Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Social Studies Syllabus -Week of Sept. 10, 2007

Mrs. Alexander Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus
Week of September 10, 2007
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Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Friday’s test will be returned by Wednesday. Please sign your child's test so I know you have seen it. Signed tests will be due by Friday.
*Students will begin a group mini-project project regarding elements of geography. I will provide the research material, construction paper, and other supplies. Most of the work will be done in class. Hopefully this project will be completed by next Wednesday and we will begin presentations.

Monday, September 11 – Discuss skimming and scanning. Students will skim and/or scan
pp. 5-8 in Chapter 1, to locate and define the following vocabulary words: geography, absolute location, relative location, place, region, ecosystems, adapt, modify, and environment.
If no definition can be found for the word, then the student should use the glossary.
Discuss ancient civilizations connections
Homework: Finish defining vocabulary words, if necessary

Tuesday, September 12 – Discuss remembering Sept. 11, 2001
Read and discuss pp.5-8
Homework: None

Wednesday, September 13 – Locate and copy examples of the following Elements of Geography: absolute location, relative location, place, regions, physical systems, and environment and society. Introduce geography project.
Review homework and test (taken last Friday)
Homework: Finish writing examples, if necessary

Thursday, September 14– In groups, using given material, identify elements of geography (see above) for an assigned country and begin completing worksheet.
Homework: Decide on a picture to put on your poster regarding our assigned country. It should depict one or two of the assigned elements of geography.

Friday, September 15 – Go to the Multicultural Center to work on project and worksheet.
Homework: Complete picture for poster-due Tuesday, Sept. 18

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