Monday, November 3, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of November 3, 2008

Mrs. Alexander Team 6 – 3 - Social Studies Syllabus (Updated after students received syllabus)
Week of November 3, 2008
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
* Beginning this week, we will block our schedule for our 1st through 3rd period core classes only.
*Students will have a Ch. 9 test next Friday, November 14th and they will receive a study guide this week.
*Finally, I’m offering a 10 point extra credit assignment-due Fri. Nov. 7th. Students must read the entire Jr. Scholastic News magazine and complete a given puzzle. Students may not take the magazine home.

Monday, November 3 – Periods 1 and 2 only
Periods 1 and 2 only: Review p. 160 questions
Mock Election; discuss the Electoral College, and finish Election Activity
Homework: None

Tuesday, November 4 – Periods 3 and 1 only
Period 3 only: Review p. 160 questions
Discuss the Electoral College, and finish Election Activity
Homework: None

Period 1 only: Finish reviewing p. 160 questions and Electoral College homework
Watch movie: Ancient Aegeans
Homework: Complete Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey handout – due Friday, Nov. 7th
Begin working on Ch. 9 study guide – due Friday, Nov. 7th

Wednesday, November 5 – Periods 2 and 3 only:
Periods 2 and 3 only: Finish reviewing p. 160 questions and Electoral College homework
Watch movie: Ancient Aegeans
Homework: Complete Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey handout – due Monday, November 10th
Begin working on Ch. 9 study guide – due Monday, November 10th

Thursday, November 6 – Periods 1 and 2 only
Periods 1 and 2 only: Discuss Ancient Aegean movie; begin reading and discussing the Odyssey comic strip
Homework Per 1 only: Finish Ch. 9 study guide- due this Friday, November 7th
Per 2 only: Finish Ch. 9 study guide - due Monday, November 10th

Friday, November 7 –– Periods 3 and 1 only
Period 3 only: Discuss Ancient Aegean movie; begin reading and discussing the Odyssey comic strip
Homework Per 3 only: Study guide is due on Monday, November 10th
Period 1 only: Finish reading the Odyssey; review Iliad and Odyssey handouts, and Ch. 9 study guide
Introduce Comic Strip Project
Homework: Get Comic Strip Project letter signed by a parent or guardian

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