Monday, November 12, 2007

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of Nov. 12 - Nov 20, 2007

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of Nov. 12 - 20, 2007
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*There will be a test covering Ch 10, on Nov. 20th. If your child will not be at school that week
he/she may take the test before leaving for vacation. Please let me know if your child will
need to take the test early.
*Some students have not completed their comic strips. The last day I will accept them will be
on Wednesday.
*If your child has a new textbook at home and the pages seem to fall out, please let me know
a.s.a. p. We plan to order replacement textbooks.
*All late social studies work is due by Friday, Nov. 16th. No exceptions.

Monday, November 12– Block Schedule Week – Periods 1 and 2 only
Read pp. 168-171; Finish movie; In groups, begin to answer guided reading questions # 1& 2
Homework: Define- Assembly, constitution, oligarchy, democratic, magistrates, Council of
Five Hundred
Finish Questions 1 & 2, if necessary

Tuesday, November 13– Block Schedule Week – Periods 1 and 3 only
Per 1: Review guided reading questions #1 & 2; read pp. 171-173; Finish map & review
Homework: Answer guided reading questions # 3-7

Per 3: Read pp. 168-171; Finish movie; In groups, begin to answer guided reading questions # 1 - 2
Homework: Define- Assembly, constitution, oligarchy, democratic, magistrates,
Council of Five Hundred
Finish Questions 1 & 2, if necessary

Wednesday, November 14– Block Schedule Week – Periods 2 and 3 only
Per 2 & 3: Review guided reading questions #1 & 2; read pp. 171-173; Finish map
Homework: Answer guided reading questions # 3-7
Study for test on next Tuesday, Nov. 20th

Thursday, November 15– Block Schedule Week – Periods 1 and 2 only
Per 1 & 2: Read and discuss pp. 173 – top of 175; in groups, discuss Spartan &Athenian governments and complete handout. Complete and discuss Venn diagram comparing and contrasting Athenian and U.S. governments; work on the guided reading questions.
Homework: Finish rest of the guided reading questions; define triremes, defensive league,
and mercenaries
Study for test on next Tuesday, Nov. 20th

Friday, November 16 – Block Schedule Week – Periods 1 and 3 only
Per 1: Review guided reading questions & review for test on Tuesday.
Homework: Study for test on next Tuesday, Nov. 20th

Per 3: Read and discuss pp. 173 – top of 175; in groups, discuss Spartan &Athenian governments and complete handout. Complete and discuss Venn diagram comparing and contrasting Athenian and U.S. governments; the guided reading questions.
Homework: Finish rest of the guided reading questions; define triremes, defensive league,
and mercenaries
Study for test on next Tuesday, Nov. 20th

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of Nov. 19 - 20, 2007
Blog Website:

Monday, November 19– Block Schedule Week – Periods 2 and 3 only
Review study guide questions & review for test on Tuesday.
Homework: Study for test on Tuesday

Tuesday, November 20– Normal Schedule
Per 1: Take test
Homework: None! Enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday! See you Monday, Nov. 26th.

Wednesday, November 21 – No School due to Institute Day


Study Guide: Be sure to study the following for test on Chapter 10- pp. 163-176:

1. All the vocabulary words: polis, acropolis, agora, aristocrats, ephors, artisans, Council
of Elders, helots, perioeci, Assembly, constitution, oligarchy, democratic, magistrates, Council of Five Hundred, triremes, defensive league, mercenaries,
2. Chapter 10 Guided Reading questions- pp.168 -176
3. Spartan notes and their government hierarchy handout
4. Similarities and differences of Sparta and Athens
5. The responsibilities for good citizenship
6. The Battle of Marathon
7. The Battle of Thermopylae
8. The Delian League
9. How the Peloponnesian War began and ended
10. Women rights in Sparta and Athens
11. Who Pericles was
12. Decline of Athens
13. Greek values
14. Anticipation Guide

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