myths: Review Hera
Read and Chart Hephaestus and Aphrodite
Greek Myth Guided Vocabulary Notes: Ares, Athena, and Poseidon

Homework: Finish Vocabra Word Drawing & Study for your Vocabra TESTS!
Finish Goal Sheet - Due Wednesday

Wednesday, October 20 –
Vocabra: List #4 Spelling and Usage Tests
Grammar Text: Pages 609 to 611 (Exercises 7 and 10)
Greek Myths: Read and Chart Ares

Homework: None

Thursday: October 21 (Conferences TODAY!) - Students Dismissed at Noon
No Reading/LA Today Students will attend Periods 1 – 4 today

Homework: Don’t forget that tomorrow is PJ Day and our Read-A-Thon! You need several books, a healthy snack, and you may bring in one comfy item (pillow, blanket, stuffed animal, etc)

Friday, October 22 – P.J. DAY - Students Dismissed at Noon
Students will attend periods 8th, 5th, 7th, & 9th (in this order) today
Read-A-Thon in all classes
Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus-Week of October 11, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of October 11, 2010
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
* Students that did not pass the test were given the opportunity to do test corrections. They were due last
Friday, October 8.
*There will be a test on Ch 9 on Wednesday, October 27th
*All late work for Ch 1 is due by this Thursday, Oct. 14th

Monday, October 11- Columbus Day – No School

Tuesday, October 12 – Introduce Chapter 9- The Greeks
Read and discuss pp. 151-152
“Why Do We Trade” Activity
Homework: Use information on pp. 151-155 to define the following words: legacy, Crete, prow, bull leaping, Knossos, frescoes, labyrinth, parchment, shrines, Theseus, and Minotaur - due Thursday

Wednesday, October 13 – Complete anticipation guide
Continue reading pp. 152-155
Homework: Finish defining words listed under Tuesday’s homework

Thursday, October 14 – Portfolio Stuffing Day
Small group work: Complete Section 1 Assessment questions on p.155 - # 2- 5
Homework: Complete Section 1 Assessment questions p. 155 #2-5 if necessary.

Friday, October 15 - Review Section 1 Assessment questions.
Teaching Transparency- Palace at Knossos
Homework: None

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of October 11, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading/LA Syllabus
Week of October 11, 2010

Important Information:
• Our second Reading Log is due on Thursday, 10/28. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Due to conferences next week, and the adjusted schedule, we will take our Vocabra List #4 Tests a few days earlier next week. Tests will be given on Wednesday 10/20, instead of on Friday, l0/22.
• Portfolio conferences will be Thursday 10/21. Conference schedules went home on Friday,
Oct 8th. It is also available on my blog
• If you have not scheduled a conference with me please complete the purple conference forms sent home on Friday.
• Students who did not purchase pictures on Picture Day may still purchase them online. Go to and use Julian’s picture day ID: RN600479YO. Retakes are scheduled for Nov 11th.
• When class work is not completed in class students may be expected to complete it at home. Students will be told to add these assignments to add their planner.
• My student teacher, Ms. Gran, will begin teaching Reading & L/Arts this week.

Monday, October 11 - NO SCHOOL: Columbus Day

Tuesday, October 12
Introduce Vocabra List #4
Greek Myths Pre-Assessment
Introduce Greek Myths and Elements Charts
Read Olden Times and Gaea (Chart Gaea Together- no chart required for Olden Times)

Homework: Newspaper Captions List #4

Wednesday, October 13
Greek Myth Guided Vocabulary Notes: Titans, Cronus, Zeus & His Family
Grammar Chapter 27 Diagnostic (Text Pages 601)
Vocabra Dialogue or Comic Strip - Topic is Buried Treasure: write a short 2 or 3 person dialogue using all the words on the Vocabra list or design a short comic strip using all the Vocabra words. Comic strip must have dialogue bubbles, completed neatly, and written clearly.

Homework: Finish Vocabra Dialogue or Comic Strip (see above instructions)

Thursday: October 14
Read and Correct Vocabra Conversations with Partners
Grammar Text: Pgs 602 to 604 (Exercise 2 and 3)
Read and Chart Titans and Cronus

Homework: None

Friday, October 15
Read and Chart Zeus & His Family (Highlight and Notes in Margins)
Grammar Text: Page 605 to 606 (Exercise 5)
Vocabra: Word Drawing
9th per. -Media Center Front Tables
Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus-Week of September 27, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of September 27, 2010
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
* There will be a test on Chapter 1, Sections 1 -2 and Geography on Fri.,
October 1st.
*We will have a lunch study session on Thursday, Sept. 30.

Monday, September 27– View movie clips of : Dynamic Earth-Changes in Its
Surface and Earthquakes and Volcanoes.
Begin Cracked Earth handout
Homework - Define these terms: erosion, glaciers, river system, climate, Tropical Zone, Temperate Zone, and Polar Zone.

Tuesday, September 28 – Pangaea Activity
Read & discuss pp. 13-15
Homework: Answer Ch 1.2 Questions # 9-13 (on back of handout given last week)

Wednesday, September 29– Read and discuss pp. 15-18
Finish Ch 1.2 Questions # 14-17 (see back of
handout given last week)
Homework: Finish answering Ch 1.2 questions #14 - 17, if necessary

Thursday, September 30- Study session for test during lunch; ask for a pass .
Review for the test.
Name that Continent & Understanding & Latitude & Longitude handout
Homework: Finish above handouts, if necessary
Study for the test

Friday, October 1- Chapter 1, Sections 1 & 2 Test
Homework: None.

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of September 27, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading/LA Syllabus
Week of September 27, 2010

Important Information:
• Students’2nd essay drafts will be returned on Wednesday, 9/29. The 3rd and FINAL draft of the essay will be due on Friday, 10/1.
• Don’t forget that our first Reading Log is due on Thursday, 9/30. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read. Seedfolks can be included on the reading log and they do not have to complete a log for St
• Students will take a literature skill assessment on Wednesday, 9/29.
• Portfolio conferences are Oct. 21st. Please return the conference forms a.s.a.p.
• There will be a grammar test on Ch. 9 on Tuesday, October 5th.
• Students, who did not purchase pictures on Picture Day, may still be able to purchase them online. Go to and use Julian’s picture day ID: RN600479YO

Monday, September 27
Introduce Vocabra List # 3
Literature Book: Comparing Fiction and Nonfiction
Read “Why Monkeys Live in Trees” Story, pp. 74-77 & Complete Critical Thinking Questions p.77
Writing Packet
Grammar Lesson 9.6 (pg. 175)
Homework: Finish Critical Thinking Questions

Tuesday, September 28-
Lit Book: Review Plot Diagram information and Homework
Begin Reading “The Case of the Monkeys That Fell From the Trees” pp. 78-84
Grammar Lesson 9.7 (pp. 178-179)

Homework: Review for Plot Diagram Assessment – it is strongly recommended that you create a plot line of “Why Monkeys Live in Trees” pp. 74-77 (you may check out a book)
Complete (Lit Book) Vocabulary handout pp. 108-109

Wednesday, September 29 – 2nd Narrative Drafts Returned Today
Plot Diagram Assessment
Grammar Lesson 9.8 (pg 181)

Homework: Vocabra- Choose 6 words and write 3 or more sentences relating words to
short stories read in class. You must underline the words.
Reading Logs due Thursday. You MUST have parent signatures in order for
your log to be accepted.

Thursday: September 30 – Collect Reading Logs today
Media Center Front Tables – 8th period
Lit Book: Finish Reading “The Case of the Monkeys That Fell From the Trees” pp. 78-84

Homework: Finish Final Narrative Essays Drafts - due Friday

Friday, October 1- Collect Final Narrative Essays Drafts today
Compare and Contrast Fiction and Nonfiction Stories (read this wk)–handout pp.116-117
Vocabra: Select 2 new words. Draw the meaning of the words while using the word itself.

Homework: You may wish to study for next Tuesday’s grammar test. Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Social Studies Syllabus-Week of October 4, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of October 4, 2010
Blog Website:

Please read the following Information:
* The Chapter 1 Sections 1 and 2 Test will be returned by Wednesday.

Monday, October 4– Read and discuss Section 3: Natural Resources p. 19-21
Define new terms in class: natural resources, minerals, renewable resources, and nonrenewable resources.
Start Power Notes
Homework: Finish Power Notes if necessary.

Tuesday, October 5 – Continue to discuss Natural Resources
Begin filling out graphic organizer.
Homework: Finish graphic organizer if necessary.

Wednesday, October 6– Read and discuss Section 4:Legends p. 22-24
Define new terms in class: legends, archaeologists, and anthropologists.
Homework: Section 4 Assessment p. 24 #4

Thursday, October 7- Read and discuss Section 5: Archaeology p. 25-30
Define new terms in class: artifacts, Rosetta Stone, decipher, excavate, date, and ages.
Homework: None.

Friday, October 8- Continue to discuss Archaeology
Hands- On Archaeology activity
Homework: None.

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of October 4, 2010

Reading/LA Syllabus
Week of October 4, 2010

Important Information:
• Our next Reading Log will be due on Thursday,10/28. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Portfolio conferences are Oct. 21st. Please return the conference forms a.s.a.p.
• Conference Forms will be sent home this week.
• Students, who did not purchase pictures on Picture Day, may still be able to purchase them online. Go to and use Julian’s picture day ID: RN600479YO
• Picture re-takes will be Thursday, November 11th.

Monday, October 4-
Lit Book Skill: Fact and Opinion
Vocabulary Warm-Up handout p. 173-174
Read and discuss “Names/Nombres” Story, pp. 114-120
Grammar Test Review

Homework: Study for grammar test

Tuesday, October 5-
Grammar test
Lit Book: Complete “Writing About Big Question & Lit Analysis: Tone” handouts pp. 177 & 179

Homework: Complete (Lit Book) Fact and Opinion handout p. 178

Wednesday, October 6 -
Lit Book Skill: Symbolism
Vocabulary Warm-Up handout pp. 212-213
Read and discuss “The Sounds of Summer Running” pp. 142-148
Complete Identifying Symbolism-handout
Vocabra: Spelling Races

Homework: None

Thursday: October 7–
Lit Book: Read and discuss “Eleven” pp. 149-152
Complete all questions in the Critical Thinking Box- bottom p. 152
Vocabra: Quickie Skits

Homework: Study for Vocabra spelling and fill-in-the- blank tests

Friday, October 8-
Vocabra Spelling and Fill-in-the-Blank Tests
Writing Packet
Silent Reading

Homework: None! Have a wonderful weekend!!!