Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus - Week of April 27, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of April 27, 2009
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Important Information:
*My Newsbowl team will meet on Thursday to take our last online Newsbowl League
Test for the competition. Good Luck!
*If you missed your Ch. 3 S.S. test please see me today (Monday) during lunch to
take your make-up test.
*We will take field trip to the Field Museum on May 18th to tour the Ancient Egypt
exhibit.Students will receive permission slips in their Reading/L.A. class and
should turn in money to their Reading/L.A. teacher.

Monday, April 27–
Introduce Ancient Egypt- complete anticipation guide
Begin to read pp. 80-83 in Blue Resource book
Homework: None

Tuesday, April 28–
Finish reading pp. 80-83
Nile River of Gods movie clips and complete questions
Homework: Using pp. 67-68 in Human Heritage textbook, define: delta, cataracts, basins, shadoof, & silt

Wednesday, April 29–
Review homework
Read and discuss pp. 67-68 in red Human Heritage textbook
Small group wk: Complete p. 68 questions # 2-5
Homework: Finish p. 68 questions, if necessary

Thursday, April 30-
Begin to read pp. 69-73
Homework: Finish reading pp. 69-73 and take notes on Religious Beliefs

Friday, May 1-
Review Notes
Finish watching Nile River of Gods movie and take notes on movie
Homework: None

Reading Language Arts Syllabus- April 27, 2009

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Week of April 27, 2009

Important Information:
• The typed rough draft of the research paper is due on Wednesday, April 29. Remember our library is open before school everyday except Wednesdays. It is open everyday after school from 3:30 - 4:30, as well. Final Research paper is due on Tuesday, May 12th.
• We will begin working on the Visual Aids this week. Students will all receive a rubric explaining the requirements- be sure to review this carefully and follow all the expectations and requirements. The visual aid is due on Thursday, May 14th.
• Thanks to all the parents who volunteered to lead a lit circle! I know how busy your schedule is and I really appreciate it! I will send home a Lit Circle Folder for all volunteers on Wednesday. As always please call or email with any questions.
• Our next Reading Log is due on Tuesday, May 15th. Some students may wish to read The Egypt Game novel if they haven’t already read it. Since The Egypt Game relates to my S.S. unit, I’ll count it as 2 books for any student that would like to read it for this reading log. Students must complete two different log entries on the May Reading Log.

Monday, April 27
Research: Discuss body and conclusion
Finish L/A Benchmark Testing
Introduce Visual Aid Rubric

Homework: Continue to work on paper. Your typed rough draft of the research paper is due on Wednesday, 4/29.

Tuesday, April 28
Media Center Computers 8th Period: Gather Information and Pictures for Visual Aid
Literature Circle: Assign Literature Circle Groups and Author Activity

Homework: Finish typed rough draft of research paper- due TOMORROW!

Wednesday, April 29
Literature Circle: Receive Packets for 1st Meeting Introduce & Discuss Literature Circle Packets
Begin Organizing Visual Aid Ideas/Info
Media Center Computers 9th Period: Gather Information and Pictures for Visual Aid and
Research the Country and Culture of Lit Circle Novel

Homework: Work on your Visual Aid and Literature Circle Reading and Packet

Thursday, April 30
Literature Circle: Share Research with Lit Circle Group and Lit Circle Reading Time
Visual Aid Work Time

Homework: Continue working on your visual aid! Work on Literature Circle Reading and Packet. Wear Julian Gear tomorrow or Red AND White.

Literature Circle Work Time
Review “How to Lead a Literature Circle”
Homework: Have a lovely weekend!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of April 20, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of April 20, 2009
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Important Information:
* My Newsbowl competition team will meet on Thursday to continue preparing for
April’s competition. This will be the last online competition we will participate in.
*We will have a test on Ch. 3 on Thursday, April 23rd. A study guide was given last week.
Please check last week’s blog if you need another copy of the study guide.
*I am in the process of scheduling a field trip to the Field Museum for the middle of May, to tour
the ancient Egypt exhibit. Please watch for more information next week.
* We will have a clay activity and I am in need of 30-35 wooden skewers. If you have some that you
can spare please send them on Tuesday. Thank you.

Monday, April 20–
Mesopotamia Movie
Homework: Finish Map and cuneiform handouts, if necessary
Continue to study for test

Tuesday, April 21–
Finish Movie
Clay Activity
Review homework
Homework: Ch. 3 Reteaching and Vocabulary Review handouts (Per. 3 did not receive handouts. Students will
complete them in class on Wednesday)
Continue to study for test

Wednesday, April 22– Lunch Time Review Session
Review homework and review for the test
Homework: Continue to study for test

Thursday, April 23-
Take Ch. 3 Test
Homework: None. Remember, there is no school on Friday due to Institute Day

Friday, April 24- No School – Institute Day

Reading / Language Arts Syllabus - Week of April 20, 2009

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Week of April 20, 2009

Important Information:
• Students should be making good progress gathering information for their research project. For the next two weeks students will have limited time in the media center to use the computers and reference books to gather research material. Students should plan to research on their own at the public library or here at school. Our library is open before school everyday except Wednesdays. It is open everyday after school from 3:30 - 4:30, as well.
• Minimum of 25 note cards completed and formatted correctly are due on Tuesday 4/21
• Typed rough draft of the research paper’s outline is due Thursday 4/23
• Remember our team does not accept late work during the 3rd trimester.
• Research paper rough draft is Due Wednesday 4/29
• Final Research paper is due on Tuesday 5/12
• Oral and Visual Presentation materials are due on Thursday 5/14

Monday, April 20
Media Center front tables 8th and 9th Period: Work on outline and note cards

Homework: Finish at least 25 note cards by Tuesday. Note cards must formatted correctly.

Tuesday, April 21- Note Cards Due Today
Media Center Computers 8th period: Begin typing outline and/or rough draft of research paper
Media Center Back Tables 9th Period: Finish any last minute research and work on outline and/or paper

Homework: Work on typed rough draft of outline

Wednesday, April 22
Media Center Back Tables 8th Period: Wrapping up research, information and images for visual aid and oral presentation
9th Period: Language Arts Benchmark Testing

Homework: Continue researching at home or the public library, working on research paper and
outline. Typed rough draft of outline is due Thursday.

Thursday, April 23- Rough Draft of Outline is Due Today
Media Center Computers 8th period: Think about adjustments needed for outline or paper, or work on information for visual aid and oral presentations.
9th Period: Language Arts Benchmark Testing

Homework: Continue working on your research project! Research paper’s typed rough draft is due
April 29th

Friday, April 24
No School

Homework: Continue working on your research project! Research paper’s typed rough draft is due
April 29th and, final draft of the research paper is due May 12th.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus and Ch.3 Study Guide - Week of April 13, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of April 13, 2009
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Important Information:
* My Newsbowl competition team will meet on Thursday, this week, to begin preparing for
April’s competition. This will be the last online competition we will participate in.
*We will have a test on Ch. 3 on April 23rd. The study guide is below this syllabus.

Monday, April 13–
Define: migration, reform, assembly, monotheistic, and polytheistic
Read and discuss pp. 61- 63
Homework: Complete questions on p. 63 (# 2-5) – due Wednesday

Tuesday, April 14–
Small group work: “The Pursuit of Justice, Hammurabi’s Code” - pp.676 – 677
Complete “Interpreting Primary Sources” questions p. 677 (# 1-6)
Homework: Finish questions on p. 677, if necessary

Wednesday, April 15–
Fact and Opinion p. 60
Review questions p. 63 & p. 677
Homework: None, but begin studying for test

Thursday, April 16-
Fact and Opinion handout
Newsbowl activity
Homework: None, but begin studying for test

Friday, April 17-
Map activity
Homework: None, but begin studying for test

Study Guide for Chapter 3 Test on Thursday, April 23rd.

1. Know about Gilgamesh’s personality traits and lesson he learned for the
story, Gilgamesh the King.

2. Why is ancient Mesopotamia called the cradle of civilization?

3. What country is ancient Mesopotamia located in today and approximately when did the civilization begin?

4. Know the four cultures that lived in ancient Mesopotamia.

5. Study the make-up of the Sumerian government?

6. Study Sumerian religion.

7. Know who the Sumerian leaders were and what their responsibilities were.

8. What area did Sargon I control and the date?

9. What did Sargon I accomplish?

10. What area did Hammurabi control and the date?

11. What were Hammurabi’s accomplishments?

12. Study information about Hammurabi’s Code of Laws

13. Study Mesopotamian contributions.

14. Study your assessment questions on p. 59.

15. What areas were included in the “fertile crescent”?

16. Study the following things from the Jerusalem and Islam handouts:
A. Know the religions that originated in the Fertile Crescent?
B. What city does the Christians, Jews, and Muslims all claim as their holy city?

16. How are the Torah and the Bible connected to ancient Mesopotamia?

17. Study all your vocabulary words:
irrigation, city-states, artisans, ziggurat, cuneiform, scribe, priest-kings, levees, Sumer, assembly hereditary, empire, reforms, reign, monotheism, polytheism, surplus, migrating, culture

18. Know about women’s role in Mesopotamia.

19. Know what schooling was like in Mesopotamia.

Reading Language Arts Syllabus- April 13, 2009

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Week of April 13, 2009

Important Information:
• Don’t forget to turn in both the permission slip and a check, for our sixth grade end of the year field trip. It is due by Friday, April 17. No Exceptions! If you need a scholarship please see me as soon as possible, but definitely before the due date.
• Students should be making good progress gathering information for their research project. For the next two weeks students will have limited time in the media center to use the computers and reference books to gather research material. Students should plan to research on their own at the public library or here at school. Our library is open before school everyday except Wednesdays. It is open everyday after school from 3:30 - 4:30, as well.
• Minimum of Three Source Cards are due April 16 and Fifteen Note Cards are due April 17.
• Be sure to bring your research folder and materials to class every day. You never know when you can earn extra credit points.
• Our next reading log is due on Friday, April 17.
• Our sixth grade honor roll breakfast is this Friday, April 17 @ 8:00A.M. Congratulations to our A & B honor roll students!!!

Monday, April 13
Media Center Computers 8th and 9th Period: Research Time

Homework: Continue collecting researching and completing note cards.

Tuesday, April 14
Media Center Back Tables 8th and 9th Period: Research Time
Introduce Research Paper Writing Rubric and Research Note Cards Rubric

Homework: Continue collecting researching and completing note cards.

Wednesday, April 15
Media Center Front Tables: 8th and 9th Period: Research Time
Making an Outline from Notes: Bicycle Racing Example
Note card work time

Homework: Continue researching at home or the public library. Finish your source cards- they are due tomorrow.

Thursday, April 16
Check in Source Cards
Review Outlining Process with Power Notes
Outline Medical Article using Power Notes
Finish Note Cards

Homework: You must have 15 or more paraphrased note cards completed by Friday. Your Reading Log is also due Friday. Remember you must have parent signatures and detailed responses on the Reading Log.

Friday, April 17
Note Card Check
Work on organizing your note cards into an outline.
Introduce Folktales unit and read The Very Angry Ghost.
Homework: Continue working on your research project! Your final 25 note cards are due on Tues, 4/21.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of April 6, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of April 6, 2009
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Important Information:
* My Red Lightning Newsbowl Team is tied for first place with a team from Cedarburg, Wisconsin school by earning 39 out of 50 points. We have been in first place for two straight months. Congratulations!
* My Newsbowl competition team will meet on Wednesday, this week, to begin preparing for April’s competition. This will be the last online competition we will participate in.
*We will have a classroom Newsbowl competition next week, regarding noteworthy news from thisweek. Therefore be sure to study this week’s news and/or read current periodicals in order to be prepared.
* Remember, our team will not accept late work unless the student is absent from school.
*Finally, we will have a test on Ch. 3 in during the week of April 20th. Students will receive a study guide next Monday but they will begin taking notes using short phrases, this week.

Monday, April 6–
Review pp. 55 – 59 and finish p. 59 questions # 2-5
Homework: Begin taking notes on pp. 55 – 56
Finish p. 59 questions, if necessary

Tuesday, April 7–
Review homework
Begin reading Gilgamesh the King epic story – take notes on story
Homework: Continue taking notes on pp. 57 – 59: City-States and Religious and Family Life

Wednesday, April 8–
Take notes on Priest and Kings
Finish Gilgamesh the King & story notes
Homework: Draw assigned part of story

Thursday, April 9-
Begin reading pp. 61-63
Define: Sargon I, empire, Hammurabi, culture, Hammurabi’s Code, surplus, reign
Homework: None but you might want to begin studying for our test.
Have a great 3-day weekend! See you on April 13th.

Friday, April 10- No School - Holiday

Reading / Language Arts Syllabus - Week of April 6, 2009

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Week of April 6 - 10, 2009
Important Information:
• Don’t forget to turn in both the permission slip and a check, for our sixth grade end of the year field trip. It is due by Friday, April 17. No Exceptions! If you need a scholarship please see me as soon as possible, but definitely before the due date.
• Students will be assigned their research topic today. For the next three weeks students will have limited time in the media center to use the computers and reference books to gather research material. Students should plan to research on their own at the public library or here at school. Our library is open before school everyday except Wednesdays. It is open everyday after school from 3:30 - 4:30, as well. We will focus on necessary research skills and how to write a research report.
• Source Cards are due April 16 and 15 Note Cards are due April 17
• Be sure to bring your research folder and materials to class every day. You never know when you can earn extra credit points.
• Our next reading log is due on Friday, April 17.
• Remember our team does not accept late work during the 3rd trimester.
• I am missing many gold research parent letters. Please sign and return it on Tuesday morning. My students were told they will spend their lunch period with me if I don’t get it by Tuesday morning.

Monday, April 6
Research: Assign research topics
Review Research Basics booklet
L/Network textbook pp. 418 - 425: Discuss research requirements and
Discuss what and how to do research
Folktales Unit: Introduce folktales and first story, The Very Angry Ghost
The Very Angry Ghost opening activities

Homework: Peruse Research Basics booklet and complete p. 6 in booklet

Tuesday, April 7
Research: Introduce “Preliminary Research” handout
Review paraphrasing and how to complete note cards
Note taking- “The Heart”
Folktales Unit: Read The Very Angry Ghost

Homework: Begin researching at home or the public library. Be sure to complete a source card for all material located for this project.

Wednesday, April 8
Research: Media Center Computers 8th period: Begin research
Media Center Front Tables- 9th period: Ms. Savage explains how to complete source cards

Homework: Continue researching at home or the public library. Be sure to complete a source card for all material located.

Thursday, April 9
Research: Media Center Back Tables: Continue researching- use books and reference material
Folktales Unit: Angry Ghost story map and discussion questions
Angry Ghost Vocabulary handout
Homework: Continue to do your research. Have a great weekend.

Friday, April 10 – Holiday - No School

Research Parent Letter and Due Dates

Monday, March 23, 2009

Dear Parents and Guardians,

During the next unit in language arts, students will be researching a topic from the human body science unit. They will pick a specific disease or medical condition that interests them, research that topic, write a paper, present oral information on the topic, and create a visual aid. Since some of the work on the research project will be done at home, we wanted to give you the details of the entire assignment. Students will be given the Research Basics Guide which will be a useful tool.

Each student will have the chance to select five diseases or medical conditions that they would like to research. From those five choices they will be assigned one disease that they will research after spring break.

Part One… DUE DATE: Thursday, March 26
1. Bring at least 40 lined note cards (3 x 5) to school
2. One quart sized ziploc bag in which to keep note cards
3. A two-pocket folder to be used for research only.
4. Top five research topics

Part Two… DUE DATE: Thursday, April 16
5. Gather research materials - minimum of three.
• One or more source from the Internet
• one or more print source
• no more than 1 encyclopedia
6. List these sources on given source cards

Part Three… DUE DATE: Friday, April 17
7. Finish at least 15 research note cards (see Research Basics Guide)
• Research notes should be in phrases, not complete sentences
• Notes should be paraphrased (student’s own words and not copied directly from the source).

Part Four… DUE DATE: Tuesday, April 21
8. Final research note cards (see Research Basics Guide & notes from class)
• Students need at least 25 research cards completed in correct format.
Part Five… DUE DATE: Thursday, April 23
9. Rough Draft Outline- must be typed

Part Six… DUE DATE: Wednesday, April 29
10. Rough Draft is due- it must be typed. Complete the rough draft using the information from student’s note cards.
• Each body paragraph should include a minimum of 5 sentences and should include a topic sentence and supporting details.

Part Seven… DUE DATE: Tuesday, May 12
11. Complete final research paper.
• Minimum 2 1/2 pages, maximum 5 pages, typed and double-spaced, 12-point font.
• Minimum 5 paragraphs, including at least 3 body paragraphs, an introduction, and a conclusion.
• Title page (see Research Basics Guide)
• Works Consulted page (see Research Basics Guide)
• Edited Rough Draft must be attached
• Print 2 copies - one to be turned in to your Rdg/LA teacher the other for you to use as a resource for your oral presentation.

Part Eight.... DUE DATE: Thursday, May 14
12. Visual Aid
• Must use display poster board (opens up to three sides).
13. Oral Presentation
• Use good presentation skills
• Well organized

Further details of each component of this research project will be given to students as each due date approaches.

This is a large, long-term assignment. It should not be overwhelming because of these reasons: 1) Interest in the topic is high due to personal choice. 2) The assignment is divided into manageable parts, with due dates that will be adhered to and checked. 3) Your child has learned and/or will learn the research and writing skills required. 4) References such as Research Basics Guide will be an excellent tool.

Your child will receive some class time to work on the research paper and will receive guidance from teachers. However, your child must not rely solely on classroom time to complete his/her report. Please help your child remember to complete and bring each assignment on the appropriate due dates. We recommend that every student have a flash drive that they bring to and from school each day.

We thank you in advance for the help you can provide. Should you need clarification of the assignment or have any other questions, please contact us by phone or email.

Team 6-3 Teachers

Contact Information

Linda Koplin Jolynn Alexander Jason Morrell
lkoplin@op97.org jalexander@op97.org jasonmorrell@op97.org
524-5830 voice link 5716 524-5830 voice link 1305 524-5830 voice link 5029

Student Name_________________________________________

Please sign and return this portion by Thursday, March 26.

_____ I have read the letter and seen the packet.

_____ I have questions about the letter/and or packet. Please contact me.

Name____________________________ Phone number____________________________

Email Address ______________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature______________________________________________


We will need parents that are willing help adult edit the research papers. We can send one to three rough drafts home with your child for adult edits on April 30 and we would need them edited and returned to school by Tuesday, May 5. Please check below if you are able to help.

_____ I will be available to edit research papers at home.

Also, while we are researching it is helpful to have parent volunteers in the media center with us so students can have additional help finding and understanding resources. We are in need of parent volunteers the following days and times. Please check the days you are available to come in and help our students’ research.

_____ Tuesday, April 7 (2:00 to 3:30)

_____ Wednesday, April 8 (2:00 to 2:50)

_____ Monday, April 13 (2:10 to 3:30)

_____ Tuesday, April 14 (2:00 to 3:30)

_____ Wednesday, April 15 (2:00 to 3:30)

_____ Monday, April 20 (2:10 to 3:30)

_____ Tuesday, April 21 (2:00 to 3:30)

_____ Wednesday, April 22 (2:00 to 2:50)

Name _________________________________________

Keep this copy of due dates in your research folder.

Write the following due dates in your student planner. The requirements are as follows:

Part One… DUE DATE: Thursday, March 26
1. Bring at least 40 lined note cards (3 x 5) to school
2. One quart sized Ziploc bag in which to keep note cards
3. A two-pocket folder to be used for research only.
4. Top five research topics

Part Two… DUE DATE: Thursday, April 16
5. Gather research materials - minimum of three.
• one or more source from the Internet
• one or more print source
• no more than 1 encyclopedia
6. List these sources on given source cards

Part Three… DUE DATE: Friday, April 17
7. Finish at least 15 research note cards (see Research Basics Guide)
• Research notes should be in phrases, not complete sentences
• Notes should be paraphrased (student’s own words and not copied directly from the source).

Part Four… DUE DATE: Tuesday, April 21
8. Final research note cards (see Research Basics Guide & notes from class)
• Students need at least 25 research cards completed in correct format.
Part Five… DUE DATE: Thursday, April 23
9. Rough Draft Outline- must be typed

Part Six… DUE DATE: Wednesday, April 29
10. Rough Draft is due- it must be typed. Complete the rough draft using the information from student’s note cards.
• Each body paragraph should include a minimum of 5 sentences and should include a topic sentence and supporting details.

Part Seven… DUE DATE: Tuesday, May 12
11. Complete final research paper.
• Minimum 2 1/2 pages, maximum 5 pages, typed and double-spaced, 12-point font.
• Minimum 5 paragraphs, including at least 3 body paragraphs, an introduction, and a conclusion.
• Title page (see Research Basics Guide)
• Works Consulted page (see Research Basics Guide)
• Edited Rough Draft must be attached
• Print 2 copies - one to be turned in to your Rdg/LA teacher the other for you to use as a resource for your oral presentation.

Part Eight.... DUE DATE: Thursday, May 14
12. Visual Aid
• Must use display poster board (opens up to three sides).
13. Oral Presentation
• Use good presentation skills
• Well organized