Monday, October 29, 2007

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of Oct. 22-Nov. 2, 2007

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of October 29 - Nov. 2, 2007
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
* Last week, students were told about our upcoming test on Oct. 31st. They wrote it in their planner. Students also received their anticipation guide to use as a study guide. There is additional information written on the back of the study guide.
*Students will receive information about a comic strip project, this week. It is due Nov. 8th. Please sign the form and have students show me your signature. The form will be returned home the same day.

Monday, October 29 –
Finish reading Odyssey play
Review Section 1 and 2 Assessment questions pp. 155 & 160
Homework: Study for test

Tuesday, October 30 –
Review Homer’s Iliad puzzle and Odyssey worksheets
Review for test – play game
Homework: Study for test

Wednesday, October 31 –
Take test
Introduce Comic Strip project- Due Thursday, Nov. 8th
Work on Comic Strip, time permitting-
Homework: Bring Comic Strip ideas on Thurs.
Get Comic Strip Project letter signed – due Fri.

Thursday, November 1–
Introduce Ch. 10 and vocabulary words – complete Anticipation Guide
Work on Comic Strip
Homework: Work on Comic Strip
Define vocabulary words: polis, acropolis, and agora

Friday, November 2 –
Read and discuss pp. 163 – 164
Complete Section 1 questions p164 # 2 - 5
Homework: Work on Comic Strip & finish questions, if necessary

Language Arts and Reading Syllabus: Oct. 29 - Nov 2, 2007

Team 6-3 Ms. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 29, 2007

Important Information:
o On Tuesday, there will be a comprehension test over the first section of myth book, up to p. 69.
o Second Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday, October 30.
o Students participating in the Greek Myth enrichment group do not have to participate in the myth activities with the rest of the class. Instead they will work on selected enrichment projects. The projects are due Nov. 9th. They are also expected to finish the entire myth novel and complete a handout for the minor gods.
o Students wishing to retake their pictures will take retake their pictures on Tuesday Oct. 30 and must return the pictures in order to retake them.
o Students have received a letter in their Thursday’s packet, regarding appropriate Halloween costumes, behavior, and informing them they need to donate a can good if they plan to wear a costume on Halloween. Children are not allowed to bring candy to school on Halloween.
o All students are expected to complete a “Minor Gods” handout while reading this next section of the myth book.

Monday, October 29
Review for test- Jeopardy Game
Spelling Lesson 5: Take Spelling pretest and discuss p. 24
Homework: Reading- Study for test and reading logs are due on Tuesday
Spelling: P. 25 Pt A

Tuesday, October 30
Reading: Take myth test. Read p. 70 -71 in myth book and make a prediction
Spelling Lesson 5: Review P. 25 Pt. A and do Pt. B
Homework: None

Wednesday, October 31
Reading: Review pp.70-71, vocabulary, read, & review Prometheus myth
Prometheus comprehension handout
Values handout regarding Prometheus myth
Spelling Lesson 5: Review Pt. B
Homework: Spelling P. 26 Pt. C (Top)– Dictionary only

Thursday, November 1
Reading: Vocabulary, read, & review Pandora myth
Spelling Lesson 5: Review homework and review for test
Homework: Read Nemesis myth
Spelling –Study for test

Friday, November 2 - Schedule Change – Reading /LArts in A.M. (teachers will explain)
Reading: Read and discuss Prometheus poem
“Think Pair Share” activity- regarding Prometheus, Pandora, & Nemesis myths
Spelling Lesson 5: Take spelling test
Homework: None

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Language Arts and Reading Syllabus - Oct. 22, 2007

Team 6-3 Ms. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 22, 2007 (updated Oct. 24th)

Important Information:
o Second Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday, October 30.
o Students participating in the Greek Myth enrichment group must take a test on Wed. over the first section to show mastery. If they receive a score above 90%, they will be assigned a variety of differentiated projects and activities to complete.
o Students will take a Greek Myth Vocabulary Test on Friday, October 26. They will also have a comprehension test over the first section of myths on Tuesday, October 30.
o This is Red Ribbon Week. Each day of the week has a theme for students to follow to show they are drug free. Please note the themes listed below.

Monday, October 22 (Wear Red)
Copy vocabulary and complete element charts for Apollo and Artemis
Complete Word Wall Chart # 4
Media Center to check out and return books
Homework: Use given study guide to study for myth vocabulary test
Finish Word Wall Chart

Tuesday, October 23 (Hawaiian Day)
Review Apollo and Artemis element charts
Copy vocabulary, read, and chart Hermes and Hades

Wednesday, October 24 (Crazy Hair Day)
Grammar: Capitalization of First Words and Titles- Language Network pp. 189-190
Copy vocabulary, read, and chart Persephone and Dionysus
Review Word Wall Chart
Homework: Complete Greek Myth Vocabulary Crossword- Due Thursday
Grammar in Math – p. 199 Pt A only

Thursday, October 25 (Twin Day)
Take Word Wall Test
Review element charts
Grammar: Complete Practice and Apply page 191
Grammar: Capitalization of Places and Transportation- Language Network pp. 193-194
Myth- Venn diagram activity
Homework: Study for your vocabulary test.
Finish the Venn diagram, if necessary.

Friday, October 26 (Sports Team Day)
Greek Myth vocabulary test
Gods of Olympus- worksheet
Grammar: Complete Parts A and B page 195
Grammar: Capitalization of Organizations and Other Subjects- L/Network pp. 196-197
Grammar: Complete Practice and Apply p. 197
Homework: Don’t forget to study for Greek Myth comprehension test next week.

Social Studies Syllabus - Week of October 22nd

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus - Week of October 22, 2007
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Students received their tests back last Thursday. If you haven’t signed the test please do .
*Students who failed the S.S. test or received a D will have the opportunity to increase their grade to a 70% by making corrections to the test that is equal to 70% or greater. Items should be numbered and it must be done on a separate sheet of paper. It is due by Wed.

Monday, October 22 –
Read and discuss pp. 155, 157, 158-top of p. 160
Homework: Finish reading pp. 155-160, if necessary
Define: megaron, tenants, Homer, Iliad, Odyssey, and civil wars

Tuesday, October 23 –
In groups, complete Section 2 Assessment questions on p. 160 # 2 – 5
Discuss causes and effects of the Trojan War
Discuss and define additional vocabulary words: pirate fleets, seafaring, navigate
Homework: None

Wednesday, October 24 –
Review Section 1 Assessment questions
Watch movie: Ancient Aegeans
Discuss and define vocabulary from movie: Linear A , Linear B, Cyclops, King Minos, Thera
Homework: Complete Homer’s Iliad puzzle – due Friday, October 25

Thursday, October 24–
Begin to read Odyssey play
Homework: Complete Homer’s Odyssey worksheet- due Friday, October 25

Friday, October 25 –
Finish reading Odyssey play
Review homework, time permitting
Homework: None

Monday, October 15, 2007

Social Studies Syllabus - Week of October 15th

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus
Week of October 15, 2007 (Updated Oct. 15th 5:55 p.m.)
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Students will receive their tests back by Thursday.
*Don’t forget, portfolio conferences will be held on Thursday of this week, with your child’s reading/language arts teacher. Your child must come with you to the conference.

Monday, October 15 –
Read and discuss culture in resource book: To See A World
Define and give examples of: culture, custom, institution, beliefs, and values
Homework: None

Tuesday, October 16 –
Finish discussing culture
Introduce Chapter 9- The Greeks
Complete anticipation guide
Begin reading and discussing pp. 151-155
Homework: None

Wednesday, October 17 –
Finish reading and discussing pp.151–155
Define the following words: Crete, bull leaping, Knossos, frescoes, labyrinth, parchment, shrines, Theseus, Minotaur
Homework: Finish defining above vocabulary words

Thursday, October 18–1/2 Day – Students dismissed at noon
Review map-p. 165
Discussion group activity
Homework: Complete Section One Assessment questions on p.155 - # 2- 6 - due Monday Oct. 22nd

Friday, October 19 – 1/2 Day – Students dismissed at noon
No class today

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus - Week of October 15th

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 15, 2007 (updated Oct. 15th 5:55 p.m.)

Important Information:
o Progress reports were sent home last Friday. Please sign and return it to me.
o Greek Myth book will be assigned today. Please send a 2 gal Ziploc bag with your child or buy one from me for 25 cents.
o Second Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday, October 30.
o Don’t forget that conferences are this week, Thursday Oct. 18th. If you have not signed up for a conference please get In touch with me a.s.a.p.
o Our read-a-thon and P.J. day is Friday, Oct. 19th. Besides bringing several good books to read, students may bring only one of the following: a pillow, blanket, or stuffed animal. He/she may also bring a healthy snack.
o On Monday, I gave selected students the opportunity to participate in an enrichment group for the Greek Myths. Students participating in this group must thoroughly read and chart the first section of the book (up to page 69), and be ready to take a test on the material on Monday, Oct. 22nd. If the student passes the test he/she will work independently on several projects, and then finish reading the rest of the Greek Myth book.

Monday, October 15
Spelling- Take pretest for Lesson 4 and discuss p. 20
Reading- Vocabulary for Hera, Hephaestus, & Aphrodite, read and discuss myths, and do charts
Homework: Read Aphrodite and Ares myth and complete story element charts

Tuesday, October 16
Spelling- Do Spelling Master 4B and begin p. 21 Pt B and discuss
Reading- Vocabulary for Ares, Athena, and Poseidon. Review homework then read and discuss Athena myth and do the myth element chart
Homework: Finish spelling, if necessary
Read Poseidon and complete story element chart

Wednesday, October 17
Spelling- Do p. 22 Build Word Power and discuss
Reading- Vocabulary for Apollo & Artemis. Review Poseidon myth then read and discuss Apollo and Artemis myths, and do myth charts
Homework: Spelling - Remember to study for spelling test on Friday
Finish reading Artemis myth and do chart, if necessary

Thursday, October 18 – ½ day No Class - Students dismissed at noon

Friday, October 19 – Read-a-thon and Pajama Day - ½ Day- Students dismissed at noon
Spelling – Take test for Lesson 4
Homework: None! Enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Social Studies Study Guide Part 2-Sections 1 -3 (pp. 5-21)

Chapter One Study Guide - Part 2 (pp. 5 – 21)

1. Study these Elements of Geography: World in Spatial Terms, Human Systems, and
Environment and Society.

2. Know where the 7 continents and four oceans are located on a map.

Answer the following questions. You use the back of this paper, if necessary

3. What are the four major landforms?

4. What is a common cause of earthquakes?

5. What happens at the core that can cause volcanoes?

6. What is the connection between tectonic plates and continental drift?

7. How can scientists tell that the Pangaea theory is possible?

8. What are the three forces that can change the earth’s surface?

9. What are the three climate zones?

9A. What determines the temperature in these zones?

10. Give an example of a renewable resource:

11. What makes fossil fuel a non renewable resource?

12. Give another example of a non renewable resource:

13. Why do we need to preserve our natural resources?

14. How have natural resources affected the history of the United States?

Social Studies Syllabus - October 8, 2007

Mrs. Alexander Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus
Week of October 8, 2007
New Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
* We will have a test on the geography concepts found on pp. 5-21, on this Friday.
* My students received another study guide for Friday’s test on Tuesday.
*Progress reports go home Friday, October 12th

Monday, October 8 – No School- Columbus Day Holiday

Tuesday, October 9–
Finish reviewing last week’s study guide. Students should make changes to incorrect answers.
Define: natural resources, minerals, renewable resources, nonrenewable resources
Review pp. 19 – 21 with graphic organizer
Homework: Finish graphic organizer, if necessary
Begin to complete new study guide – due Thursday

Wednesday, October 10–
Watch movie
Work on study guide
Homework: Finish new study guide – due Thursday

Thursday, October 11–
Review study guide
Homework: Study for test

Friday, October 12–
Take test
Homework: None

Language Arts/Reading Syllabus - October 8,2007

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 8, 2007

Important Information:
o Confirmation of conference times were sent home on Tuesday, Oct 2. Please let me know if you are unable to attend at that time. If you have yet to sign up for a conference please contact me.
o We will begin reading the Greek Myths this week. Students must have a two-gallon Ziploc bag to store their books in. If you do not have one at home you can purchase one from me for 25 cents.
o Students will take a grammar test on Thursday, October 11
o Second Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday, October 30.
o If your student received a D or lower on the Seedfolks, he/she must get it signed by a parent. It was given back to only those students, last week. Please sign and return it to me a.s.a.p.

Monday, October 8- No School due to Columbus Day

Tuesday, October 9
Word Wall Chart
Language Network book -Fragments and run-ons
Do Pt. A Concept Check and Challenge on p. 25 in L/Network book
Introduce D’Aulaires’ book of Greek Myths and elements of a myth
Read and discuss In Olden Times & Gaea short stories
Complete Greek Myth story element chart
Homework – Study for diagramming/grammar test
Finish Word Chart – due Thursday

Wednesday, October 10
Review for diagramming test on Thursday
Discuss “Show Me What You Know” survey
Copy vocabulary and read Titans myths
Complete Greek Myth story element chart
Homework – Study for diagramming/grammar test
Finish myth chart, if necessary

Thursday, October 11 - Stuffing Day
We will prepare (stuff) our portfolios for conferences on Oct. 18th.
Take diagramming/grammar test
Copy vocabulary for Cronus & Zeus myth
Read and discuss Cronus myth
Homework- Finish myth chart, if necessary
Study for Word Wall Test

Friday, October 12
Take Word Wall Test
Complete fragment and run-on worksheet
Review chart for Cronus myth
Read & discuss Zeus and His Family myth and complete chart
Homework – None

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Social Studies Study Guide- Section Two pp. 9-18

Social Studies Questions (refer to PP. 9 – 18 in your textbook)
Complete each question in the space provided. If you need more space to complete an answer, use the back of this paper. Be sure to keep this paper and use it as a study guide for your test next Friday, on October 12th.

1. Give one example how wind erosion has helped people.

2. Give one example how wind erosion has not helped people.

3. How have glaciers affect humans in the past?

4. How have glaciers affected the physical geography in the past?

5. Specifically explain how landforms determined where people would live.

6. Specifically explain how landforms have affected the way nations set up their

7. Why did early civilizations prefer to settle near waterways?

8. Explain the difference between climate and weather?

9. Tell three things that determine (or shape) our climate? Be sure to explain how each of
these things affect our climate.


Social Studies Questions PP. 9 – 18 (Continued)

10. How can a place’s latitude help you predict temperatures in that region?

11. Why did the ancient Incan’s prefer to settle in the Andes Mountains in Peru instead of
living along the Pacific coast?

12. How do mountains affect precipitation?

13. What has the lack of warm water ports and harbors caused Russia to do in the past?
(Be sure to explain)

Monday, October 1, 2007

Language Arts Syllabus- October 1, 2007

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 1, 2007

Important Information:
o Students received their essays back on Monday. The final draft is due on Thursday, Oct. 4th.
o Confirmation of conference times will be sent home on Tuesday, Oct 2. Please let me know if you
are unable to attend at that time. If you have yet to sign up for a conference please contact me.
o We will begin reading the Greek Myths next week. Students must have a two-gallon Ziploc bag to store their books in.
If you do not have one at home you can purchase one from me for 25 cents.
o Students will take a grammar test on Thursday, October 11
o Second Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday, October 30.
o Per our Student Wellness and Fitness Initiative… if you plan to send in a treat for the class on your child’s birthday,
please be sure that you send in a healthy snack (i.e. veggies, fruit, pretzels, goldfish, etc.). If you have any question
please call or email me.
o All late work is due by Friday, Oct. 5th. Progress reports go home next Friday.

Monday, October 1
Bud Not Buddy, Show and Tell of 2-3 items
Spelling Pre-Test: Lesson 3
Discuss spelling rule (page 16) and begin Part A on p. 17
Socratic seminar expectations
Begin reading and marking Singapore Whipping article
Homework: Finish Spelling p. 17 – Part A only

Tuesday, October 2
Media Center Tables- Return, check out, and/or read pleasure books
Continue reading and marking Singapore Whipping
Media Center Computers- Learn how to log into computers
Homework: 1. Finish reading and marking Singapore Whipping.
2. Write at least two thought provoking questions that relate to the Singapore Whipping article. 3. You must have your article thoroughly marked and with you in class on Wednesday in order to participate in the Socratic Seminar.

Wednesday, October 3
Review Pt. A – p. 17
Spelling Lesson 3 - Part B
Socratic Seminar: Singapore Whipping
Homework: Finish P. 17 Part B, if necessary
Build Word Power- Spelling Master 3B

Thursday, October 4
Review Spelling Master 3B
The Watsons go to Birmingham- 1963: Foreshadowing Activity
Homework: Study Spelling Words

Friday, October 5 - SPIRIT DAY! Wear Red and White or Julian Gear
Today we will attend an assembly so we will only have one period of LA/Rdg.
Spelling Test: Lesson 3
What do you know about the Greek Myths?
Homework: Enjoy your THREE-DAY weekend!

Social Studies Syllabus - October 1, 2007

Mrs. Alexander Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus
Week of October 1, 2007
New Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
* We will have a vocabulary test on the vocabulary words found on pp. 5-18, on this Friday. Students
should have the words defined in his/her social spiral. We will have a test covering the content discussed on
pp. 5-21 next Friday, Oct. 12th.
* All late work is due by this Friday including Parts of the Book, Elements of Geography, and definitions.
*Progress reports go home next Friday, October 12th.

Monday, October 1 –
Review definitions and finish discussing pp. 9-16
Homework: Finish Latitude and Longitude A-Z Map and Enrichment Activity

Tuesday, October 2–
Group Work: Begin questions on pp. 9-16
Homework: Draw pictures of vocabulary words. Use this as a study tool for the test. Due Thursday

Wednesday, October 3–
Continue to work on questions and discuss
Homework: Finish questions, if necessary

Thursday, October 4–
Review for vocabulary test
Review pp. 17 - 18
Homework: Study for test

Friday, October 5–
Take test
Read pp. 19-21
Homework: None assigned, but remember we will have a test next Friday (Oct. 12th) covering all the content discussed on pp. 5-21.

Social Studies