Monday, November 5, 2007

Greek Comic Strip Project, Rubric, & Necessary events

Social Studies- Mrs. Alexander Team 6-3
Comic Strip Project

Using 8 or more appropriately sized frames, you are expected to create a comic strip containing detailed illustrations depicting the main points of Homer's Odyssey, as read in class. Your comic strip should tell a story from beginning to end. This is your chance to be creative, so have some fun. The comic strip will be worth 26 points.
Would you prefer an enrichment assignment? You have two choices. Only choose one. You must site your sources on the back of your comic strip.
1. The Odyssey read in class did not include all of the journeys and obstacles Odysseus’ faced. Do some research on your own to find out what was missing from our in class reading. Then create a comic that explains all of his challenges.
2. Instead of illustrating the Odyssey, do some additional research to create a comic strip depicting the main points of Homer’s Iliad which covers the Trojan War.
Be sure to include the following in your comic strip:
*Put name, period, and date, at the top of the paper.
*Create a clever title. Do not use "The Odyssey" or "The Iliad" as the title.
*Each frame must depict an important event from the Odyssey or Iliad.
*Captions and/or dialogue should be clearly explained.
*The drawings should be interesting and appropriate.
*The drawings, etc. must be colored appropriately.
*The comic strip and/or writing must be neatly presented.
* Be sure to edit for grammatical errors.
*All drawings should be done with care and contain no stick figures.
*If pencil is used, trace over all pencil with a thin marker, black, or gray colored
pencil. Remember each frame and figure must be colored.
*Pen should not be used on the drawings.
*Although, you may use pen when writing the captions. Do not write the captions in pencil.

In addition to the above, students not doing the enrichment assingnment must include the following events in their comic strip:
1. Odysseus leaving Troy
2. Odysseus’ ship blown off course
3. The crew land on the island with the Cyclopes
4. Tell what happened on the Cyclope island
5. Tell how the crew end up at Circe’s island
6. Explain what happened on Circe’s island
7. Tell what happened when they came near the Sirens
8. Explailn the Charbidis and Scylla event
9. Explain what happened when Odyssess met Calypso
10. Tell what happened when Odysseus returned home

----------------Please clip and return to Ms. Alexander, only if you plan to do the enrichment assignment-------------------

Student Name_______________________________________________ Per. _____________

______I plan to do the enrichment assignment. My enrichment choice is _____________________


Parent Signature_________________________________________________Date_________________________

Greek Comic Strip Assessment (worth 26 points)
2 points = Yes 1 point = Somewhat 0 = No
_____Put name, period, and date on comic strip.
_____Created a clever title. (Did not use "The Odyssey" or "The Iliad" as the title.)

3pts. = Well done 2pts. = Satisfactory 1pts = Incomplete or Needs Improvement
_____Each frame explained an important event from the Odyssey or Iliad.
_____Captions and/or dialogue were clearly explained.
_____Drawings were interesting and appropriate.
_____Drawings, etc., were appropriately colored.
_____Drawings were done with care and contained no stick figures
_____The comic strip and/or writing was neatly presented.
_____There were no more than two grammatical errors.
_____Comic Strip turned in by due date. (worth one point)
_____Total Points earned out of 26 points

Enrichment Assessment- Greek Comic Strip (worth 28 points)
2 points = Yes 1 point = Somewhat 0 = No
_____Put name, period, and date on comic strip.
_____Created a clever title. (Did not use "The Odyssey" or "The Iliad" as the title.)
_____Student cited all research sources used to create the comic strip

3pts. = Well done 2pts. = Satisfactory 1pts = Incomplete or Needs Improvement
_____Each frame explained an important event from the Odyssey or Iliad.
_____Captions and/or dialogue were clearly explained.
_____Drawings were interesting and appropriate.
_____Drawings, etc., were appropriately colored.
_____Drawings were done with care and contained no stick figures
_____The comic strip and/or writing was neatly presented.
_____There were no more than two grammatical errors.
_____Comic Strip turned in by due date. (worth one point)
_____Total Points earned out of 28 points

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