Friday, November 21, 2008

Ch. 10 Guided Reading Questions - PP. 168 -176

Social Studies – Chapter 10 Guided Reading Questions pp. 168 - 176

Answer each question thoroughly

1. Explain what these two leaders did as reformers of the Athenian government.
A. Draco

B. Peisistratus

2. Compare the details of Solon’s constitution and Cleistrienes constitution.
Solon’s Constitution l Cleisthene’s Constitution

3. Describe how the Athenians were able to win the battle at Marathon. (Tell 2-3 events.)

4. Why did Sparta and other city-states decide to help Athens fight the Persians?

5. Tell 3-4 main events involving Xerxes’ army and the Greeks at the battle at Thermopylae.

6. Explain how the Greeks were finally able to win the war against the Persians.

7. Explain how the Delian League led Athens to eventually have a powerful empire.

8. Tell 2 or more things Pericles accomplished in Athens.

9. What were the causes and effects of the Peloponnesian War? (Make a list of 2-3 main things)

10. List two (or more) events that caused the decline of Athens’s powerful influence.

11. On pp. 175-176 explain what led to the fall of the Greek city-states. (Tell 2 or more things)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of November 17 - 25, 2008

This syllabus was updated November 21st

Period 1 Social Studies Syllabus
Mrs. Alexander Team 6 – 3 - November 17 – 25, 2008
Blog Website: - Email:
Parents and Guardians:
*The due date for the Comic Strip project, has been changed to Friday, November 21 for all classes.
*Next week’s syllabus may change. If they do, students will not receive a new syllabus. Please check my blog.
*We will take a trip to Greek Town to visit the Hellenic Museum and for lunch, on Dec. 8th. Students will receive a permission slip and should turn in field trip money to their L/Arts teacher.

Monday, November 17:
1. Finish reviewing Odyssey play
2. Work on Comic Strip
Homework: Finish Comic Strip-due Fri.

Wednesday , November 19:
1. Introduce Ch. 10
2. Complete Anticipation Guide
3. Do Map Activity p. 165
4. Review Iliad and Odyssey handout
5. Read pp. 163-164
Homework: Section 1 Questions p.164(2-4 )
Define: aristocrats, ephors, artisans, Council of Elders, helots, perioeci – pp. 163-167

Thursday, November 20:
1. Introduce pp. 164-167 vocabulary & read
Homework: Section 2 Questions p.167 (2-4)

Friday, November 21: Comic Strips Due Today
1. Define pp. 168-175 vocabulary terms:
Assembly, constitution, oligarchy, democratic, magistrates, Council of Five Hundred, triremes, defensive league, and mercenaries
2. Review homework
3. Do Spartan graphic organizers & review
4. Read pp. 168-175 and begin Guided Reading questions
Homework:Complete Guided Questions # 1 -5 only -due Tues., November 25

Tuesday, November 25
1. Review homework questions
2. Read pp. 175 - 176 and finish Guided Reading Questions
Homework: Complete Greek Map – due Monday December 1st

Period 2 Social Studies Syllabus
Mrs. Alexander Team 6 – 3 - November 17 – 25, 2008
Blog Website: - Email:
Parents and Guardians:
*The due date for the Comic Strip project, has been changed to Friday, November 21 for all classes.
*Next week’s syllabus may change. If they do, students will not receive a new syllabus. Please check my blog.
*We will take a trip to Greek Town to visit the Hellenic Museum and for lunch, on Dec. 8th. Students will receive a permission slip and should turn in field trip money to their L/Arts teacher.

Tuesday, November 18:
1. Finish reviewing Odyssey play
2. Work on Comic Strip
Homework: Finish Comic Strip-due Fri.

Wednesday , November 19:
1. Introduce Ch. 10
2. Complete Anticipation Guide
3. Do Map Activity p. 165
4. Review Iliad and Odyssey handout
5. Read pp. 163-164
Homework: Section 1 Questions p.164(2-4 )
Define: aristocrats, ephors, artisans, Council of Elders, helots, perioeci pp. 163-167

Thursday, November 20:
1. Introduce pp. 164-167 vocabulary & read
Homework: Section 2 Questions p.167 (2-4)

Monday, November 24: Comic Strips Due
1. Define pp. 168-175 vocabulary terms:
Assembly, constitution, oligarchy, democratic, magistrates, Council of Five Hundred, triremes, defensive league, and mercenaries
2. Review homework
3. Do Spartan graphic organizers & review
4. Read pp. 168-175 and begin Guided Reading questions
Homework: Finish Guided Questions-due Tues., November 25

Tuesday, November 25
1. Review homework questions
2. Read pp. 175 - 176 and finish Guided Reading Questions
Homework: Complete Greek Map – due Monday December 1st

Period 3 Social Studies Syllabus
Mrs. Alexander Team 6 – 3 - November 17 – 25, 2008
Blog Website: - Email:
Parents and Guardians:
*The due date for the Comic Strip project, has been changed to Friday, November 21 for all classes.
*Next week’s syllabus may change. If they do, students will not receive a new syllabus. Please check my blog.
*We will take a trip to Greek Town to visit the Hellenic Museum and for lunch, on Dec. 8th. Students will receive a permission slip and should turn in field trip money to their L/Arts teacher.

Monday, November 17:
1. Finish reviewing Odyssey play
2. Work on Comic Strip
Homework: Finish Comic Strip-due Fri.

Tuesday , November 18:
1. Introduce Ch. 10
2. Complete Anticipation Guide
3. Do Map Activity p. 165
4. Review Iliad and Odyssey handout
5. Read pp. 163-164
Homework: Section 1 Questions p.164(2-4 )
Define: aristocrats, ephors, artisans, Council of Elders, helots, perioec i- pp. 163-167

Thursday, November 20:
1. Introduce pp. 164-167 vocabulary & read
Homework: Section 2 Questions p.167 (2-4)

Friday, November 21:
1. Define pp. 168-175 vocabulary terms:
Assembly, constitution, oligarchy, democratic, magistrates, Council of Five Hundred, triremes, defensive league, and mercenaries
2. Review homework
3. Do Spartan graphic organizers & review
4. Read pp. 168-175 and begin Guided Reading questions pertaining to parts read in class today.
Homework: Complete Guided Questions # 1 -2 only-due Monday, November 24

Monday, November 24: Comic Strips Due
1. Finish reading and discussing pp. 164-167
2. Complete Guided Reading Questions pertaining to parts read in class today
Homework: Finish Guided Questions-due Tuesday, November 25

Tuesday, November 25
1. Review homework questions
2. Read pp. 175 - 176 and finish Guided Reading Questions
Homework: Complete Greek Map – due Monday December 1st

Reading/Language Arts Syllabus- Week of November 17 - 25, 2008

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of November 17 - 25, 2008

Important Information:
o Our team has purchased the zip lock baggies for the Greek Myth books and will loan each student a baggie. The baggies must be returned in good shape when the unit is over.
o Students will be assigned a detailed Venn Diagram Activity on Tuesday Nov. 18 and Due Friday Nov. 21
o We offered a differentiation option for students. Students must read ahead to finish the Major and Minor Gods found on pp.9- 107 in the Greek Myth book and earn 90% or better on the differentiation test that will be given on Nov. 21st. Students must also chart the Major Gods and complete the Minor Gods handout.
o Students not participating in the differentiation group will take a Greek Myth test only on the Major Gods found on pp. 9 – 69, on Fri. November 21st.
o There will be a vocabulary test next Monday, Nov. 24th
o The third Reading Log will be due on Tuesday, December 2.

Monday, November 17 Monday, November 24
Vocabulary Notes: Hermes and Hades Take Major Gods Vocabulary Test
Read and Chart Apollo and Artemis Introduce and Begin Greek God Writing
Spelling Pretest Assignment
Review: Athena and Poseidon Homework: Finish Writing Homework: Finish Charting Apollo & Artemis

Tuesday, November 18 Tuesday, November 25
Vocabulary Notes: Persephone and Dionysus Type Draft Greek Writing Assignment
Review: Apollo and Artemis Go Media Center to Check Out Books
Read and Chart Hermes
Spelling Chapter 6 Part A Homework: None! Enjoy Your Holiday!
Introduce Venn Diagram Activity Due Friday Nov. 21
Homework: Read and Chart Hades
Finish Spelling Classwork

Wednesday, November 19
Review Hermes and Hades
Read and Chart Persephone and Dionysus
Finish Reading and Charting Persephone Story; Read Dionysus story
Study for Test on Friday
and Work on Venn Diagram

Thursday, November 20
Review Persephone and Dionysus
The Gods of Olympus Worksheet
Mythology Jeopardy!
Homework: Study for test and Complete
Venn Diagram

Friday, November 21
Spelling Test Chapter 6
Mythology Major Gods Test
Read Ahead Group Test on Major and Minor Gods
Mythology Vocabulary Crossword
Homework: Study for Myth Vocabulary Test on Monday, Nov. 24th
Have a SUPER weekend!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of November 10, 2008

Mrs. Alexander Team 6 – 3 - Social Studies Syllabus 
Block Schedule - Week of November 10, 2008
Blog Website: - Email:

Parents and Guardians:
*We will not have class on Tuesday due to the Veteran’s Day holiday and Thursday because of our Mathemagic field trip.
*I will have a study session for Friday’s Ch. 9 test on Wednesday during lunch. Students should request a pass from me.
*I will introduce the Odyssey Comic Strip project this week. For Per. 1 & 2 the project is due Thurs., Nov. 20 ; for Per. 3 the project is due Fri., Nov. 21

Period 1
Wednesday, November 12:
Extra Credit Puzzle due Today
1. Review Ch. 9 Anticipation Guide
2. Finish reviewing study guide.
3. Begin reading Odyssey play
4. Introduce Odyssey Comic Strip
Homework: Study for test

Friday, November 14:
1. Take Ch. 9 test
2. Continue reading Odyssey play &
note taking when done with test.
Homework: Work on Comic Stirp-
Due Thurs., November 20th

Period 2
Monday, November 10:
1. Finish Ancient Aegean movie.
2. Finish reviewing p. 160 questions.
3. Review Ch. 9 Anticipation Guide
4. Begin reviewing study guide.
Homework: Study for test

Wednesday, November 12:
1. Finish reviewing study guide
3. Begin reading Odyssey play
4. Introduce Odyssey Comic Strip
Homework: Study for test

Friday, November 14:
1. Take Ch. 9 test
2. Continue reading Odyssey play &
note taking when done with test.
Homework: Work on Comic Stirp
Due Thurs., November 20th

Period 3
Monday, November 10:
1. Finish Ancient Aegean movie.
2. Finish reviewing p. 160 questions.
3. Review Ch. 9 Anticipation Guide
4. Begin reviewing study guide.
5. Time permitting, introduce Odyssey
project and begin reading Odyssey
Homework: Study for test

Friday, November 14:
1. Take Ch. 9 test
2. Continue reading Odyssey play &
note taking when done with test.
Homework: Work on Comic Stirp
Due Fri., November 21st.

Odyssey Comic Strip Project and Rubric

Social Studies - Mrs. Alexander - Team 6-3
Comic Strip Project - Assigned During Week of November 10th
Due to our block schedule, this project was assigned on different days. (see syllabus)

Periods 1 and 2 – Due Nov. 20th                           Period 3 – Due Nov. 21st
Using 10 or more appropriately sized frames, you are expected to create a comic strip containing detailed illustrations depicting the main points of Homer's Odyssey, as read in class. Your comic strip should tell a story from beginning to end. This is your chance to be creative, so have some fun. Your comic can be no more than 2 pages and it is worth 26 points.
Students must include the following main events in their comic strip:
1. Odysseus leaving Troy
2. Odysseus’ ship blown off course
3. The crew land’s on the Cyclope’s island
4. Tell what happened on the Cyclope island
5. Tell how the crew ended up at Circe’s island
6. Explain what happened on Circe’s island
7. Tell what happened when they came near the Sirens
8. Explain the Charbidis and Scylla event
9. Explain what happened when Odyssess met Calypso
10. Tell what happened when Odysseus returned home

Differentiation Assignment Choices: (Only choose one)
1. The Odyssey read in class did not include all of the journeys and obstacles Odysseus’ faced. Do some
research on your own to find out what was missing from our in class reading. Then create a comic that
explains all of Odysseus’ challenges.
2. Instead of illustrating the Odyssey, do some additional research to create a comic strip depicting the
main points of Homer’s Iliad which covers the Trojan War.
3. You must site your sources on the back of your comic strip.

Be sure to include the following in your comic strip:
*Put name, period, and date, at the top of the paper.
*Create a clever title. Do not use "The Odyssey" or "The Iliad" as the title.
*Each frame must depict an important event from the Odyssey or Iliad.
*Captions and/or dialogue should be clearly explained.
*The drawings should be interesting and appropriate.
*The drawings, etc. must be colored appropriately.
*The comic strip and/or writing must be neatly presented.
* Be sure to edit for grammatical errors.
*All drawings should be done with care and contain no stick figures.
*If pencil is used, trace over all pencil with a thin marker, black, or gray colored
pencil. Remember each frame and figure must be colored.
*Pen should not be used on the drawings.
*Although, you may use pen when writing the captions. Do not write the captions in pencil.

----------------Please clip and return to Ms. Alexander, only if you plan to do the enrichment assignment-------------------

Student Name_______________________________________________ Per. _____________

______I plan to do the enrichment assignment. My enrichment choice is _____________________

Parent Signature______________________________________________Date_________________________
Greek Comic Strip Assessment (worth 26 points)
2 points = Yes 1 point = Somewhat 0 = No
_____Put name, period, and date on comic strip.
_____Created a clever title. (Did not use "The Odyssey" or "The Iliad" as the title.)

3pts. = Well done 2pts. = Satisfactory 1pts = Incomplete or Needs Improvement
_____Each frame explained an important event from the Odyssey or Iliad.
_____Captions and/or dialogue were clearly explained.
_____Drawings were interesting and appropriate.
_____Drawings, etc., were appropriately colored.
_____Drawings were done with care and contained no stick figures
_____The comic strip and/or writing was neatly presented.
_____There were no more than two grammatical errors.
_____Comic Strip turned in by due date. (worth one point)
_____Total Points earned out of 26 points

Enrichment Assessment- Greek Comic Strip (worth 28 points)
2 points = Yes 1 point = Somewhat 0 = No
_____Put name, period, and date on comic strip.
_____Created a clever title. (Did not use "The Odyssey" or "The Iliad" as the title.)
_____Student cited all research sources used to create the comic strip

3pts. = Well done 2pts. = Satisfactory 1pts = Incomplete or Needs Improvement
_____Each frame explained an important event from the Odyssey or Iliad.
_____Captions and/or dialogue were clearly explained.
_____Drawings were interesting and appropriate.
_____Drawings, etc., were appropriately colored.
_____Drawings were done with care and contained no stick figures
_____The comic strip and/or writing was neatly presented.
_____There were no more than two grammatical errors.
_____Comic Strip turned in by due date. (worth one point)
_____Total Points earned out of 28 points

Greek Myth Vocabulary Given Week of November 3, 2008

Students received this handout. All vocabulary words given this week should be copied in the student's spiral.

1. glorious- having great beauty
2. smiths- people who forge or shape metal
3. bore- give birth
4. flint- a rock containing metal alloy that sparks when struck against an object.
5. sickle- a half circle shaped blade attached to a short handle
6. wielded- skillfully use an object
7. crevices-cracks
8. sprites- a small supernatural being

1. worshiped- to show love or devotion to a deity
2. offspring- children
3. mourned- expressed sorrow or to grieve over the death of someone
4. spirited- full of life, energy, or courage

Zeus and His Family
1. prudence - having great wisdom
2. nymphs- female spirits of nature
3. impenetrable- impossible to enter or penetrate
4. devour- to eat up greedily
5. cunningly - slyly
6. forged- heat metal so that it can be shaped
7. invisibility- cannot be seen
8. venom - poison
9. upheavals - a violent upset or conflict
10. mason - a person that builds or works with stone or brick
11. fleet-footed - to move or pass swiftly
12. iridescent - showing a rainbow of colors
13. sacred- holy
14. hearth - a fireplace or fire pit
15. ambrosia - a food of the Greek gods thought to give immortality
16. nectar - a sweet liquid

Reading/Language Arts Syllabus- Week of November 10, 2008

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of November 10, 2008

Important Information:
o Our team has purchased the zip lock baggies for the Greek Myth books and will loan each student a baggie. The baggies must be returned in good shape when the unit is over. I’ve returned the quarters I’ve received thus far.
o We will offer a differentiation option for students on Wednesday. Students must read ahead and finish reading about the Major and Minor Gods found on pp.9- 107 in the Greek Myth book and earn 90% or better on the differentiation test that will be given on Nov. 21st. Students must also complete the Major Gods chart and the Minor Gods handout.
o Students not participating in the differentiation group will take a Greek Myth test, only on the Major Gods found on pp. 9 – 69, on Fri. November 21st.
o There will be a vocabulary test on Monday, Nov. 24th
o Students must return their Red Fern books in order to receive a Greek Myth book.
o Third Reading Log will be due on Tuesday, December 2.

Monday, November 10
Vocabulary Notes: Hera, Hephaestus, and Aphrodite
Finish Zeus and His Family Story; Read and Chart Hera Story
L/Network – Punctuation: “Periods and Other End Marks” pp. 206-207
Homework: Read and Chart Hephaestus and Aphrodite Story pp. 28 - 30
Punctuation - Do pp. 208 Pt A and B – due Wednesday

Tuesday, November 11 – No School- Veteran’s Day
Homework – Remember to Read and Chart Hephaestus Story pp. 28-30- due Wednesday

Wednesday, November 12
Review Homework
Vocabulary Notes: Ares and Athena
Read and Chart Ares and Athena
L/Network – Punctuation: Review Homework
“Commas in Sentences” pp. 209 - 210
Homework: Punctuation – Top of p. 211 Pt. A Concept Check – due Friday

Thursday, November 13
Mathemagic Field Trip and Follow-up Activity
Movie: Remember the Titans
Homework: Remember– Top of p. 211 Pt. A Concept Check is due Friday

Friday, November 14
Vocabulary Notes: Poseidon, Apollo, and Artemis
Read and Chart Poseidon
L/Network – Punctuation: Review homework and complete Pt. B Mixed Review p. 211
Homework: You may wish to begin studying for Major Gods test next Friday, Nov. 21st.
Have a SUPER weekend!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Chapter 9 Study Guide - Ancient Minoans and Mycenaeans

Chapter 9 Study Guide

1. Know the Minoan and Mycenaean natural resources and how they used
the natural resources to better their culture?
2. What effect did being an island civilization have on the Minoans?
3. What role did religion play in the Minoan daily life?
4. What did the Mycenaeans build instead of cities?
5. How are the Minoans different than Mycenaeans?
6. How are the Minoans and Mycenaeans the same?
7. What happened during the Dark Age?
8. Know led to the decline of each civilization.
9. Know the purposes of a legend.
10. Study the Anticipation Guide
11. What new things were learned about the early Greeks from the movie?
12. Study the Section One and Section Two Assessment questions.
13. Know what the Iliad and Odyssey is about.
14. Know who wrote the Iliad and Odyssey and something about him.
15. Study these vocabulary words: legends, Crete, bull leaping, Knossos, frescoes, labyrinth, parchment, shrines, Theseus, Minotaur, megaron, tenants, Homer, Iliad, Odyssey, civil wars, pirate fleets, seafaring, navigate, legacy, economy, Linear A, Linear B, and bard

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of November 3, 2008

Mrs. Alexander Team 6 – 3 - Social Studies Syllabus (Updated after students received syllabus)
Week of November 3, 2008
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
* Beginning this week, we will block our schedule for our 1st through 3rd period core classes only.
*Students will have a Ch. 9 test next Friday, November 14th and they will receive a study guide this week.
*Finally, I’m offering a 10 point extra credit assignment-due Fri. Nov. 7th. Students must read the entire Jr. Scholastic News magazine and complete a given puzzle. Students may not take the magazine home.

Monday, November 3 – Periods 1 and 2 only
Periods 1 and 2 only: Review p. 160 questions
Mock Election; discuss the Electoral College, and finish Election Activity
Homework: None

Tuesday, November 4 – Periods 3 and 1 only
Period 3 only: Review p. 160 questions
Discuss the Electoral College, and finish Election Activity
Homework: None

Period 1 only: Finish reviewing p. 160 questions and Electoral College homework
Watch movie: Ancient Aegeans
Homework: Complete Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey handout – due Friday, Nov. 7th
Begin working on Ch. 9 study guide – due Friday, Nov. 7th

Wednesday, November 5 – Periods 2 and 3 only:
Periods 2 and 3 only: Finish reviewing p. 160 questions and Electoral College homework
Watch movie: Ancient Aegeans
Homework: Complete Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey handout – due Monday, November 10th
Begin working on Ch. 9 study guide – due Monday, November 10th

Thursday, November 6 – Periods 1 and 2 only
Periods 1 and 2 only: Discuss Ancient Aegean movie; begin reading and discussing the Odyssey comic strip
Homework Per 1 only: Finish Ch. 9 study guide- due this Friday, November 7th
Per 2 only: Finish Ch. 9 study guide - due Monday, November 10th

Friday, November 7 –– Periods 3 and 1 only
Period 3 only: Discuss Ancient Aegean movie; begin reading and discussing the Odyssey comic strip
Homework Per 3 only: Study guide is due on Monday, November 10th
Period 1 only: Finish reading the Odyssey; review Iliad and Odyssey handouts, and Ch. 9 study guide
Introduce Comic Strip Project
Homework: Get Comic Strip Project letter signed by a parent or guardian

Reading/Language Arts Syllabus- Week of November 3, 2008

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of November 3, 2008

Important Information:
o Second Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday, November 4. Please be sure to log all of your books and get a parent signature for each book you read. Don’t forget to log Where the Red Fern Grows (you do not need to get a parent signature or answer a log question for in class books).
o Students will have a grammar test on Wednesday, November 5. The test will cover subjects, predicates, run-on sentences, fragments, and capitalization.
o We are beginning a new unit on the Greek Myths this week! We will offer a differentiation option for students next week.
o Students will need a gallon size Ziploc style baggie for our huge Greek Myth books. I will purchase the baggies and students can purchase them from me. They will cost 25-30 cents.
o Students must return their Red Fern books this week in order to receive a Greek Myth book.

Monday, November 3
Spelling Lesson 5: Pre-Test
What Do You Know About the Greek Myths?
Greek Myth Capitalization Practice
Continue Where the Red Fern Grows movie
Homework: Finish your Reading Log- it is due tomorrow! Remember you must have parent signatures. Finish Greek Capitalization handout
Study for your grammar test.

Tuesday, November 4 – October Reading Logs are due today
Introduce Greek Myth Unit and Greek Myth Element Chart
Read Olden Times and Gaea
Complete Element Chart for Gaea
Review for Grammar Test
Continue Where the Red Fern Grows movie
Homework: Study for the grammar test tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 5
Grammar Test
Vocabulary Notes: Titans, Cronus, and Zeus & His Family
Read and Chart Titans and Cronus
Spelling Page 25 Part B
Finish Where the Red Fern Grows movie
Homework: Spelling Master 5A

Thursday, November 6
Vocabulary Notes: Hera and Hephaestus
Read and Chart Zeus & His Family
Spelling Review Game
Homework: Study for your Spelling Test Lesson 5

Friday, November 7 (First Friday: Julian SPIRIT DAY!)
Spelling Lesson 5 Test
Read and Chart Hera and Hephaestus
Vocabulary Notes: Aphrodite and Ares
Read Pleasure Books- start working on next months reading log
Homework: Have a SUPER weekend!!!
Don’t Forget ….The Fall Dance is after school today in the commons from 4-6 P.M.