Monday, May 17, 2010

social Studies Syllabus- Week of May 17, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of May 17, 2010
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
• Our Judaism test will be on Tuesday. A study guide was given last week. Students should also study the questions, Jewish holidays and rituals, and their learning log notes. There will not be time to do a make-up for the Judaism test therefore students must do their best on this test.
• Students who earned a D or U on the Islam test may make test corrections on Thursday, May 20 during their lunch period. Students wishing to make the test corrections must get a parent signature on their test. The highest grade you may earn is a C- or 70%.
• Return Human Heritage textbook or CD on Friday
Monday, May 17, 2010 –
Review for test
Introduce ancient Egypt, time permitting
Homework: Study for test. Be sure to study the questions, Jewish holidays and rituals, and your learning log notes

Tuesday, May 18, 2010 –
Take Ch 6 Judaism test
Read pp82-83 in blue To See a World resource textbook
Homework: Finish Newsbowl article summary and don’t forget to bring in your article

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 –
Collect Newsbowl summary and article
Movie: Nile, Gift of the Gods
Read pp. 84-85 in blue textbook
Begin Map of Nile River
Homework: Use your red Human Heritage textbook pp. 67-68 to define: delta, cataracts, basin, shadoof and finish map of the Nile River

Thursday, May 20, 2010 –
Review homework
Continue reading blue textbook, pp. 86, 88, and 89
Introduce writing hieroglyphics
Homework: Complete “Decipher the Message” handout and read pp. 69-73 in red Human Heritage textbook to define: King Narmer, double crown, pharaoh, granaries, Book of the Dead, embalming, & natron

Friday, May 21, 2010 –
Review homework
Begin Mummy movie, time permitting
Homework: None

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- May 17, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of May 17, 2010

Important Information:
• Congratulations to Brandon Hampton and Lucy Kenig-Ziesler. They are my classroom spelling bee winners and will represent my classroom at our annual sixth grade Spelling Bee on May 27th. Good luck to them both.
• There will be a Chapter 9 Grammar Test on Monday, May 17
• Our 3rd Lit Circle Meeting will be on Monday and Friday depending on which group you are in. Remember, you have to have your completed packet and book in class with you to participate in the meeting!
• Your FINAL Reading Log is due on Thursday, May 20. Don’t forget signatures! Students may only include their lit circle book on this reading log IF they have completed all their lit circle packets.

Monday, May 17
8th Period: Lit Circle Meeting #3
Lit Circle Work Time
Introduce Vocabra List #15
Vocabra Test # 14 (we were unable to finish both tests last Fri because of our grammar review session)
Grammar TEST: Chapter 9
Homework: Work on your FINAL reading log!

Tuesday, May 18
Share last week’s Vocabra stories
Vocabra Word Drawing: Draw the meaning using the word itself!
Lit Circle Work Time
Homework: Work on Lit Circles

Wednesday, May 19
Word Story: In a Group of 4 you will write a Word PLAY with 4 Characters using all 12 Words!
Lit Circle Work Time
Homework: FINISH Your FINAL Reading Log- don’t forget your parent signatures! You cannot use your lit circle book, if you didn’t turn in a packet or your packet was incomplete

Thursday, May 20
Reading Log Due
Perform Word Plays
Lit Circle Work Time
Homework: FINISH your Lit Circle #3 Packet and Reading! Remember you MUST have your book and packet in class with you to participate!

Friday, May 21
8th Period: Lit Circle Meeting #3
Vocabra Charades
Homework: None! Have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of May 10, 2010

Jolynn Alexander
Social Studies Syllabus Week of May 10, 2010
Blog Website:
Important Information:
**Students will receive Islam quizzes back by Thursday and I will allow test corrections for any student that receives a D or U
**Bring colored pencils to class on Wednesday
**Students will take a Judaism quiz next Tuesday, May 18th
**Newsbowl topics assigned this week therefore students need to find an article about this week's news. Articles due next Wednesday
**Grades have been updated so please review

Monday, May 10
Finish reviewing pp. 109-110 , notes: Split of 12 tribes
Thoroughly answer these questions using at least 2 or more sentences
1. Explain Hebrew laws
2. When Hebrews arrived back to Canaan, why couldn't they get back into the city?
3. Who and how did the Hebrews finally get inside the city?
4. Explain why Canaan was a difficult place to live.
5. Explain how Hebrews adapted the land in order to grow crops in Canaan.
Homework: Finish questions

Tuesday, May 11
Review homework
Two-column notes regarding: Saul, David, Solomon, conflicts among the Hebrews, message of prophets, and religious changes in Babylonia
Homework: Finish two-column notes

Wednesday, May 12
Review homework
Read Scholastic News article: Jerusalem: Divided City
Homework: Complete map

Thursday, May 13
Finish reading Scholastic News article: Jerusalem: Divided City
Take notes
Homework: Jerusalem Armies and Faiths handout

Friday, April 14
Review for quiz
Homework: Study for quiz

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- May 10, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of May 10, 2010

Important Information:
• Students will have a Chapter 9 Grammar Test on Monday, May 17
• Our 2nd Lit Circle Meetings will be on Monday and Friday depending on which group you are a part of. Remember, you have to have your completed packet and book in class with you to participate in the meeting!
• The Lit Circle Author Extra Credit Letter is due on Wednesday, May 12th.
• The FINAL Reading Log is due on Thursday, May 20. Don’t forget signatures!!!

Monday, May 10
Grammar Lesson 9.4 & 9.5
Lit Circle Work Meeting # 2 for Single Shard, Habibi, Code Talker groups only
Lit Circle Work Time
Homework: Finish grammar packet pp. 170 &172, if necessary
Don’t forget to complete your Vocabra Word story - due Tuesday

Tuesday, May 11
Grammar Lesson 9.6
Lit Circle Work Time
Whiteboard Vocabra Sentences
Homework: Study for our classroom spelling bee that is on Wednesday! The 6th grade spelling bee on 5/27. Good Luck.
Extra Credit Author Letter is due tomorrow if you wish to do it! Remember you must have the addressed envelope and stamp!

Wednesday, May 12
Classroom Spelling Bee
Grammar Lesson 9.7
Spelling Race
Homework: Study for Grammar Test and complete review handout!

Thursday, May 13
Chapter 9 Grammar Review Game
Lit Circle Work Time
Study Vocabra and Spelling tests
Homework: Breadwinner and Days of Tears Groups must FINISH your Lit Circle #2 Packet and Reading! Remember you MUST have your book and packet in class with you to participate! Study for Vocabra #14 Tests.

Friday, May 14
Vocabra Tests #14
8th Period: Lit Circle Meeting #2
Lit Circle Work Time
Homework: Single Shard, Habibi, Code Talker Groups Should FINISH Lit Circle #3 Packet and Reading! Remember you MUST have your book and packet in class with you to participate in your lit circle groups!
Have a wonderful weekend!!!! Study for Grammar Test Chapter 9 on Monday.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of May 3, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of May 3, 2010
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
• There will be a quiz on Tuesday. The focus will be on its founder, beliefs, who or what contributed to the spread of Islam. Also study: the vocabulary, pages 330 – 336 in our textbook, the Scholastic News article, where Islam is followed today, Ramadan, rituals, the board questions, & the two-column notes
• Students who earned a D or U on their Ch. 16 test will be able to make test corrections during lunch on Wednesday, IF they turned in the test signed by their parent. It is due Monday, May 3, 2010.
• An article for Newsbowl will be due next Wednesday. Students will be assigned new topic this week.

Monday, May 3, 2010 –
Continue reviewing for test
Homework: Study for test

Tuesday, May 4, 2010 –
Ch. 22, Islam quiz
Crusade Movie clips
Homework: None but study for science test

Wednesday, May 5, 2010 –
Assign Newsbowl topics
Intro Ch. 6 Canaanites and Judaism
Begin reading pp. 106-107
Homework: Define – Judaism, nomadic, Yahweh, descendants, exodus, covenant, Ten Commandments

Thursday, May 6, 2010 –
Review homework
Read pp. 109-top of 112
Homework: Define- social justice, judge, psalms, prophets, Sabbath, Torah

Friday, May 7, 2010 –
Review homework
Homework: None, but don’t forget your Newsbowl article is due next Wednesday.

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- May 3, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of May 3, 2010

Important Information:
• Students will have a Chapter 6 Grammar Test on Monday, May 3
• Our Lit Circle Meetings will be held on Monday and Friday. Remember, you have to have your completed packet and book in class with you to participate your meeting!
• The Lit Circle Author Extra Credit Letter is due on Wednesday, May 12th.
• We will have a Chapter 9 Grammar Test on Monday, May 17.
• The FINAL Reading Log is due on Thursday, May 20. Don’t forget signatures!!!

Monday, May 3
8th per. - Lit. Circle Meeting # 1 for Single Shard, Habibi, Code Talker groups only
Lit Circle Work Time
Introduce Vocabra List #14
Chapter 6 Grammar Test
Homework: Work on Lit Circles

Tuesday, May 4
Vocabra Word Story: Group Writing Assignment (Beginning, Middle, End)
Complete Author Sheet
Grammar Lesson 9.1
Spelling Test for List # 13
Homework: Draw the Meaning of the Word using the WORD ITSELF! Choose one Vocabra word and create a drawing using the letters of the word.

Wednesday, May 5
Grammar Lesson 9.2
Lit Circle Work Time
Pass Out Spelling Bee Word Lists & Discuss
Homework: Grammar Handout Pg 165

Thursday, May 6
Lit Circle Work Time
Vocabra Charades
Grammar Lesson 9.3
Homework: Breadwinner and Days of Tears Groups Should FINISH Lit Circle #1 Packet and Reading! Remember you MUST have your book and packet in class with you to participate!

Friday, May 7
8th per. - Lit. Circle Meeting # 1 for Breadwinner and Days of Tears groups only
Lit Circle Work Time
Grammar Lesson 9.4
Homework: Homework: Single Shard, Habibi, Code Talker Groups Should FINISH Lit Circle #2 Packet and Reading! Remember you MUST have your book and packet in class with you to participate in your lit circle groups!
Study spelling bee words- the classroom round is on Tuesday May 11!