Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of November 26, 2007

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of Nov. 26, 2007
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Students received information about our upcoming field trip, last week. Our trip is on Thursday, Nov. 29th. Permissions slips and money are due by Tuesday. I will post a permission slip on my blog on Monday. Sorry, but we cannot accept checks. Be sure to let us know immediately if you need assistance with paying for the trip, because we would like all of our students to attend this field trip.
*Some of the new textbooks have perforated pages that do not stay intact. If your child’s home textbook is having this problem please jot a short note at the bottom of this syllabus.
* I plan to introduce our last Greek project, “Greek Connections,” on Friday.

Monday, November 26–
Introduce Ch. 11- in groups, read and discuss pp. 178-185
Continue to create list of Greek connections in our present day society
Answer Section 1 questions on p. 185 # 2-5
Homework: Finish questions, if necessary and define: oracles, prophecy, pancratium, pentathlon, soliloquy, tragedies, comedy - Due Wednesday

Tuesday, November 27–
At media center, research Greek architecture in the U.S., etc.
Complete handout
Homework: Finish Greek architecture handout, if necessary

Wednesday, November 28–
Review Monday’s homework
Begin to read and discuss pp. 185-190
Continue to create list of Greek connections in our present day society
Homework- Define: intellect, philosophia, philosophers, Socratic method, political science, classify, scientific method, hypothesis, logic, syllogism- Due Friday

Thursday, November 29–
Field trip to Greek Town
Homework: Finish definitions – due Friday

Friday, November 30 –
Finish reading and discussing pp. 185 -190
Continue to create list of Greek connections in our present day society
Homework: Choose a Greek Connection topic for upcoming project- Topic is due

Greek Field Trip- November 29, 2007 - Permission Slip

Hellenic Museum and Restaruant Field Trip

On Thursday, November 29, 2007, we’ll visit Greek Town to tour the Hellenic Museum and enjoy a delicious meal at the Parthenon Restaurant. The cost will be $20.00 per child. It will cost $10 for the bus and museum and $10 for the restaurant. If your child does not wish to eat at the restaurant then he/she should plan to bring a lunch and only pay $10. Please let us know if you are available to chaperone our trip. Chaperones only have to pay $10.00 for the meal if they wish to eat at the restarurant. All money is due by Tues. Nov. 27th.Please send cash only. Thank you.
9:30 A.M. Board bus
10:00-11:30 A.M. Hellenic Museum at 801 W. Adams
11:45 A.M. Lunch at the Parthenon Restaurant at 314 S. Halsted
12:45 P.M. Board buses to return back to school.
1:30 P.M. Arrive back at school. Students will go to their 7th period class and finish the rest of their school day.

-----------------------Clip and return to your reading teacher-------------------
I give permission for my child ______________________________to attend the field trip to Greek Town with team 6-3 on Thursday, November 29, 2007. My child understands that all school rules and regulations still apply for him/her while on this trip. Violations could result in him/her not being allowed to go on future trips. The cost of the trip is $20.00.
Does your child have any food restrictions? Please explain or write your comments here: _______________________________________________________________

Parent Signature_____________________________________
Phone number where you can be reached during our field trip hours: ________________________________________________________

Will your child need to take any medications along with him/her?(circle one) yes or no
What medications?________________________________________

___ Yes. I will be able to chaperone the trip.
Parent Name___________________________________________________

Email___________________________Phone #:_____________________

Language Arts/Reading Syllabus: Week of Nov 26, 2007

Team 6-3 Ms. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of November 26, 2007

Important Information:
o Permission slips for our upcoming trip to Greek Town on Nov. 29th , were sent home last week. Money and permissions slips will be collected by your child’s reading teacher. It is due by Tuesday. Please send cash only.
o Our third reading Log is due on Friday, November 30th. Remember, if your child wants to include the Greek Myth book he/she must read the entire book.
o We will begin a new novel, Where the Red Fern Grows, this week. Students will be given a blue Red Fern packet to complete as indicated below. I am recommending that each child put the packet in a separate folder that has fasteners, for safekeeping. Finally, please do not encourage your child to read ahead of our class due to certain prediction activities. You will be notified about enrichment opportunities at a later date.
o We are beginning our new marking period this week. Report cards go home Dec. 7th.
o If you haven’t given us your email address or it has changed, please write it at the bottom of this syllabus.

Monday, November 26
Reading: Introduce author and new novel, Where the Red Fern Grows
Make a prediction and discuss vocabulary for Ch. 1; Introduce Word Wall Words
Finish Hercules Movie
Homework: Reading- Begin Word Wall handout- due Thursday

Tuesday, November 27
Reading: Pre-reading discussion, read, and discuss Ch. 1
Grammar: L/Network book- Punctuation- “Periods and End Marks” pp 206-207; Take notes
Homework: Reading – Ch. 1 odd questions #’s 1, 3, 5, and 7
Grammar – L/Network book- Do Pt A – top of p. 208, if necessary

Wednesday, November 28
Reading: Review homework, figurative language handout
Introduce Ch. 2 vocabulary, read, and discuss Ch. 2
Grammar: L/Network book- Pt. B Bottom of p. 208
Review rules- “Commas in sentences” pp. 209-211 begin Pt. A top of p. 211
Homework: Reading- Finish reading Ch. 2 & odd questions # 1 - 7
Finish Word Wall handout

Thursday, November 29
Reading: Review homework, read and discuss Ch. 3; begin odd questions # 9-13 and finish vocabulary; Review word wall handout
Grammar: L/Network book- Finish Pt. A top of 211 and discuss
Homework: Reading- Finish Ch. 3 questions, if necessary
Study for Word Wall test on Friday
Reading Logs due Friday

Friday, November 30
Reading: Take Word Wall test; Ch. 4 Pre-reading, read, and discuss Ch. 4
Complete questions # 1-4
Grammar: L/Network book- Do Pt. B – bottom of p. 211
Homework: None

Monday, November 12, 2007

Social Studies - Ch. 10 Guided Reading Questions pp. 168 - 176

Social Studies – Chapter 10 Guided Reading Questions pp. 168 - 176
Answer each question thoroughly and use this as an additional study tool

1. Explain what these two leaders did as reformers of the Athenian government.
A. Draco

B. Peisistratus

2. Compare the details of Solon’s constitution and Cleistrienes constitution.
Solon’s Constitution Cleisthene’s Constitution

3. Why did Darius of Persia begin a series of wars against the Greeks?

4. Describe how the Athenians were able to win the battle at Marathon. (Tell 2-3 events.)

5. Why did Sparta and other city-states decide to help Athens fight the Persians?

6. Tell 3-4 main events involving Xerxes’ army and the Greeks at the battle at Thermopylae.

7. Explain how the Greeks were finally able to win the war against the Persians.

8. Explain how the Delian League led Athens to eventually have a powerful empire.

9. Tell 2 or more things Pericles accomplished in Athens.

8. What were the causes and effects of the Peloponnesian War? (Make a list of 2-3 main things)

10. List two (or more) events that caused the decline of Athens’s powerful influence.

11. On pp. 175-176 explain what led to the fall of the Greek city-states. (Tell 2 or more things)

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of Nov. 12 - Nov 20, 2007

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of Nov. 12 - 20, 2007
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*There will be a test covering Ch 10, on Nov. 20th. If your child will not be at school that week
he/she may take the test before leaving for vacation. Please let me know if your child will
need to take the test early.
*Some students have not completed their comic strips. The last day I will accept them will be
on Wednesday.
*If your child has a new textbook at home and the pages seem to fall out, please let me know
a.s.a. p. We plan to order replacement textbooks.
*All late social studies work is due by Friday, Nov. 16th. No exceptions.

Monday, November 12– Block Schedule Week – Periods 1 and 2 only
Read pp. 168-171; Finish movie; In groups, begin to answer guided reading questions # 1& 2
Homework: Define- Assembly, constitution, oligarchy, democratic, magistrates, Council of
Five Hundred
Finish Questions 1 & 2, if necessary

Tuesday, November 13– Block Schedule Week – Periods 1 and 3 only
Per 1: Review guided reading questions #1 & 2; read pp. 171-173; Finish map & review
Homework: Answer guided reading questions # 3-7

Per 3: Read pp. 168-171; Finish movie; In groups, begin to answer guided reading questions # 1 - 2
Homework: Define- Assembly, constitution, oligarchy, democratic, magistrates,
Council of Five Hundred
Finish Questions 1 & 2, if necessary

Wednesday, November 14– Block Schedule Week – Periods 2 and 3 only
Per 2 & 3: Review guided reading questions #1 & 2; read pp. 171-173; Finish map
Homework: Answer guided reading questions # 3-7
Study for test on next Tuesday, Nov. 20th

Thursday, November 15– Block Schedule Week – Periods 1 and 2 only
Per 1 & 2: Read and discuss pp. 173 – top of 175; in groups, discuss Spartan &Athenian governments and complete handout. Complete and discuss Venn diagram comparing and contrasting Athenian and U.S. governments; work on the guided reading questions.
Homework: Finish rest of the guided reading questions; define triremes, defensive league,
and mercenaries
Study for test on next Tuesday, Nov. 20th

Friday, November 16 – Block Schedule Week – Periods 1 and 3 only
Per 1: Review guided reading questions & review for test on Tuesday.
Homework: Study for test on next Tuesday, Nov. 20th

Per 3: Read and discuss pp. 173 – top of 175; in groups, discuss Spartan &Athenian governments and complete handout. Complete and discuss Venn diagram comparing and contrasting Athenian and U.S. governments; the guided reading questions.
Homework: Finish rest of the guided reading questions; define triremes, defensive league,
and mercenaries
Study for test on next Tuesday, Nov. 20th

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of Nov. 19 - 20, 2007
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Monday, November 19– Block Schedule Week – Periods 2 and 3 only
Review study guide questions & review for test on Tuesday.
Homework: Study for test on Tuesday

Tuesday, November 20– Normal Schedule
Per 1: Take test
Homework: None! Enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday! See you Monday, Nov. 26th.

Wednesday, November 21 – No School due to Institute Day


Study Guide: Be sure to study the following for test on Chapter 10- pp. 163-176:

1. All the vocabulary words: polis, acropolis, agora, aristocrats, ephors, artisans, Council
of Elders, helots, perioeci, Assembly, constitution, oligarchy, democratic, magistrates, Council of Five Hundred, triremes, defensive league, mercenaries,
2. Chapter 10 Guided Reading questions- pp.168 -176
3. Spartan notes and their government hierarchy handout
4. Similarities and differences of Sparta and Athens
5. The responsibilities for good citizenship
6. The Battle of Marathon
7. The Battle of Thermopylae
8. The Delian League
9. How the Peloponnesian War began and ended
10. Women rights in Sparta and Athens
11. Who Pericles was
12. Decline of Athens
13. Greek values
14. Anticipation Guide

Language Arts/Reading Syllabus: Week of Nov 12-20, 2007

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of November 12 and Week of November 20, 2007

Important Information:
o The “Minor Gods” handout while reading this section of the myth book. This sheet is due on today, Monday November 12.
o Students were given a Greek Myth project on Wednesday, Nov. 7th. This project will be due on Thursday, November 15.
o All our students will take a Minor Gods Comprehension and Vocabulary Test on Friday, November 16.
o Today, the Greek Myth enrichment students will receive a writing assignment that will be due on Tuesday, November 20.
o The third Reading Log is due on November 30. If students would like to include the Greek Myth Book on their reading log they must finish the reading the book on their own.
o Any late Greek Myth work is due on Tuesday, November 20.

Monday, November 12
Spelling Lesson 6: Pre Test
Review Lesson 6 Spelling Rule and Complete Part A
Work on Myth project
Homework: Work on Myth Project

Tuesday, November 13
Review Minor Gods Sheet
Spelling Lesson 6 Part B
Read Heracles
Homework: Work on Myth Project and study for test

Wednesday, November 14
Spelling Master 6B
Heracles Activity
Homework: Finish Greek Myth Project- due tomorrow.

Thursday, November 15
Present Greek Myth Projects
Homework: Study for Spelling Test and Minor Gods Vocabulary & Comprehension Test

Friday, November 16
Spelling Test Lesson 6
Minor Gods Comprehension and Vocabulary Test
Begin Reading and Marking Socratic Seminar Article and Write 2 High Level Questions based on Article
Homework: Have a FANTASTIC WEEKEND! Prepare for Socratic Seminar- you must have questions written and article fully marked to participate on Monday.

Monday, November 19
Socratic Seminar: Religion in Schools
Begin Watching Heracles Movie
Homework: None

Tuesday, November 20
Finish Watching Heracles Movie
Compare and Contrast Greek Myth Novel and Movie

Monday, November 5, 2007

Greek Comic Strip Project, Rubric, & Necessary events

Social Studies- Mrs. Alexander Team 6-3
Comic Strip Project

Using 8 or more appropriately sized frames, you are expected to create a comic strip containing detailed illustrations depicting the main points of Homer's Odyssey, as read in class. Your comic strip should tell a story from beginning to end. This is your chance to be creative, so have some fun. The comic strip will be worth 26 points.
Would you prefer an enrichment assignment? You have two choices. Only choose one. You must site your sources on the back of your comic strip.
1. The Odyssey read in class did not include all of the journeys and obstacles Odysseus’ faced. Do some research on your own to find out what was missing from our in class reading. Then create a comic that explains all of his challenges.
2. Instead of illustrating the Odyssey, do some additional research to create a comic strip depicting the main points of Homer’s Iliad which covers the Trojan War.
Be sure to include the following in your comic strip:
*Put name, period, and date, at the top of the paper.
*Create a clever title. Do not use "The Odyssey" or "The Iliad" as the title.
*Each frame must depict an important event from the Odyssey or Iliad.
*Captions and/or dialogue should be clearly explained.
*The drawings should be interesting and appropriate.
*The drawings, etc. must be colored appropriately.
*The comic strip and/or writing must be neatly presented.
* Be sure to edit for grammatical errors.
*All drawings should be done with care and contain no stick figures.
*If pencil is used, trace over all pencil with a thin marker, black, or gray colored
pencil. Remember each frame and figure must be colored.
*Pen should not be used on the drawings.
*Although, you may use pen when writing the captions. Do not write the captions in pencil.

In addition to the above, students not doing the enrichment assingnment must include the following events in their comic strip:
1. Odysseus leaving Troy
2. Odysseus’ ship blown off course
3. The crew land on the island with the Cyclopes
4. Tell what happened on the Cyclope island
5. Tell how the crew end up at Circe’s island
6. Explain what happened on Circe’s island
7. Tell what happened when they came near the Sirens
8. Explailn the Charbidis and Scylla event
9. Explain what happened when Odyssess met Calypso
10. Tell what happened when Odysseus returned home

----------------Please clip and return to Ms. Alexander, only if you plan to do the enrichment assignment-------------------

Student Name_______________________________________________ Per. _____________

______I plan to do the enrichment assignment. My enrichment choice is _____________________


Parent Signature_________________________________________________Date_________________________

Greek Comic Strip Assessment (worth 26 points)
2 points = Yes 1 point = Somewhat 0 = No
_____Put name, period, and date on comic strip.
_____Created a clever title. (Did not use "The Odyssey" or "The Iliad" as the title.)

3pts. = Well done 2pts. = Satisfactory 1pts = Incomplete or Needs Improvement
_____Each frame explained an important event from the Odyssey or Iliad.
_____Captions and/or dialogue were clearly explained.
_____Drawings were interesting and appropriate.
_____Drawings, etc., were appropriately colored.
_____Drawings were done with care and contained no stick figures
_____The comic strip and/or writing was neatly presented.
_____There were no more than two grammatical errors.
_____Comic Strip turned in by due date. (worth one point)
_____Total Points earned out of 26 points

Enrichment Assessment- Greek Comic Strip (worth 28 points)
2 points = Yes 1 point = Somewhat 0 = No
_____Put name, period, and date on comic strip.
_____Created a clever title. (Did not use "The Odyssey" or "The Iliad" as the title.)
_____Student cited all research sources used to create the comic strip

3pts. = Well done 2pts. = Satisfactory 1pts = Incomplete or Needs Improvement
_____Each frame explained an important event from the Odyssey or Iliad.
_____Captions and/or dialogue were clearly explained.
_____Drawings were interesting and appropriate.
_____Drawings, etc., were appropriately colored.
_____Drawings were done with care and contained no stick figures
_____The comic strip and/or writing was neatly presented.
_____There were no more than two grammatical errors.
_____Comic Strip turned in by due date. (worth one point)
_____Total Points earned out of 28 points

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of Nov. 5, 2007

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of Nov. 5, 2007
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Students received information about a comic strip project, last week. It is due Nov. 8th. Many students have not gotten the letter signed and/or shown me a draft. It is due a.s.a. p.
*Some of the new textbooks have perforated pages that do not stay intact. If your child’s home textbook is having this problem please jot a short note at the bottom of this syllabus.
*There will be a test covering Ch 10, on Nov. 20th, right before the Thanksgiving holiday. If your child will not be at school that week he/she may take the test before leaving for vacation.
*Students will receive their Ch. 9 social studies test on Wednesday. This time, I only want the test signed by a parent if the student earn a C or lower on the test.

Monday, November 5–
Review Section 1 homework questions # 2-4 and complete # 5 in class
Work on Comic Strip or begin homework
Homework: Define: aristocrats, ephors, artisans, Council of Elders, helots, perioeci
Work on Comic Strip project-Due Nov. 8th

Tuesday, November 6–
In groups, read and discuss pp. 164-166 (Intro to Sparta and Aristocrats, Helots, & Perioeci section)
Complete a Spartan government & social order hierarchy
Homework: Work on Comic Strip project-Due Nov. 8th

Wednesday, November 7–
Read pp. 166-167 (Spartan Way of Life section)
Complete guided notes
Homework: Finish Comic Strip - DueThurs.

Thursday, November 8–
Share comic strip project
Begin Map of Greek city-states
Homework: Finish Map

Friday, November 9 –
Introduce Athens
Watch movie
Homework: None!

Language Arts and Reading Syllabus: Week of Nov 5, 2007

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of November 5, 2007
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Important Information:
o Students are expected to complete a “Minor Gods” handout while reading this next section of the myth book. This sheet is due on Monday November 12.
o Students will begin working on a project for the Greek Myths this week. This project will be due on Thursday, November 15.
o Students will take a Minor Gods Comprehension and Vocabulary Test on Friday, November 16.
o Students participating in the Greek Myth enrichment group do not have to participate in the myth activities with the rest of the class. Instead they will work on selected enrichment projects. The projects are due November 12. They are also expected to finish the entire myth novel and complete a handout for the minor gods by November 12. On Monday November 12, enrichment students will receive a writing assignment that will be due on Tuesday, November 20.
o The third Reading Log is due on November 30. If students wish to include the Greek Myth book then the book must be completed by then.
o I plan to give a Word Wall # 4 retest for any student that rec’d a D or lower. It will be given on Thursday, during lunchtime.

Monday, November 5
Vocabulary for Eos, Helios, Selene, and Pan
Read Eos and Helios
Media Center for book return and Check out
Word Wall # 5 Chart
Homework: Read Selene and work on Minor Gods handout

Tuesday, November 6
Finish Think, Pair, Share activity from last week.
Vocabulary for Echo, Syrinx, The Wild & Vulgar Centaurs, and Orpheus
Read Pan and Echo
Capitalization Mixed Review
Homework: Read Syrinx and work on Minor Gods handout

Wednesday, November 7
Capitalization: Write a letter
Write 5 sentences using Minor Gods Vocabulary
Introduce Greek Myth Project- due November 15
Homework: Capitalization Proofreading. Work on Greek Myth Project.

Thursday, November 8
Review Grammar Homework
Read The Wild & Vulgar Centaurs and Asclepius
Work on Minor Gods Handout
Word Wall chart is due
Homework: Read The Nine Muses. Work on Greek Myth Project

Friday, November 9
Read Orpheus and The Muses
Finish Minor God Sheet
Word Wall Quiz # 5
Homework: Have a FANTASTIC WEEKEND! Don’t forget to work on Myth Project!