Monday, May 10, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of May 10, 2010

Jolynn Alexander
Social Studies Syllabus Week of May 10, 2010
Blog Website:
Important Information:
**Students will receive Islam quizzes back by Thursday and I will allow test corrections for any student that receives a D or U
**Bring colored pencils to class on Wednesday
**Students will take a Judaism quiz next Tuesday, May 18th
**Newsbowl topics assigned this week therefore students need to find an article about this week's news. Articles due next Wednesday
**Grades have been updated so please review

Monday, May 10
Finish reviewing pp. 109-110 , notes: Split of 12 tribes
Thoroughly answer these questions using at least 2 or more sentences
1. Explain Hebrew laws
2. When Hebrews arrived back to Canaan, why couldn't they get back into the city?
3. Who and how did the Hebrews finally get inside the city?
4. Explain why Canaan was a difficult place to live.
5. Explain how Hebrews adapted the land in order to grow crops in Canaan.
Homework: Finish questions

Tuesday, May 11
Review homework
Two-column notes regarding: Saul, David, Solomon, conflicts among the Hebrews, message of prophets, and religious changes in Babylonia
Homework: Finish two-column notes

Wednesday, May 12
Review homework
Read Scholastic News article: Jerusalem: Divided City
Homework: Complete map

Thursday, May 13
Finish reading Scholastic News article: Jerusalem: Divided City
Take notes
Homework: Jerusalem Armies and Faiths handout

Friday, April 14
Review for quiz
Homework: Study for quiz

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