Monday, May 17, 2010

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- May 17, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of May 17, 2010

Important Information:
• Congratulations to Brandon Hampton and Lucy Kenig-Ziesler. They are my classroom spelling bee winners and will represent my classroom at our annual sixth grade Spelling Bee on May 27th. Good luck to them both.
• There will be a Chapter 9 Grammar Test on Monday, May 17
• Our 3rd Lit Circle Meeting will be on Monday and Friday depending on which group you are in. Remember, you have to have your completed packet and book in class with you to participate in the meeting!
• Your FINAL Reading Log is due on Thursday, May 20. Don’t forget signatures! Students may only include their lit circle book on this reading log IF they have completed all their lit circle packets.

Monday, May 17
8th Period: Lit Circle Meeting #3
Lit Circle Work Time
Introduce Vocabra List #15
Vocabra Test # 14 (we were unable to finish both tests last Fri because of our grammar review session)
Grammar TEST: Chapter 9
Homework: Work on your FINAL reading log!

Tuesday, May 18
Share last week’s Vocabra stories
Vocabra Word Drawing: Draw the meaning using the word itself!
Lit Circle Work Time
Homework: Work on Lit Circles

Wednesday, May 19
Word Story: In a Group of 4 you will write a Word PLAY with 4 Characters using all 12 Words!
Lit Circle Work Time
Homework: FINISH Your FINAL Reading Log- don’t forget your parent signatures! You cannot use your lit circle book, if you didn’t turn in a packet or your packet was incomplete

Thursday, May 20
Reading Log Due
Perform Word Plays
Lit Circle Work Time
Homework: FINISH your Lit Circle #3 Packet and Reading! Remember you MUST have your book and packet in class with you to participate!

Friday, May 21
8th Period: Lit Circle Meeting #3
Vocabra Charades
Homework: None! Have a wonderful weekend!

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