Monday, November 10, 2008

Greek Myth Vocabulary Given Week of November 3, 2008

Students received this handout. All vocabulary words given this week should be copied in the student's spiral.

1. glorious- having great beauty
2. smiths- people who forge or shape metal
3. bore- give birth
4. flint- a rock containing metal alloy that sparks when struck against an object.
5. sickle- a half circle shaped blade attached to a short handle
6. wielded- skillfully use an object
7. crevices-cracks
8. sprites- a small supernatural being

1. worshiped- to show love or devotion to a deity
2. offspring- children
3. mourned- expressed sorrow or to grieve over the death of someone
4. spirited- full of life, energy, or courage

Zeus and His Family
1. prudence - having great wisdom
2. nymphs- female spirits of nature
3. impenetrable- impossible to enter or penetrate
4. devour- to eat up greedily
5. cunningly - slyly
6. forged- heat metal so that it can be shaped
7. invisibility- cannot be seen
8. venom - poison
9. upheavals - a violent upset or conflict
10. mason - a person that builds or works with stone or brick
11. fleet-footed - to move or pass swiftly
12. iridescent - showing a rainbow of colors
13. sacred- holy
14. hearth - a fireplace or fire pit
15. ambrosia - a food of the Greek gods thought to give immortality
16. nectar - a sweet liquid

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