Monday, January 7, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 7, 2008

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 7, 2008
Blog Website:
Hello Parents and Guardians:
*The sixth grade round of the Geography Bee will be held this week. Cameron will represent our team. Good luck, Cameron.
*Students wishing to participate in the Newsbowl competition will meet with me during lunch on Tuesday. We will look at the material and discuss a time for us to meet, every week, in order to prepare for the competition. Interested students will receive a letter by Friday.
*Starting next week, all my classes will participate in a Newsbowl current events activity. This will be done every other week. I would like for my students to begin finding notable information regarding national, world, family, society, sports, arts, & entertainment news for this week only. The Newsbowl questions given next week will be about this week’s news. You may preview the Newsbowl website at: I have told my students not to focus on the Chicago news instead read the Tribune Newspaper, Newsweek, Time Magazine, U.S. News Magazine, etc. in order to locate current events from this week's news.

Monday, January 7–
Introduce Ch 13; read and discuss pp. 209-210
Define: Aeneas, Palatine, Latins
Homework: Do Section 1 Assessment p. 210 - questions # 2-5 –due Tuesday

Tuesday, January 8–
Review homework
Begin reading and discussing pp. 210-214
Homework: Define Vocabulary pp. 210-214- Etruscans, social order, soothsayers, omens, catacombs, necropolis
Complete Romulus and Remus handout

Wednesday, January 9–
Finish reading pp. 210-214 and take notes
Homework: Complete Roman god’s handout

Thursday, January 10–
Review homework
In groups, complete handout of Ch. 13 questions
Homework: Finish questions, if necessary

Friday, January 11–
Review questions
Homework: None

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