Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 21, 2008

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 21, 2008
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Last week’s test will be returned by Thursday but I will need to keep it at school. I plan like to keep it for your child’s conference portfolio. Students should copy his/her grade in their planner.
*As a reminder, there will be another Newsbowl current events activity next week. My students appeared to really enjoy last week’s Newsbowl activity. They should continue to follow notable news topics from this week’s news in order to be prepared for our next Newsbowl activity. You may preview the Newsbowl website at: www.newsbowl.com
*Students wishing to participate in the Newsbowl competition will meet with me during lunch on Wednesday. They should bring an article pertaining to their area of expertise to use as a review for our competition.

Monday, January 21– No school

Tuesday, January 22–
Discuss MLK holiday
Begin to review homework
Homework: Ch. 14-Reteaching Activity handout p. 18

Wednesday, January 23–
Define: veto, legion, legionaries, and maniple
Review homework
Read and discuss pp. 221-222
Homework: Complete Section 2 Questions p. 222 (# 2 - 5)

Thursday, January 24–
Define: latifundias, typhus, and publicans
Review homework
Begin to read and discuss pp. 222-224
Homework: Complete Rome Word Search handout

Friday, January 25–
Finish reading pp. 222-224
In groups, complete Section 3 questions pp. 224 (# 1 – 5)
Homework: Finish Section 3 questions, if necessary

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