Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus January 24, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 24, 2011 (Updated 5:45 Jan. 25th)
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Please read the following information:
*Students will participate in another Newsbowl activity next Friday. Each student will be assigned a Newsbowl category and is expected to locate & summarize an article about their assigned category, then bring the article to school. Remember each article should be notable news regarding the week of Jan. 23 – Jan. 29th only. The categories are: world news, national news, sports, arts and entertainment, family and society. Recommended periodicals include: newspapers, news magazines, online articles, etc. Online articles must have the website address and the date it was obtained.
*The summary should be brief including who, when, where, what, why, and how. It is due on Wednesday, Feb. 2nd.
*All late work is due by Friday, January 28th.

Monday, January 24, 2011- No School – Institute Day

Tuesday, January 25 -
Two-column notes- Gov’t responsibilities of: patricians, senators, plebeians, consuls, judges, tribunes, and assembly
Compare and contrast Roman Republic and U.S. Government
Homework: Answer Section 1 questions # 2 & 3- p. 220

Wednesday, January 26-
Compare Twelve Tables and Bill of Rights
Begin reading and discussing pp. 221-222
Take Power Notes: Punic War Background Information
Homework-Take Power Notes on 1st Punic War using these subtopics:
Cause of 1st Punic War; Roman Navy; Outcome of 1st Punic War

Thursday, January 27 – Stuffing Day
Define maniple , legions, legionary, and legionaries
Complete Section 2 Questions p. 222 # 2 – 4
Homework: None but if you have late and/or missing work, it is due on Friday, January 28th.

Friday, January 28 –
Define: Carthage, Punic Wars, corvus, and Hannibal Barca
Read pp. 222-223 & take Power notes on 2nd Punic War
Homework: Don’t forget to locate and write a short summary for an article for your assigned category of_________¬¬¬¬¬¬_________________________. It is due on Wednesday, Feb. 2nd.

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of January 24, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 24, 2011
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Website: http://d97jalexander.blogspot.com

Important Information:
• Conferences are on Thursday, February 3. Conference Schedules went home last Friday and will be posted on my blog. Remember you need to arrive 15 minutes early. Please email me if you need to change your scheduled time!
• We are beginning Research TODAY! Please be sure to follow along with the due dates given! Just as a reminder: @ least 15 Note Cards must be completed by this Thursday 1/27 and the Final Note Cards and Source Cards are due on Monday 1/31. A BIG thank you to all the parents that volunteered to help out with this major project. If anyone is still interested in helping Tuesday, 1/25 – Monday, 1/31 please let me know.
• Our fifth Reading Log is due on Friday, February 11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Dodgeball permission slips and money are due on Friday, January 28.
*All late work is due by Friday, Jan 28th.

Monday, January 24 - No School: Institute Day

Tuesday, January 25
Review Source Cards and Note Cards for Research
Media Center Computers

Homework: Read The Cay Chapters 18-19 and complete the comprehension questions (pages 13-14). Study your Vocabra words because we will have the spelling test on Thursday. Work on research.

Wednesday, January 26
Media Center Front Tables (COW’s)
Vocabra Word Drawing

Homework: The Cay Reflection of Novel (see packet)
You need to have at least 15 note cards done by tomorrow. I will be doing note card checks, during 8th/9th period so you need to have the 15 completed by the end of 9th period.

Thursday, January 27 (Stuffing Day)
Media Center Back Tables (Book Research)
Note Card CHECK (@ least 15)
Vocabra List 9 SPELLING TEST

Homework: Work on your Book in A… Project. Work on taking more notes on note cards. Study Vocabra Words for the usage test TOMORROW!

Friday, January 28
Media Center Front Tables (COW’s)
Vocabra List 9 Usage Test
Work on Book in A…

Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!! Work on your research! Your final Note Cards and Source Cards are due at the end of 9th period on Monday!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus January 17, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 17, 2011
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Please read the following information:
*There will be a Ch 13 review session during lunch on Tuesday, January 18th . Please ask
Ms. Alexander for a pass.
* I am no longer accepting late or missing work for Ch. 11 and Ch. 12. However, I will accept missing work
for Ch. 13. It is due by next Tuesday, Jan. 25th.
*Sixth Grade Honor Roll Breakfast is Friday morning, January 21st , at 8:00 A.M.

Monday, January 17– MLK, Jr Holiday - No School

Tuesday, January 18– Lunchtime review session today. Please ask for a pass.
Review pp. 215-216 two-column notes & Charts and Graph handout p. 17
Homework: Study for Wednesday’s test

Wednesday, January 19–
Ch. 13 test
Summarize MLK, Jr article. Identify who, when, where, what, why and how in the summary.
Homework: Finish summary of MLK, Jr article, if necessary

Thursday, January 20–
Introduce Ch. 14
Define: republic, veto, and Twelve Tables
Read pp. 219-220
Homework: None

Friday, January 21–
Newzbrain Jeopardy Game
Begin two-column notes identifying responsibilities of patricians, plebeians, consuls, judges, and tribunes
Homework: None

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of January 17, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 17, 2011 – Updated Jan. 18 at 5:30 P.M.
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Website: http://d97jalexander.blogspot.com

Important Information:
• Portfolio conferences will be Thursday, February 3. Conference Schedules will be sent home this Thursday and will be posted on my blog. Remember students must attend the conference and plan to arrive 15 minutes early. Please email me if you need to change your scheduled time!
• We are beginning our major Research project this week! Information with project requirements and due dates is being sent home Tuesday!
• Our fifth Reading Log is due on Friday, February 11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Students will have a Chapter 4 Verb Test on Friday, January 21. Students may wish to check out a grammar book. Please ask Ms. Alexander for a book.
• Dodgeball permission slips and money are due on Friday, January 28.

Monday, January 17
No School: MLK Day

Homework: Enjoy the day off!

Tuesday, January 18 (Schedule Flipped Periods 1, 8, 9, 2, 3)
Introduce Vocabra List #9
Introduce Research Letter
Verbs Lesson 4.7 & 4.8 PP pg 17-19
Assign The Cay Book in A… Groups

Homework: Get your Research Parent Letter Signed- due tomorrow! Also you need to rank your TOP FIVE topic choices.

Wednesday, January 19 - Turn in Signed Parent Letter and Top 5 Topics
Assign The Cay Book in A… Groups
Verb Lesson 4.8 & 4.9 (PP pg 20-21)
Read The Cay Chapters 14-15
Complete The Cay 14/15 Comprehension Questions (PP pg 12)
The Cay Chapter 16-19 Guided Vocab Notes (Cay PP Page 6)
Work on Book in A… Project

Homework: Work on your Book in A… Project & One member from your Book in A.. Group must bring in a container for the project. Finish class work

Thursday, January 20
Read The Cay Chapters 16-17
Complete The Cay 16-17 Comprehension Questions (PP pg 13)
Review for Chapter 4 Verb Test

Homework: Study for Verb Test. Don’t forget to bring a Research Folder, Note Cards, and Ziploc bag to school on Friday.

Friday, January 21
Due TODAY: Research Folder, Note Cards, and Ziploc bag
8th Period Presentation: Website Reliability and Advanced Internet Searches
Assign Research Topics TODAY
Chapter 4 Verb TEST

Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus January 10, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 10, 2011
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Please read the following information:
* Student will participate in a second set of “Map Testing” on Wednesday & Thursday therefore we will not have S.S. on Wednesday. However, will have core classes (Sci., S.S., & Math) on Thursday, once testing is completed. See Ms. Alexander about the schedule changes.
*All late work for Ms. Alexander is due by Wednesday, January 12th.
*Students were told last week that there will be a test on Ch. 13. It will be next Wednesday, Jan 19th.
*On next Friday, Jan. 21st students will participate in a current events competition. Be sure to become familiar with notable news events from this week since questions about this week’s news will be asked in the competition. The focus will be on national & world news, people & places, family & society, arts & entertainment, science & technology, & sports.

Monday, January 10–
Read bottom of p. 213 – p. 214 and begin Two-Column notes for the following sub-topics:
Etruscan Worship; Provinces; Soothsayers; Funeral Rituals; Catacombs; Necropolis
Homework: Finish Two-Column notes

Tuesday, January 11–
Begin reading pp. 215-216 and begin Two-Column notes for the following sub-topics:
Ruler; Architectural Contributions; Language Contributions; Borrowed Customs; Religious Beliefs; Establishing New Cities; Mundus
Homework: Finish power notes and define: forum, gladiatorial games, triumph, fasces, municipal, mundus-due Thursday. Don’t forget. All late and missing work is due Wednesday, Jan. 12th

Wednesday, January 12– MAP Testing today- No Class
Homework: Finish Tuesday’s homework – due Thursday

Thursday, January 13–
Review homework
Complete Charts and Graph handout
Homework: Finish Charts and Graph handout

Friday, January 14–
Read & discuss Martin Luther King article
Homework: Study for test on Wed., January 19th.

Study Guide- Chapter 13 Test

1. All given vocabulary words
2. Know the Early Italian landforms: major rivers, seas, mountains (see map on p. 211
3. Study notes taken on pp. 210 – 216 regarding Etruscan:
*Origins and background information
* Jobs
* Natural resources
*Religious beliefs
*Burial Practices
*Ruler of Rome
*Architecture contributions
*Language contributions
*Customs borrowed from Romans
*How they founded their cities
*Underworld customs
4. Chart and Graph Activity handout
5. Students may wish to do the Section 3 questions on p. 216 (#2 – 5)

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of January 10, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 10, 2011
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Website: http://d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Important Information:
• Our January Reading Log is due on Friday, February 11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Students will have a Chapter 4 Verb Test on Friday, January 21.
• Conference Sign-Up forms will be sent home on Monday January 10th. Please be sure to fill it out and send it back to school as soon as possible. Conferences will be on Thursday, February 3rd.
• There will be no Advisory and the Media Center is not available before and after school this week due to MAP Testing.

Monday, January 10
The Cay Ch 6-15 Guided Vocabulary Notes (Cay PP pg 5)
Foreshadowing Handout
Read The Cay Chapter 6 & assign The Cay Books
Verb Lessons 4.3 (PP pg 7) and Complete pg 9
Vocabra Sell It (12 Groups)

Homework: Turn in conference sign-up sheets! Read The Cay Chapter 7 and answer the Chapter 6-7 Comprehension Question (The Cay PP pg 9-10)

Tuesday, January 11
Finish Vocabra Word Story (use 10+ words)
Verb Lesson 4.4 (PP pg 10)
Vocabra: Word Drawing using the Word Itself
Read The Cay Chapter 8-9
Complete The Cay 8/9 Comprehension Questions (PP pg 10)
Complete The Cay Chapter 2 Comprehension Questions (PP pg 7)

Homework: VERB Practice Packet Page 12 & Finish Class work

Wednesday, January 12
Verb Lesson 4.5 (PP pg 13-14) and Complete pg 15
Read The Cay Chapters 10-11
Complete The Cay 10/11 Comprehension Questions (PP pg 11)
The Cay Chapter 1-3 Comp Questions (The Cay PP Pages 7-8)
Vocabra Whiteboard Spelling Race

Homework: Read Chapter 12 and 13. Complete the Chapter 12/13 Comprehension questions in The Cay PP pg 11. Finish Class work

Thursday, January 13 - No Reading/LA due to MAP Testing
Homework: Study for List #8 Vocabra Tests

Friday, January 14
Vocabra List #8 Tests & Verb Lessons 4.6 and 4.7 (Verb PP page 16-18)
Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!! No School on Monday due to MLK,Jr’s Birthday.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus January 3, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 3, 2011
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Please read the following information:
* Student will participate in a second set of “Map Testing” two days next week, therefore our morning
schedule will be different next week. Students will be notified by the end of this week about the schedule
* Please begin the New Year by making a commitment to complete all missing work from December and
to complete all assigned work during this new year and trimester. All late work for Ms. Alexander is due
by Wednesday, January 12th. Mid-term progress reports will be ready for viewing on Powerschool on
January 25th.

Monday, January 3– Happy New Year!!
Introduce Ch. 13 & begin reading pp. 209-210
Homework: Define Tiber River, Palatine Hill, Aeneas, Latins, Remus, & Romulus

Tuesday, January 4–
Finish reading & discussing pp. 209-210
Compare and contrast two Roman origin myths
Homework: Complete “Section 1 Assessment questions” p. 210 # 2-5

Wednesday, January 5–
Review homework
Begin reading pp. 210-214
Homework: None

Thursday, January 6–
Begin power notes for pp. 210-214 using these subtopics:
The People, Land, Earning a Living, Military, Entertainment, Social Order, The Wealthy
Homework: Finish Power Notes

Friday, January 7–
Begin definitions: Etruscans, phalanx, acrobats, social order, soothsayers, omens, catacombs, & necropolis
Review homework
Map Activity handout
Homework: None. Finish any missing and/or absent work because it is due next Wed., January 12th.

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of January 3, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 3, 2011
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Website: http://d97jalexander.blogspot.com

Important Information:
• Your December Reading Log is due on Thursday, January 6. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Be sure to log your Sci-Fi book! Don’t forget that you do not have to answer a log question because it was a novel study book!

Monday, January 3 (WELCOME BACK)
Introduce Vocabra List #8
Introduce The Cay (The Cay Practice Packet Pages 1-3)
Media Center Back Tables: 9th Period

Homework: NONE

Tuesday, December 4
Local Color Handout
The Cay Ch 1-5 Guided Vocab Notes (Cay PP pg 4)
Begin Verb Unit: Lesson 4.1 PowerPoint (Verb PP pg 1-2)
Read The Cay Chapter 1

Homework: VERB Practice Packet Page 3

Wednesday, January 5
Read The Cay Chapters 2-3
The Cay Chapter 1-3 Comp Questions (Cay PP Pages 7-8)
Vocabra Word Story: Topic is Family

Homework: Your 4th READING LOG IS DUE TOMORROW! Be sure to have everything logged and your parent signatures. Finish your word story, if necessary.

Thursday, January 6
Turn in Rdg Log #4
Verb Lesson 4.2 PowerPoint (Verb PP pg 4-5)
Complete Verb Packet Page 6
Read The Cay Chapter 4
Foreshadowing Handout

Homework: Word Drawing

Friday, January 7
Read The Cay Chapter 5
The Cay Chapter 4-5 Comp Questions (Cay PP Pages 9)
The Cay Ch 6-15 Guided Vocab Notes (Cay PP pg 5)

Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!!