Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Language Arts/Reading Syllabus-September 24, 2007

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 24, 2007- updated September 25th

Important Information:
o Mrs. Alexander, Mr. Boyle, and I are in need of a parent from each of our classes to be our emergency caller parent. If interested, send us an email or leave a message on our voice mail. If you work at home or are easily accessible, this may be the right volunteer opportunity for you.
o Conference request forms will be sent home to all parents who did not attend Curriculum Night, on Monday. Please complete the conference form and return it a.s.a.p.
o Picture Day is Tues, 9/ 25. All students will take a picture for our yearbook even if he/she does not wish to purchase pictures. Remember to send the envelope and money with your child on Tuesday.
o We will discuss Bud, Not Buddy this week; be sure to have the summer reading guide completed by Friday, September 28.
o First Reading Log will be due on Thurs, 9/27. Each book must have a parent signature on the log. On Monday, I gave each child an extra copy of the reading log to keep at home in case the log is lost. Please feel free to photocopy the log if your child needs an extra copy.
o I am changing the due date of the final draft of the Seedfolks Writing Assignment. The new due date will be Thursday, Oct. 4th.

Monday, September 24
Review helping verbs p. 13 in Language Network book
Review for Seedfolks Test: Comprehension and Vocabulary
Introduce Word Wall words for this week
More peer editing
Homework: Study for Seedfolks Test

Tuesday, September 25
Seedfolks Comprehension and Vocabulary Test
Sentence Diagramming: Adjectives
Review and discuss literary terms: Protagonist, Antagonist, Theme, and Conflict
Introduce Christopher Paul Curtis author of Bud, Not Buddy
Homework: Draw a picture of most memorable character from Bud, Not Buddy and write 2-3 sentences explaining why. The drawings must be done on unlined paper and colored neatly.
Finish adjective diagramming handout, if necessary

Wednesday, September 26
Discuss setting, characters, events, and resolution
Compare and contrast realistic fiction vs. historical fiction
Complete Bud, Not Buddy story map
Sentence Diagramming: Adverbs
Complete Word Wall chart
Homework: Finish your reading log- you must have parent signatures. Students should bring 2-3 items that are important to him/her; place the items in a bag.
Finish story map and adverb diagramming handout, if necessary

Thursday: September 27
Essay Drafts Returned
Share your 2-3 important items with the class
Discuss history of jazz and blues
Write reflection regarding jazz and blues music
Write a sentence for each Word Wall word or write a short story using 4-5 words- due Friday
Homework: Summer Reading Guide for Bud, Not Buddy - due tomorrow
Word Wall sentences or story due on Friday

Friday, September 28
Word Wall test
Review Summer Reading Guide for Bud, Not Buddy
Jazz and blues music activity
Closing activity- Write final reflection, regarding items brought to school and personal connections to Bud, Not Buddy, and jazz and blues music.
Sentence Diagramming: Reviewing Sentence Basics
Homework: Remember your Seedfolks Writing Assignment is due on Thursday, Oct. 4th.

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