Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Social Studies Syllabus -Week of Sept. 17, 2007

Mrs. Alexander Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus
Week of September 17, 2007
New Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Students received their Parts of the Book test last week. I will check them in this week and the tests will be returned to my students by Wednesday. Please sign your child's test so I know you have seen it. If your child was absent last week, be sure to encourage them to see me to get their test.

Monday, September 17 –
Check in tests
Go to the Multicultural Center to present artifacts found last Friday and relate them to one of the Elements of Geography.
Collect pictures – students will put poster together later in the week
Homework: None

Tuesday, September 18 –
Finish Elements of Geography worksheet
Read and discuss pp. 9 - 11
Homework: Define the following vocabulary words: Landforms, elevation, relief, core, mantle, crust, tectonic plates, continental drift, volcanoes, earthquakes

Wednesday, September 19 –
Use pictures to create a poster of the Elements of Geography.
Present posters
Homework: None

Thursday, September 20–
Finish presenting posters
Read pp. 12 - 15
Homework: None

Friday, September 21 –
Tectonic Plates and Pangaea activity
Draw a picture of the 4 major landforms.
Homework: Finish drawings of the 4 major landforms, if necessary.

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