Monday, November 5, 2007

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of Nov. 5, 2007

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of Nov. 5, 2007
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Students received information about a comic strip project, last week. It is due Nov. 8th. Many students have not gotten the letter signed and/or shown me a draft. It is due a.s.a. p.
*Some of the new textbooks have perforated pages that do not stay intact. If your child’s home textbook is having this problem please jot a short note at the bottom of this syllabus.
*There will be a test covering Ch 10, on Nov. 20th, right before the Thanksgiving holiday. If your child will not be at school that week he/she may take the test before leaving for vacation.
*Students will receive their Ch. 9 social studies test on Wednesday. This time, I only want the test signed by a parent if the student earn a C or lower on the test.

Monday, November 5–
Review Section 1 homework questions # 2-4 and complete # 5 in class
Work on Comic Strip or begin homework
Homework: Define: aristocrats, ephors, artisans, Council of Elders, helots, perioeci
Work on Comic Strip project-Due Nov. 8th

Tuesday, November 6–
In groups, read and discuss pp. 164-166 (Intro to Sparta and Aristocrats, Helots, & Perioeci section)
Complete a Spartan government & social order hierarchy
Homework: Work on Comic Strip project-Due Nov. 8th

Wednesday, November 7–
Read pp. 166-167 (Spartan Way of Life section)
Complete guided notes
Homework: Finish Comic Strip - DueThurs.

Thursday, November 8–
Share comic strip project
Begin Map of Greek city-states
Homework: Finish Map

Friday, November 9 –
Introduce Athens
Watch movie
Homework: None!

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