Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Language Arts/Reading Syllabus-September 24, 2007

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 24, 2007- updated September 25th

Important Information:
o Mrs. Alexander, Mr. Boyle, and I are in need of a parent from each of our classes to be our emergency caller parent. If interested, send us an email or leave a message on our voice mail. If you work at home or are easily accessible, this may be the right volunteer opportunity for you.
o Conference request forms will be sent home to all parents who did not attend Curriculum Night, on Monday. Please complete the conference form and return it a.s.a.p.
o Picture Day is Tues, 9/ 25. All students will take a picture for our yearbook even if he/she does not wish to purchase pictures. Remember to send the envelope and money with your child on Tuesday.
o We will discuss Bud, Not Buddy this week; be sure to have the summer reading guide completed by Friday, September 28.
o First Reading Log will be due on Thurs, 9/27. Each book must have a parent signature on the log. On Monday, I gave each child an extra copy of the reading log to keep at home in case the log is lost. Please feel free to photocopy the log if your child needs an extra copy.
o I am changing the due date of the final draft of the Seedfolks Writing Assignment. The new due date will be Thursday, Oct. 4th.

Monday, September 24
Review helping verbs p. 13 in Language Network book
Review for Seedfolks Test: Comprehension and Vocabulary
Introduce Word Wall words for this week
More peer editing
Homework: Study for Seedfolks Test

Tuesday, September 25
Seedfolks Comprehension and Vocabulary Test
Sentence Diagramming: Adjectives
Review and discuss literary terms: Protagonist, Antagonist, Theme, and Conflict
Introduce Christopher Paul Curtis author of Bud, Not Buddy
Homework: Draw a picture of most memorable character from Bud, Not Buddy and write 2-3 sentences explaining why. The drawings must be done on unlined paper and colored neatly.
Finish adjective diagramming handout, if necessary

Wednesday, September 26
Discuss setting, characters, events, and resolution
Compare and contrast realistic fiction vs. historical fiction
Complete Bud, Not Buddy story map
Sentence Diagramming: Adverbs
Complete Word Wall chart
Homework: Finish your reading log- you must have parent signatures. Students should bring 2-3 items that are important to him/her; place the items in a bag.
Finish story map and adverb diagramming handout, if necessary

Thursday: September 27
Essay Drafts Returned
Share your 2-3 important items with the class
Discuss history of jazz and blues
Write reflection regarding jazz and blues music
Write a sentence for each Word Wall word or write a short story using 4-5 words- due Friday
Homework: Summer Reading Guide for Bud, Not Buddy - due tomorrow
Word Wall sentences or story due on Friday

Friday, September 28
Word Wall test
Review Summer Reading Guide for Bud, Not Buddy
Jazz and blues music activity
Closing activity- Write final reflection, regarding items brought to school and personal connections to Bud, Not Buddy, and jazz and blues music.
Sentence Diagramming: Reviewing Sentence Basics
Homework: Remember your Seedfolks Writing Assignment is due on Thursday, Oct. 4th.

Social Studies Syllabus - Septemper 24, 2007

Mrs. Alexander Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus
Week of September 24, 2007
New Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Since we did not finish Friday’s activity, I am postponing the drawing of the four major landforms
homework assignment until next week. Please see next week’s syllabus.
* We will possibly have a test next week. I will announce the date later this week and update my blog.
* Elements of Geography worksheet is due this Tuesday, September 25th.
* I am offering an enrichment activity to certain students based on their geography pre-assessment and teacher
judgment. It will be due on Tuesday, October 2nd.

Monday, September 24 –
Discuss tectonic plates map
Complete given board questions
Homework: None

Tuesday, September 25 –
Complete and review, Map of the World and Games Around the World worksheet
Homework: Finish worksheet, if necessary

Wednesday, September 26 –
Pangaea puzzle activity
Review latitude and longitude and begin Name the Continent worksheet
Homework: Finish Name the Continent worksheet

Thursday, September 27–
Review homework
Read pp. 12-15
Homework: Define the following vocabulary words: erosion, glaciers, river system, climate, latitude, longitude, equator, prime meridian, tropical zone, temperate zone, polar zone, prevailing winds, ocean current, precipitation – due Monday, Oct. 1st.

Friday, September 28 –
Begin Latitude and Longitude A – Z map – Due Tuesday, Oct. 2nd
Assign enrichment activity. The enrichment group will not do the A – Z map. Instead they will do the Geography Detective activity.
Read pp. 16 - 18
Homework: Finish reading pp. 16-18, if necessary, and finish definitions- due Monday, Oct. 1st

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Seedfolks Writing Assignment- Draft Due Friday, Sept. 21th

Seedfolks Writing Assignment - Final Draft due Friday, Sept 28th
(See below for the rubic)

In a narrative writing style, each student is expected to create his/her own chapter about being a seedfolk in the garden as mentioned in the Seedfolks novel. The chapter should fit within the book using a similar writing style as Paul Fleischman. Your character may be someone from the novel, a character based on your own life, or a new character. Definitely the story should explain what the character plants and why. Somewhere within your narrative you must explain why the character is in the garden and what the character may gain from being in the garden. Your chapter should be a no more than 1-2 pages and it should be typed. You will also need a picture at the top of the first page of what was planted or something pertaining to your chapter. Please note the following information that explains how your story will be judged.

An interesting introductory paragraph that:
_____ grabs the reader’s attention.
_____ introduces the characters by including their ethnicity, and other
necessary background information.
_____ includes a vivid description of the setting.
_____ explains the personality of the characters.

The body of the story should:
_____introduce a conflict or describe the character’s experience.
_____use a sequence of events to explain the conflict or character’s
_____develop the character(s) through words, actions, and/or dialogue.
_____use vivid sensory images that help the reader to see, smell, feel,
hear, and/or taste details mentioned in the story.

The conclusion will finish the story by:
_____ stating the last event or outcome, or resolving the conflict.
_____ including information that tells the character’s feelings or emotions
about the conflict or experience.

The student must edit his/her story correcting mistakes in:
_____ grammar.
_____ spelling.
_____ capitalization.
_____ punctuation.

Seedfolks Writing Assignment Rubric

Student Name___________________________________Total Points______/39

3 points =Well Done 2 Points =Satisfactory 1 Point = Needs Improvement
0 Points = Not included in essay

_____ Introduction grabbed the reader’s attention

_____ Character development
*included information about ethnicity of characters
*included other information such as character’s background,
personality traits, etc.

_____ Included vivid description of setting

_____ Used vivid sensory images

_____ Plot was adequately developed
*conflict and/or character experience’s were described
*explained events using logical sequence

_____ Explained why character was in garden

_____ Explained what character gained from being a part of the garden

_____ Concluding paragraph
*stated last event, outcome, or resolved conflict, etc.
*described character’s feelings or emotions concerning conflict/experience, etc.


Grammar: Few mistakes (2 points) Many mistakes (1 point) Significant mistakes( 0 points)
Spelling: Few mistakes (2 points) Many mistakes (1point) Significant mistakes( 0 points)
Capitalization & Punctuation: Few mistakes (2 points) Many mistakes (1 point)
Significant mistakes( 0 points)

Followed instructions:
_____ Included picture (2 points) Yes No
_____ Maximum of 1-2 pages [not incl cover page-(1 point)] Yes No
_____ Double-spaced (1 point) Yes No
_____ Essay was typed neatly using 12 pt.font (2 points) Yes No

Language Arts/ Reading Syllabus-Week of Sept. 17, 2007

Team 6-3 Ms. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 17, 2007
Website: http://d97jalexander.blogspot.com Email: jalexander@op97.org

Important Information:
• Students will take a Seedfolks comprehension & vocabulary test on Tuesday, Sept. 25.
• Last Friday, students were introduced to our next assignment, writing a Seedfolks chapter. The typed rough draft of the essay is due on Friday, Sept 21 and the final draft is due on Friday, Sept 28.
• Curriculum Night is Tuesday, Sept. 18th. It begins at 6:45 P.M. Each student brought home a letter with his or her schedule last Thursday.
• The reading log is due on Thursday, Sept. 27. Students are required to read at least two books each month and turn in a completed log with parent signatures. The Seedfolks novel can be counted as one of the books.

Monday, September 17
Discuss good and bad examples of a Seedfolks chapter
Lesson 2: Spelling pretest
Read and chart Maricela
Continue defining Seedfolks vocabulary
Homework: Finish Maricela chart, if necessary

Tuesday, September 18
Read and chart Amir and Florence
Spelling Lesson 2: Complete page 12 and discuss spelling rule
Spelling Lesson 2: Part A
Homework: Finish Spelling, if necessary

Wednesday, September 19
Seedfolks character review handout
Spelling Lesson 2: Part B
Spelling Activity: Practice the words
Homework: Finish Spelling, if necessary. Work on your Seedfolks Essay
Rough Draft- due on 9/21

Thursday: September 20
Spelling Lesson 2: Part C
SPARKLE: Spelling Review Game
Review Seedfolks vocabulary. Write five detailed sentences using five Seedfolks vocabulary words not used on our Word Wall List.
Homework: Study for Lesson 2 Spelling Test. Finish your Seedfolks rough draft- it must be typed.

Friday, September 21
Media Center- Check out and return books
Lesson 2: Spelling Test
Seedfolks rough draft due today
Peer Edits of rough draft
Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

Language Arts/ Reading Syllabus-Week of Sept. 10, 2007

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 10, 2007
Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com

Important Information:
*You will find my syllabi posted on the above website. It is now active an online.
*All students should have read Bud, Not Buddy, by Christopher Paul Curtis, over the summer. Students who did not read the book over the summer should be reading it now because we have planned activities for it later this month. The books may be available at the Oak Park Public Library.
*Students should have their final, typed draft of the Vital Statistics survey by Wed., Sept.12th.
*Curriculum Night is Tuesday, Sept. 18th. It begins at 6:45 P.M. Information will be sent home.

Monday, September 10 –
Define vocabulary words on handout
Participate in Seedfolks activity
Go to Library – Scavenger Hunt
Homework: Read Sam story and complete chart
Typed draft of Vital Statistics survey-due Wednesday

Tuesday, September 11
Review homework and continue working on vocabulary words
Participate in Seedfolks activity # 2
L/A: Introduce diagramming sentences-worksheet p.6-7
Introduce Word Wall Words and Challenge
Homework: Read Virgil story
Typed draft of Vital Statistics survey due on Wednesday
Complete word wall chart-due Wednesday

Wednesday, September 12
Complete Virgil chart and read Sae Young story
Continue working on vocabulary words
L/A: Discuss diagramming articles and verb phrases – worksheet p. 5
Review Word Wall Words and chart
Homework: Do Sae Young chart
Write a sentence with each Word Wall Word

Thursday: September 13
Review homework and read Curtis story and complete chart
Continue working on vocabulary words
L/A: Discuss verb phases & do p. 13 in Language Network book
Homework: Read Nora Story and do chart
Study for Word Wall test

Friday, September 14
Review homework and continue working on vocabulary words
Participate in Seedfolks activity # 3
L/A: Take Word Wall test and introduce Seedfolks writing project (handout will be given)
Homework: None! Enjoy your weekend!

Social Studies Syllabus -Week of Sept. 17, 2007

Mrs. Alexander Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus
Week of September 17, 2007
New Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Students received their Parts of the Book test last week. I will check them in this week and the tests will be returned to my students by Wednesday. Please sign your child's test so I know you have seen it. If your child was absent last week, be sure to encourage them to see me to get their test.

Monday, September 17 –
Check in tests
Go to the Multicultural Center to present artifacts found last Friday and relate them to one of the Elements of Geography.
Collect pictures – students will put poster together later in the week
Homework: None

Tuesday, September 18 –
Finish Elements of Geography worksheet
Read and discuss pp. 9 - 11
Homework: Define the following vocabulary words: Landforms, elevation, relief, core, mantle, crust, tectonic plates, continental drift, volcanoes, earthquakes

Wednesday, September 19 –
Use pictures to create a poster of the Elements of Geography.
Present posters
Homework: None

Thursday, September 20–
Finish presenting posters
Read pp. 12 - 15
Homework: None

Friday, September 21 –
Tectonic Plates and Pangaea activity
Draw a picture of the 4 major landforms.
Homework: Finish drawings of the 4 major landforms, if necessary.

Social Studies Syllabus -Week of Sept. 10, 2007

Mrs. Alexander Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus
Week of September 10, 2007
New Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com email: jalexander@op97.org

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Friday’s test will be returned by Wednesday. Please sign your child's test so I know you have seen it. Signed tests will be due by Friday.
*Students will begin a group mini-project project regarding elements of geography. I will provide the research material, construction paper, and other supplies. Most of the work will be done in class. Hopefully this project will be completed by next Wednesday and we will begin presentations.

Monday, September 11 – Discuss skimming and scanning. Students will skim and/or scan
pp. 5-8 in Chapter 1, to locate and define the following vocabulary words: geography, absolute location, relative location, place, region, ecosystems, adapt, modify, and environment.
If no definition can be found for the word, then the student should use the glossary.
Discuss ancient civilizations connections
Homework: Finish defining vocabulary words, if necessary

Tuesday, September 12 – Discuss remembering Sept. 11, 2001
Read and discuss pp.5-8
Homework: None

Wednesday, September 13 – Locate and copy examples of the following Elements of Geography: absolute location, relative location, place, regions, physical systems, and environment and society. Introduce geography project.
Review homework and test (taken last Friday)
Homework: Finish writing examples, if necessary

Thursday, September 14– In groups, using given material, identify elements of geography (see above) for an assigned country and begin completing worksheet.
Homework: Decide on a picture to put on your poster regarding our assigned country. It should depict one or two of the assigned elements of geography.

Friday, September 15 – Go to the Multicultural Center to work on project and worksheet.
Homework: Complete picture for poster-due Tuesday, Sept. 18

Friday, September 7, 2007

Language Arts Syllabus - September 3, 2007

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 3, 2007
Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com

Important Information:
*A weekly syllabus in each core subject will go home with your child the first day of every school week throughout the school year. You will find my syllabi posted on the above website.
*All students should have read Bud, Not Buddy, by Christopher Paul Curtis, over the summer. Students who did not read the book over the summer should be reading it now because we have planned activities for it later this month. The books may be available at the Oak Park Public Library.
*All students need a quart sized Ziploc bag by Thursday September 6. Students may purchase bags from his/her teacher for 25 cents.
*Students began their Vital Statistics survey in class last Friday. A typed draft is due by Wed. Sept. 5. A final typed copy will be due next week. If you do not have a computer for your child to type the Vital Statistics survey please plan to use the public library.
*Don’t forget to send in a box of tissues and one roll of paper towels, if you haven’t done so already. Thank You.

Monday, September 3 - Labor Day: No School

Tuesday, September 4
Read Ana’s Story and complete chart for Ana
Spelling Lesson 1: Do p. 8 and Pt. A p. 9
Homework: Get your syllabus signed
Typed draft of Vital Statistics survey due on Wednesday

Wednesday, September 5
Read Wendell story and complete chart
Spelling Lesson 1: Pt. B pp. 9-10
Team 6-3 meeting-discuss team procedures & policies
Homework: Books will be assigned on Thurs.-You need to have your Ziploc bag in class tomorrow
Finish spelling assignment, if necessary

Thursday: September 6
Read Gonzalo and Leona story and complete chart
Assign SeedFolks books (only if you have your Ziploc bag)
Spelling Lesson 1: Pt. C p. 10
Homework: Study for spelling test - Finish chart for Gonzalo and Leona, if necessary

Friday, September 7 – Spirit Day Wear Red and White or Julian Apparel
Assembly – L/Arts class will be held in a.m.
Read Sam story and complete chart, time permitting
Spelling Lesson 1: Take spelling posttest
Homework: None! Enjoy your weekend!

Parents and Guardians:
Please sign below indicating that you have seen your child’s syllabi for all core subjects (reading, math, science, social studies, and language arts).

Parent signature __________________________________________Date_____________

Social Studies Syllabi - September 3, 2007

Team 6 – 3 Mrs. Alexander
Social Studies Syllabus
Week of September 3, 2007
Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Voice Mail: (708) 524-5830 Ext. 1305

Hello Parents and Guardians:
**We will have our first test on Friday. Each student should know the following parts of our textbook, what material can be found and/or learned in each of the following parts: Table of Contents, Copyright Page, Atlas, Political Map, Physical Map, Glossary, Index, Spanish Glossary, Primary Sources Library, Chapter Focus Box, Terms, and Graphic Organizer Activity.
**A study guide will be given to each student
**Important dates to remember: Sept. 7th - Julian Picnic 5:30 – 7:30 P.M.;
Sept. 18th - Curriculum Night 6:45 P.M.; Sept. 25th - Picture Day.

Monday, September 3 – No School-Labor Day

Tuesday, September 4 – Textbooks or CD’s given to students today
Copy and review vocabulary terms begin worksheet TS 175 and TS 176
Homework: Complete worksheet - due Wednesday

Wednesday, September 5 – Review worksheet and begin completing study guide
Homework: Finish study guide sheet, if necessary, due Thursday
Continue studying for test on Friday

Thursday, September 6– Review for test - Scavenger Hunt
Homework: Study for test on Friday

Friday, September 7 – Take Parts of the Book Test
Begin geography unit. - Discuss skimming and scanning. Students will skim and/or scan pp. 5-8 in Chapter 1 to locate and define the following vocabulary words: geography, absolute location, relative location, place, region, ecosystems, adapt, modify, environment. If no definition can be found for the word, then the student should use the glossary in our book.
Homework: None