Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Language Arts and Reading Syllabus - Week of January 21, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 21, 2008

Important Information:
o Our fifth reading Log is due on Wednesday, February 6.
o The final draft of the Legend/Folktale is due on Thursday, Jan 24.
o Student will take a Folktale test on Thursday, January 24.
o Conference Sign-Up sheets were sent home with progress reports on Thursday, January 16.
o Please be sure to return the signed progress report and conference form.
o I apologize, because unfortunately we didn’t have the opportunity to take our spelling test last Friday. We’ll take it this Friday unless the children vote to take it on Tuesday.
o Due to our packed schedule we won’t have Word Wall again this week.

Monday, January 21
No School
Homework: None

Tuesday, January 22
Introduce Catherine, Sly Country Lass
Punctuating Quotations Handout- page 169
Creating an Ad: Use exaggerated language to advertisement a common object or place to make it sound extraordinary! Your ad must be neatly done and use color.
Homework: Finish Ad

Wednesday, January 23
Read Catherine, Sly Country Lass
Events and Plot of Catherine, Sly Country Lass
Sequence of Events for Catherine, Sly Country Lass
Pairs of Objects
Review for Folktale Test
Homework: Language Network: page 217 part B (bottom). Finish your final draft.

Thursday, January 24
Legend/Folktale Final Draft is due.
Folktale Test
Review Grammar Homework
Punctuating Quotations Handout- page 171
Homework: None

Friday, January 25
Take Spelling Post test for Lesson 7
Semicolons and Colons- page 172
Introduce Theodore Taylor
Discuss Theme
Review Map of the Caribbean
The Cay Prediction
Homework: Have a SUPER weekend!

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