Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 28, 2008

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 28, 2008
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Students will take a test on Ch. 14 next week. They will take a separate vocabulary and concept test. The vocabulary test will be on Monday and the concept test will be Wednesday or Thursday. They should study all the vocabulary words given on the syllabi. I will prepare a study guide which will be given to the students by Thursday.
*I apologize for not returning the tests to the students, yet. They should have it by Tuesday. I will need to keep it at school in order to place it in you child’s conference portfolio. Students should copy his/her grade in their planner.
*Students wishing to participate in the Newsbowl competition will meet with me during lunch on Tuesday, this week. They should bring an article pertaining to their area of expertise, in order to be prepared for the competition in March.

Monday, January 28–
Finish Punic War Poster
Begin Section 3 questions pp. 224 # 1-4 (because I changed the assignment and canceled last Friday’s homewk)
Homework: Finish Section 3 questions, if necessary

Tuesday, January 29–
Review homework
Read and discuss pp.224-226 and begin note taking
Homework: None

Wednesday, January 30–
Define: dictator, booty, triumvirate, ritual
Finish note taking and begin reading pp. 227-230
Homework: None

Thursday, January 31– Stuffing Day
Finish reading and discussing pp. 227-230
Complete “Leaders of Roman Republic” handout
Homework: Finish handout, if necessary

Friday, February 1–
Review “Leaders of Roman Republic” handout
Homework: Study for vocabulary test on Monday

Language Arts and Reading Syllabus - Week of January 28, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 28, 2008
email: jalexander@op97.org

• Conference confirmations will be coming home this week
• We are still in need of Kleenex tissues. Please send a box if you haven’t already done so
• Our fifth reading log is due on Wednesday, February 6
• If your child has not turned in his/her Ziploc style baggie, one is needed by Thurs.

Monday, January 28
Chapter 1-3 vocabulary
Discuss tone and setting
Read Ch. 1 and do comprehension questions
Spelling Pretest Lesson 11 and discuss rule
Homework: Pt B: Writing bottom of p. 51

Tuesday, January 29
Discuss and read Ch. 2 and do comprehension questions
Review spelling homework and do Pt. B: Writing – bottom of p. 53
Discuss topic sentences and complete “Writing a Topic Sentence” handout
Homework: Finish Spelling Pt. B p. 53, if necessary
Complete Writing a Topic Sentence handout

Wednesday, January 30
Discuss and read Ch. 3
Complete comprehension questions
Review spelling homework
Review writing homework and complete “Writing Supporting Details” handout
Homework: Complete “What is a Paragraph” handout

Thursday, January 31
Chapter 4-5 vocabulary
Discuss and read Ch. 4
Discuss and identify conflicts in story
Review for spelling test
Homework: Read Ch. 5
Study for spelling test

Friday, February 1
Do Ch. 4-5 comprehension questions
Summary of Ch. 1-5 and make prediction
Discuss and Read Ch. 6
Take spelling post test
Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 21, 2008

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 21, 2008
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Last week’s test will be returned by Thursday but I will need to keep it at school. I plan like to keep it for your child’s conference portfolio. Students should copy his/her grade in their planner.
*As a reminder, there will be another Newsbowl current events activity next week. My students appeared to really enjoy last week’s Newsbowl activity. They should continue to follow notable news topics from this week’s news in order to be prepared for our next Newsbowl activity. You may preview the Newsbowl website at: www.newsbowl.com
*Students wishing to participate in the Newsbowl competition will meet with me during lunch on Wednesday. They should bring an article pertaining to their area of expertise to use as a review for our competition.

Monday, January 21– No school

Tuesday, January 22–
Discuss MLK holiday
Begin to review homework
Homework: Ch. 14-Reteaching Activity handout p. 18

Wednesday, January 23–
Define: veto, legion, legionaries, and maniple
Review homework
Read and discuss pp. 221-222
Homework: Complete Section 2 Questions p. 222 (# 2 - 5)

Thursday, January 24–
Define: latifundias, typhus, and publicans
Review homework
Begin to read and discuss pp. 222-224
Homework: Complete Rome Word Search handout

Friday, January 25–
Finish reading pp. 222-224
In groups, complete Section 3 questions pp. 224 (# 1 – 5)
Homework: Finish Section 3 questions, if necessary

Language Arts and Reading Syllabus - Week of January 21, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 21, 2008

Important Information:
o Our fifth reading Log is due on Wednesday, February 6.
o The final draft of the Legend/Folktale is due on Thursday, Jan 24.
o Student will take a Folktale test on Thursday, January 24.
o Conference Sign-Up sheets were sent home with progress reports on Thursday, January 16.
o Please be sure to return the signed progress report and conference form.
o I apologize, because unfortunately we didn’t have the opportunity to take our spelling test last Friday. We’ll take it this Friday unless the children vote to take it on Tuesday.
o Due to our packed schedule we won’t have Word Wall again this week.

Monday, January 21
No School
Homework: None

Tuesday, January 22
Introduce Catherine, Sly Country Lass
Punctuating Quotations Handout- page 169
Creating an Ad: Use exaggerated language to advertisement a common object or place to make it sound extraordinary! Your ad must be neatly done and use color.
Homework: Finish Ad

Wednesday, January 23
Read Catherine, Sly Country Lass
Events and Plot of Catherine, Sly Country Lass
Sequence of Events for Catherine, Sly Country Lass
Pairs of Objects
Review for Folktale Test
Homework: Language Network: page 217 part B (bottom). Finish your final draft.

Thursday, January 24
Legend/Folktale Final Draft is due.
Folktale Test
Review Grammar Homework
Punctuating Quotations Handout- page 171
Homework: None

Friday, January 25
Take Spelling Post test for Lesson 7
Semicolons and Colons- page 172
Introduce Theodore Taylor
Discuss Theme
Review Map of the Caribbean
The Cay Prediction
Homework: Have a SUPER weekend!

Language Arts and Reading Syllabus - Week of January 14, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 14, 2008

Important Information:
o Our fifth Reading Log is due on Wednesday, February 6.
o Students began writing their own Folktale/Legend last week.
o The Folktale prewriting worksheet is due on Tuesday, Jan 15.
o The rough draft if due on Thursday, Jan 17.
o The final paper is due on Thursday, Jan 24.
o We will have a Folktales reading test on Jan. 31.
o Midterm Progress Reports will be sent home on Thursday, Jan 17. Please sign and return progress report. It will be returned that same day.
o Reminder- Students do not have school on Friday, January 18 or Monday, January 21.

Monday, January 14
Spelling Lesson 10 Pretest
Review Lesson 10 Spelling Rule
Introduce Brer Rabbit and Brer Cooter Race
Media Center to Return and Check Out Books
Homework: Spelling Part A page 27.
Finish Legend Prewriting- due tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 15
Spelling Master 10A
Define: Brer, Pinders, Piazza, and Laughingstock
Read Brer Rabbit and Brer Cooter Race
Discuss lesson of Brer Rabbit and Brer Cooter Race
Homework: None

Wednesday, January 16
Introduce Old Plott
Old Plott Vocabulary
Read Old Plott (pg 436)
Review for Spelling Test
Homework: Study for Spelling Test
Finish Rough Draft of Legend (remember the rough draft must be typed)

Thursday, January 17
Spelling Lesson 10 Test
Old Plott Thinking and Discussing pg 449
Old Plott Cause and Effect
Legend/Folktale Peer Edits
Homework: HAVE A FANTASTIC LONG WEEKEND! I will see you on Tuesday!
Be sure to work on your Legend Final Draft – due Thurs. January 24
Get progress report signed- due Monday

Friday, January 18 - No School: Institute Day

Monday, January 21 - No School: MLK, Jr. Holiday

Monday, January 14, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of January 14, 2008

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 14, 2008
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Hello Parents and Guardians:
*We will have a test on Thursday, Jan 17th. I informed my students last Friday. Students should review pp. 208-216 & study all the materials given them last week including: the Ch. 13 handouts, Roman gods sheet, the vocabulary, names of major rivers, seas, and mountains near Rome.
*Our first Newsbowl current events activity will be held on Tuesday. This will be done every other week. The following topics will be covered from notable news items from last week: national, world, sports,
family & society, arts & entertainment, and miscellaneous news. You may preview the Newsbowl website at: www.newsbowl.com
*Students wishing to participate in the Newsbowl competition will meet with me during lunch on Tuesday. I gave them a copy of the Newsbowl questions to answer. Many students did not turn them in. They are due by Tuesday.
*I will have a test review session on Wednesday during lunchtime.

Monday, January 14–
Read and discuss pp. 215 - 216
Define: forum, gladiatorial, triumph, fasces, municipal, and mundus
Homework: Map of Early Rome

Tuesday, January 15–
Review homework
Newsbowl activity
Homework: Ch. 13 handout p. 17

Wednesday, January 16– Test review session today at lunch
Review homework and for test on Thursday
Homework: Study for test on Thursday

Thursday, January 17–
Take Test
Introduce Ch. 14
Define: republic, patricians, plebeians, consuls, veto, and tribunes
Homework: Read pp. all of 219 – 220 and answer section 1questions on p. 220 (# 2 -4)

Friday, January 18– No School due to Institute Day
Remember, we have no school on Monday, Jan. 21, due to the MLK, Jr. holiday.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 7, 2008

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 7, 2008
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Hello Parents and Guardians:
*The sixth grade round of the Geography Bee will be held this week. Cameron will represent our team. Good luck, Cameron.
*Students wishing to participate in the Newsbowl competition will meet with me during lunch on Tuesday. We will look at the material and discuss a time for us to meet, every week, in order to prepare for the competition. Interested students will receive a letter by Friday.
*Starting next week, all my classes will participate in a Newsbowl current events activity. This will be done every other week. I would like for my students to begin finding notable information regarding national, world, family, society, sports, arts, & entertainment news for this week only. The Newsbowl questions given next week will be about this week’s news. You may preview the Newsbowl website at: www.newsbowl.com. I have told my students not to focus on the Chicago news instead read the Tribune Newspaper, Newsweek, Time Magazine, U.S. News Magazine, etc. in order to locate current events from this week's news.

Monday, January 7–
Introduce Ch 13; read and discuss pp. 209-210
Define: Aeneas, Palatine, Latins
Homework: Do Section 1 Assessment p. 210 - questions # 2-5 –due Tuesday

Tuesday, January 8–
Review homework
Begin reading and discussing pp. 210-214
Homework: Define Vocabulary pp. 210-214- Etruscans, social order, soothsayers, omens, catacombs, necropolis
Complete Romulus and Remus handout

Wednesday, January 9–
Finish reading pp. 210-214 and take notes
Homework: Complete Roman god’s handout

Thursday, January 10–
Review homework
In groups, complete handout of Ch. 13 questions
Homework: Finish questions, if necessary

Friday, January 11–
Review questions
Homework: None

Language Arts/Reading Syllabus: Week of January 7, 2008

Team 6-3 – Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 7, 2008
Important Information:
o Our fourth reading Log is due on Wednesday, January 9.
o We will begin a Folk Tales unit this week. During this unit, students will write their own folktale or legend. The prewriting is due on Tuesday, Jan 15, the rough draft if due on Thursday, Jan 17, and the final paper is due on Thursday, Jan 24. Students will get all requirements and rubrics at the end of the week.
o We are desperately in need of Kleenex tissues. If you have a spare box please send us one. Thank you.

Monday, January 7
Read and Mark Article for Socratic Seminar: Should Kids Hunt?
Begin watching Where the Red Fern Grows and complete double column activity

Homework: Write two high level questions or two discussion statements for our Socratic Seminar

Tuesday, January 8
Word Wall Review – Complete two puzzles due Thursday
Finish watching Where the Red Fern Grows
Socratic Seminar: Should Kids Hunt?

Homework: Finish Reading Log- be sure to get parent signatures

Wednesday, January 9
Commas: Dates, Addresses, Letters pgs 212 – 213
Complete Practice and Apply – Top Pt. A and B pg 213
Respect Journal
The Very Angry Ghost Vocabulary
Read The Very Angry Ghost

Homework: Handout – Commas: Dates, Addresses, and Letters p. 166

Thursday, January 10
Review Comma Homework
Angry Ghost Story Map
Angry Ghost Discussion Questions and Vocabulary Practice
Introduce Lazy Fox- Moral of the Story
Read Lazy Fox

Homework: None

Friday, January 11
Word Wall Review Test
Discuss the Irony in Lazy Fox
Lazy Fox Discussion Questions
Introduce Folktale/Legend Writing Assignment
Work on Prewriting- due on Tuesday

Homework: Have a great weekend! Work on Legend Prewriting.