Monday, October 27, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus Week of October 27, 2008

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus
Week of October 27, 2008
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*On October 30th pictures can be retaken or taken (students will need an envelope) if your child didn’t take pictures in September. In order for the re-take students must bring the original picture packet back to school.
*All students who plan to wear a costume on Halloween must bring a can good to school on Friday to donate to a food pantry. Students will receive a flyer explaining Julian’s Halloween policy, this week.
*All late work is due by next Monday, November 3rd. All Ch. 1 work must be turned in by then. I will not accept anymore Ch. 1 work after next Monday.

Monday, October 27 –
Review definitions completed last week and add legacy to the list definitions
Begin reading and discussing pp. 151-155
Homework: Finish reading pp. 151 – 155, if necessary

Tuesday, October 28 –
In small groups complete Section One Assessment questions on p.155 - # 2- 6
Homework: Finish questions if not completed in class

Wednesday, October 29 –
Review Section One questions
Begin reading and discussing pp. 155 - 160
Homework: Define megaron, tenants, Homer, Iliad, Odyssey, civil wars, pirate fleets, seafaring, and
navigate (add these words to last week’s vocabulary list )

Thursday, October 30 –
Review homework
Finish reading and discussing pp.155–160
Homework: Complete Section 2 Assessment questions – p. 160 # 2-5

Friday, October 31 ––
Review homework
Begin election discussion (to be continued on Monday)
Homework: None

Reading/Language Arts Syllabus Week of October 27, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 27, 2008 (Updated 6:00 P.M. today)

Important Information:
o All students were given a Final Red Fern project last week. Please sign and return the slip by Tuesday. The project will be due on Friday, October 31.
o Students will take a Chapter 12-20 Vocabulary Test on Tuesday, October 28 and a Comprehension Test on the entire novel on Thursday, October 30.
o Red Fern Differentiation: Students received a Tic-Tac-Toe Board containing differentiated activities. Each student selected 3 projects to complete. The final projects are due on Friday, October 31.
o Second Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday, November 4.
o Students will have a grammar test on Wednesday, November 5. The test will cover subjects, predicates, run-on sentences, fragments, and capitalization.
o Remember it is Red Ribbon SPIRIT WEEK! See the following activities below. Say no to DRUGS!

Monday, October 27 (Kick off RRW: Red Day)
Red Fern Project Work Time: Media Center 9th Period
Complete Cloze Vocabulary Review (in back of packet)
Finish Active Reading - Venn Diagram Handout
Homework: Work on Red Fern Projects, Finish Cloze Vocabulary Review Handout
Study for Chapter 12-20 Vocabulary Test tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 28 (Winners Don’t Do Drugs: Sports Team Day)
Language Network Book: Organization and Other Subjects pgs 196-197
Review Cloze Vocabulary Review
Red Fern Chapter 12-20 Vocabulary Test
Chapter 19-20 Comprehension Questions
Capitalization Mixed Review
Homework: Read your pleasure book and work on your reading log- it is due in one week!
Continue working on Final Red Fern Project.

Wednesday, October 29 (Drugs are Wack: Wacky EVERYTHING Day)
8th period - Media Center to Check Out and Return Books
Begin Reading and Marking “Should Kids Hunt?” Article
Grammar in Math
Review Red Fern for Comprehension Test
Homework: Study for Red Fern Comprehension Test (Chapters 1-20). Bring in Field Trip Permission Slip and Money- due tomorrow!

Thursday, October 30 (Friends Don’t Let Friends Do Drugs: Twin Day)
Where the Red Fern Grows Comprehension Test
Continue Marking Socratic Seminar Article “Should Kids Hunt?”
Red Fern Project Work Time
Optional: Begin Presenting Projects if students are ready early
Homework: Finish your Red Fern Project- due tomorrow
Review Socratic Seminar Article for discussion circle tomorrow

Friday, October 31 (Say BOO to Drugs: Costume Day)
Present Final Red Fern Projects (optional)
Socratic Seminar: Should Kids Hunt?
Begin Movie: Where the Red Fern Grows (we’ll finish movie on Monday)
Homework: Have a VERY HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Conference Schedule- October 23, 2008


Sent home with students, October 9, 2008

Below please find your child’s designated conference time. This is a student led portfolio conference; therefore your child must attend this conference with you. Be sure to plan to arrive 15 minutes before conference in order to peruse your child’s portfolio. This notice will be posted on my blog (without last names of course). See you soon.

Thursday Afternoon October 23, 2008

12:35 – 12:50 p.m. Bremen
12:50 – 1:05 p.m. Samatha
1:05 – 1:20 p.m. Daniel
1:25 – 1:40 p.m. Starsha
1:40 – 1:55 p.m. Molly
1:55 – 2:10 p.m. Jeremy
2:10 – 2:25 p.m. Eric
2:25 – 2:40 p.m. Hanna
2:40 – 2:55 p.m. Marcus
2:55 – 3:10 p.m. Jessie
3:10 – 3:25 p.m. Teacher Break
3:25 – 3:40 p.m. _____
3:40 – 3:55 p.m. _____
3:55 – 4:10 p.m. Megan
4:10 – 4:25 p.m. Talmage
4:25 – 4:40 p.m. Kyle
4:40 – 4:55 p.m. Katie
4:55 – 5:10 p.m. Nia

Dinner 5:10 - 5:45 p.m.

Thursday Evening October 23, 2008

5:45 – 6:00 p.m. Charlie
6:00 – 6:15 p.m. Imani
6:15 – 6:30 p.m. William
6:30 – 6:45 p.m. Erin
6:45 – 7:00 p.m. Mackenzie
7:00 – 7:15 p.m. Fiona
7:15 – 7:30 p.m. Emma
7:30 – 7:45 p.m. Nina
7:45 – 8:00 p.m. Brooke

Social Studies Syllabus October 20, 2008

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus
Week of October 20, 2008 (updated today 5:00 P.M.)
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Students will receive their tests back Thursday to put in their portfolio.
*Don’t forget, portfolio conferences will be held on Thursday of this week, with your child’s reading/language arts teacher. Your child must come with you to the conference.
*On October 30th pictures can be retaken or taken (students will need an envelope) if your child didn’t take pictures in September. In order for the re-take students must bring the original picture packet back to school.

Monday, October 20 –
Continue with Legends Activity
Homework: Finish drawing the pictures to add to the Legends chart.

Tuesday, October 21 –
Discuss aspects of culture using resource book: To See a World
Define and give examples of: culture, custom, institution, beliefs, and values
Homework: None

Wednesday, October 22 –
Finish Legends Activity
Introduce Chapter 9- The Greeks
Complete anticipation guide
Begin reading and discussing pp. 151-155
Define the following words: Crete, bull leaping, Knossos, frescoes, labyrinth, parchment, shrines, Theseus, and Minotaur
Homework: Finish defining above vocabulary words-due Thursday

Thursday, October 23 – 1/2 Day – Students dismissed at noon
Review definitions
Finish reading and discussing pp.151–155
Homework: Complete Section One Assessment questions on p.155 - # 2- 6 due Monday Oct. 27th

Friday, October 24 –– P.J. Day/Read-a-Thon - 1/2 Day Students dismissed at noon
No class today due to schedule changes

Reading L/Arts Syllabus October 20, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 20, 2008

Important Information:
o Don’t forget that conferences will be this Thursday, October 23rd. Check my blog if you have forgotten your conference time.
o Students will be dismissed at noon on Thursday and Friday. Students must attend conferences with their parents. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the conference to view your child’s portfolio.
o Differentiated students will get the results of their Where the Red Fern Grows differentiated test today and the Tic-Tac-Toe Board containing differentiated activities. They should still complete the odd comprehension questions and all of the vocabulary activities in the blue Where the Red Fern Grows packet. Packets are due Wednesday, October 22nd and projects are due Friday, October 31st.
o Second Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday, Nov 4th.
o Remember, Spirit Week begins next Monday, October 27th. Wear Red on next Monday.
o Field Trip permission slips and the $12 are due by Friday, October 30th. Cash only please.
o Tests: Ch. 12- 20 Vocabulary Test Oct. 28th and Ch 1 – 20 Comprehension Test Oct. 30th

Monday, October 20
Spelling Pretest – Lesson 4
Word Wall review
Ch 14 & 15 questions
Ch. 16-18 Pre-reading and Vocabulary and read Ch. 16
Review Figurative Speech with Local Flavor handout
Homework: Finish Ch. 14 & 15 questions, if necessary
Spelling Pt. B p. 21

Tuesday, October 21
Spelling: Review homework
Take Word Wall Review Test
Active Reading Ch. 8-14 handout
Read Ch. 17 and 18 and Complete Ch. 16 -18 Vocabulary
Homework: Do Ch. 16 - 18 comprehension questions 1-9
Complete Spelling Master 4B and Reach Out for New Words handout

Wednesday, October 22
6th Grade Assembly: Meteorologist Ginger Zee
Spelling: Review homework
Read Ch. 19
Introduce Red Fern project
Homework: Study for spelling test on Friday
Finish reading Ch. 19, if necessary

Thursday, October 23
No Class/Half Day
Homework: Study for spelling test on Friday
Students may wear P.J.’s on Friday and bring several good books to read. They may bring a healthy snack and one comfort item such as a pillow, stuff animal, blanket, etc.,as well.

Friday, October 24 – Pajama Day and READ-A-THON
Spelling: Take Lesson 4 PostTest
Homework: Remember Spirit Week begins on Monday. Wear Red on Monday

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus October 13, 2008

Mrs. Alexander Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus
Week of October 13, 2008
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Hopefully my students have been studying their study guides one and two for our test on Wednesday, October 15th. Students should also study the last ten vocabulary words given, know all seven continents, four oceans, and know how to use and identify latitude and longitude coordinates.
*Vocabulary quizzes were given to students last Friday, October 1oth.

Monday, October 13 – N0 school- Columbus Day
Homework: Study for test

Tuesday, October 14–
Finish reviewing study guide and all ten definitions that will be on test
Homework: Study for test

Wednesday, October 15 –
Take Test
Read pp. 19 – 21 and define: natural resources, minerals, renewable resources, nonrenewable resources
Homework: Finish reading and defining above terms, if necessary

Thursday, October 16–
Discuss pp. 19 – 21 and complete Natural Resources Graphic Organizer
Homework: Read pp. 22- 24 and define: legend

Friday, October 17–
Legends comparison and contrast activity
Homework: None

Reading/Language Arts Syllabus October 13, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 13th, 2008

Important Information:
o Second Reading Logs will be due on Monday Nov 2nd.
o Students participating in the Where the Red Fern Grows differentiated group must take a test over the first section to show mastery on Thursday October 16th. If they receive a score of 90% or above, they will be assigned a variety of differentiated projects and activities to complete. Students must complete the odd comprehension questions and all of the vocabulary activities in the blue Where the Red Fern Grows packet by Wed October 22nd.
o Students will take a Where the Read Fern Grows Vocabulary Test on Chapters 1-11 Tuesday October 14th. Students were given a list of vocabulary words to study on Friday.
o Remember: Please sign and return bottom portion of the goldenrod team progress report

Monday, October 13
No School!
Columbus Day
Homework: Study for Red Fern vocabulary test

Tuesday, October 14
Capitalization: People and Cultures, Reading Network pp. 186-188
Complete practice and apply People and Cultures p.188
Vocabulary test on chapters 1-11
Read and Discuss Ch. 11
Active Reading Characterize Billy Coleman
Homework: Complete Active Reading and Ch. 11 comprehension questions 5-9

Wednesday, October 15
Capitalization: First Word and Titles pp.189-190
Complete practice and apply First Words and Titles p.191
Word Wall Review paper
Figurative Speech With Local Flavor Sheet
Ch. 12 and 13 Prereading
Read and Discuss Ch. 12
Homework: Read Ch. 13 and complete Ch 12 and 13 Vocabulary Crossword

Thursday, October 16
Media Center to return and check out books -8th period
Review Capitalization of Places and Transportation Reading Network pp. 193-195
Complete practice and apply Places and Transportation p. 195
Red Fern Comprehension Questions Ch 12 and 13
Introduce Chapter 14 and 15 Vocabulary
Homework: Read Ch. 14 and finish Ch. 14 and 15 Vocabulary, if necessary

Friday, October 17
Assembly: Meteorologist, Ginger Zee
If time permits Review Figurative Speech with Local Flavor
Read and Discuss Chapter 15
Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Notes for Social Studies Test- Oct. 15, 2008 (given to students on Friday, Oct. 10th)

1. Scientists believe Pangaea is possible because of scientific evidence found on continents that are not in the in similar regions such as: Similar mountain chains and animal fossils, rocks of the same age, and glacier markings.
2. Scientist believe in the future heat and pressure released from the mantle will cause sea floor spreading at the Mid Atlantic Ridge in the Atlantic Ocean. The continents will move in various directions and as it moves the Atlantic ocean will become wider thus making the Pacific Ocean smaller.
3. Basic Geography Facts:
A. Ural Mountains and the Caspian Sea separate Europe from Asia.
B. Russia is a part of two continents: Europe and Asia.
C. Part of Turkey is on the European continent and the other part is on the Asian continent.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus- October 6, 2008

Mrs. Alexander Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus
Week of October 6, 2008
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*On October 15 students will take a book test covering the concepts for Ch. 1-
Section 1 & 2 from pp. 5 – 18.
*Students were given the first Ch 1 study guide last week and will be given
another study guide for part two this week. It will also be posted on my blog.
*Progress reports go home next Friday, October 1oth.

Monday, October 6 –
Watch movie: Earthquakes and Volcanoes; finish reviewing Part One study guide
Homework: Finish last weeks definitions if necessary

Tuesday, October 7–
Pangaea and Earth’s Crust activity
Homework: Finish activity, if necessary

Wednesday, October 8 –
Define prevailing winds, ocean current, and precipitation
Begin reading and discussing pp. 12 – 15
Homework: None

Thursday, October 9–
Finish reading pp. 15-18; Begin Part two study guide
Homework: None

Friday, October 10–
Small group work: Complete study guide
Homework: Study for next week’s test on pp. 5-18

Social Studies-Chapter 1 Study Guide- Part 2

Ch. 1 Study Guide - Part 2 pp. 12 – 18
Complete each question in the space provided. If you need more space use the back of this paper. Be sure to keep this paper to use as a study guide for your test Wednesday, October 15th.

1. Give one example how wind erosion has helped people.

2. Give one example how wind erosion has not helped people.

3. How have glaciers affect humans in the past?

4. How have glaciers affected physical geography of the earth in the past?

5. Specifically explain how landforms determined where people would live.

6. Specifically explain how landforms have affected the way nations set up their governments.

7. Why did early civilizations prefer to settle near waterways?

8. Explain the difference between climate and weather?

9. Tell three things that determine (or shape) our climate? Be sure to explain how each of these things
affect our climate.



Ch. 1 Study Guide - Part 2 pp. 12 – 18 (Continued)

10. How can a place’s latitude help you predict temperatures in that region?

11. Why did the ancient Incan’s prefer to settle in the Andes Mountains in Peru instead of
living along the Pacific coast?

12. How do mountains affect precipitation?

13. What has the lack of warm water ports and harbors caused Russia to do in the past?
(Be sure to explain)

Reading Language Arts Syllabus- October 6, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 6, 2008 - Modified Oct. 7th

Important Information: Syllabus has been modified from student copy. Changes are bolded.
• Students who have turned in their Seedfolks novel will be assigned a Red Fern novel on Monday, 10/6. It is very important that students do not read ahead. At the end of the week we will introduce a differentiated read ahead activity for eligible students who are interested.
• Students will have a quick comprehension quiz over chapters 1-7 on Wednesday, October 8.
• The day after Columbus Day, October 14th, students will take a Chapter 1-11 Vocabulary Test
• Don’t forget that conferences are on Thursday, October 23. Students will be given a copy of the conference schedule by Wednesday of this week.
• I am still missing many reading logs. Students may still turn them in for late credit.
• Mid-term progress reports will be sent home with students on Friday, Oct. 10th. Do not return the progress report. Please cut, sign, and the bottom of the goldenrod Team 6-3 Progress report sheet instead.
• Remember schools will be closed on Monday, October 13th due to Columbus Day

Monday, October 6
Spelling Pre-Test: Lesson 3
Read and Discuss Chapter 5
Review Chapter 4-5 Vocabulary
Chapter 4-5 Comprehension Questions #5-8
Introduce Chapter 6-7 Vocabulary Words
Homework: Read Chapter 6

Tuesday, October 7
Read and Discuss Chapter 7
Chapter 6-7 Comprehension Questions
Complete Chapter 6-7 Vocabulary
Homework: Finish reading Ch. 7 and complete Ch. 6 & 7 questions
Study for Chapter 1-7 Red Fern Quiz

Wednesday, October 8
Introduce Word Wall # 4
Spelling Page 17 Part A
Quick Quiz: Red Fern Comprehension Chapters 1-7
Complete Chapter 8-9 Vocabulary
Read Chapter 8
Homework: Finish Class work, if necessary.

Thursday: October 9
Chapter 8 Comprehension Questions #1-5
Introduce Chapter 10- 11 Vocabulary Words
Read and Discuss Chapter 9
Spelling Master 3A
Homework: Study for Spelling Test Lesson 3
Finish Word wall handout-due Friday

Friday, October 10
Introduce Differentiated Read Ahead Assignment
Spelling Test: Lesson 3
Review Word Wall handout # 4
Read and Discuss Chapter 10
Chapter 9-10 Comprehension Questions and Vocabulary