Monday, March 15, 2010

Roman Presentation

Roman Presentation- Please return your choices by Wednesday, March 17th

1. Directions: Students are expected to create a 3-5 minute creative scene, informing our class about life in the Roman Empire. The purpose of the scene is to illustrate 5 or more significant and accurate facts about one of the given topics below. A valid connection and/or contribution must be explained (if appropriate) and 2 or more vocabulary words must be
used in the presentation, as well.
2. Possible presentation formats include: a skit, interview, persuasive speech, campaign, debate, etc.
3. Students may work individually or in a group of only two people. If necessary, students may ask for assistance from other class members but the extra students will not be graded on their performance in a friend’s skit.
4. Visual: Each group must present in costume and have a prop or visual aid. Costumes and visuals do not have to be elaborate.
5. Assessment: Students will be assessed on their part of the work completed and their participation in the performance. There will not be a group grade.
6. If working in groups, each person must submit their contribution to the group’s work. A final written copy of what will be performed must be turned in as well. For example: who is responsible for the props or visual, their contribution to the skit, and a copy of the final skit that will be performed.
7. Plan to use our textbook because a lot of information about the topics can be found in it.
8. Students will be able to use the computers and/or books on Friday, March 19th and Monday, March 22nd; therefore plan to complete some research and work at home.
9. Presentations will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, March 24th and 25th. If a students plans to leave early for spring vacation then the student must present before he/she leaves.
Topic Choices:

1. Conflict between Marius and Sulla 10. Explain what finally caused the complete
collapse of Roman Empire?
2. Caesar’s reforms 11.Explain political, economic, & foreign
reasons that caused fall of empire
3. Caesar’s life 12. Roman architecture: Pantheon,
aqueducts, Coliseum, and Circus Maximus
4. Augustus' reforms 13. Diocletian and Constantine reforms
5. Augustus' life
6. Schooling of rich and
poor children 14. Life of a selected emperor – see
textbook pp. 240-243)
7. Life of Roman women 15. Roman entertainment: bath houses,
gymnasiums, and games
8. Roman military during the Republic
and during the Empire 16. Roman entertainment: gladiator games,
chariot races, circuses
9. Roman foods and meals 17. Compare Roman Republic and Empire
to the republic and empire found in the
Star Wars movies

STUDENT ASSESSMENT- Roman Presentation

Points earned

1. The student works productively during given preparation time. ______/3

2. The student completes all individual tasks on time and with quality. ______/4

3. Student includes 5 or more valid significant facts ______/10

4. Student uses 2 or more Ch. 14 or 15 vocabulary words correctly ______/3

5. Student has an appropriate costume and creative prop or a visual ______/3


1. The student speaks in a clear voice and can be heard by all. ______/3

2. The student shows interest, enthusiasm, and confidence. ______/3

3. The student makes eye contact with the audience and/or with ______/3
the other performers.

4. The student displays no nervous habits. ______/3

Total _______/35 points

--------------------------------------Please cut and return---------------------------------------

Roman Presentation Choices
Student Name____________________________________________ Per.__________
Planned Group Member _________________________________________________
1st choice ________________________________________________________________
2nd choice ________________________________________________________________
3rd choice ________________________________________________________________

Parent/guardian signature___________________________________________Date_______

Social Studies Syllabus and Study Guide- Week of March 15, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of March 15, 2010
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
*Students will receive information regarding our upcoming presentation project on Monday. Please select 3 choices, complete the form, and return it on Wednesday.
* Last week I offered students who did not pass the Ch. 14 test or who earned a D, the opportunity to make test corrections and earn up to a C as a new grade. Students must return their signed metacognition and signed test by Tuesday in order to qualify to make the corrections.

Monday, March 15, 2010 –
Discuss project requirements
Review pp. 233-234
List 6 or more reforms made by Augustus during the Pax Romana
Homework: Read pp.234-236 and answer the questions on the board- due Wed.
If you are planning to make test corrections you must bring me the signed
metacognition and test on Tuesday. You will make test corrections during lunch
Wednesday. See me for a pass.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010 – Field Trip - No Class
Homework: Complete the above homework – due Wednesday
Remember, students planning to make test corrections will be able to make them during lunch on Wednesday. See me for a pass.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010 –
Finish discussing reforms made by Augustus
Begin reviewing homework
Work on project
Homework: Work on project

Thursday, March 18, 2010 –
Finish reviewing homework, if necessary
Project work time
Homework: Work on project

Friday, March 19, 2010 –
Project work time in the media center
Homework: Work on project

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- March 15, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of March 15, 2010
Important Information:
• Upcoming research due dates:
o Monday, March 15: Draft Boxes of Power Point Due (by end of the day)
o Monday, March 22: Final Power Point Presentations are due! You must also be ready to present next week.
• The Chicago Board Options Exchange field trip is on Tuesday. Don't forget to bring your lunch and come to school on time. Remember you must be dressed appropriately or you will NOT be able to attend this field trip and your $4.00 will not be refunded.
• The 6th Reading Log is due on Tuesday, March 16. Don’t forget signatures!!!
• Money for Museum of Sci and Industry trip is due this Wednesday, March 17th.
• REMEMBER we accept NO late work at all during the 3rd Trimester!

Monday, March 15
Collect Power Point Paper drafts
8th Period: Band Assembly
9th Period: Power Point Instruction and Vocabra skit work time
Homework: READING LOGS ARE DUE TOMORROW- don't forget they must be signed!

Tuesday, March 16
Collect Reading Logs!!!
8th Media Center Computers (Power Point Work Time)
Present Vocabra skits
Homework: Read your Socratic Seminar Article at LEAST one more time and make sure you are ready to participate in our Seminar tomorrow! Have your high level critical thinking questions ready to ask!
Don’t forget to bring $10 for the Museum of Science and Industry Field trip by tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 17 (Happy St. Patties Day!!!)
8th Period: Media Center Computers (Power Point Work Time)
9th Period Front Tables: Book Check out and Return
Complete Vocabra Newspaper Captions
Prepare for Hunting Socratic Seminar- Read Article, Mark Article, Write Two Questions
Homework: Read your Socratic Seminar Article at LEAST one more time and make sure you are ready to participate in our Seminar tomorrow! Have your high level critical thinking questions ready to ask!

Thursday, March 18
8th period: Spelling Race and Vocabra review for test
Sign Up for Power Point Presentation Order
9th period: Socratic Seminar
Homework: Study for your VOCABRA TESTS on Friday!
Work on your Power Point if you did not finish it in school! If you work on the power point at home you must save it as a power point 97-2003 version otherwise your power point will not work on our computers. Tomorrow will be the last day you will have to work on power points in school.

Friday, March 19
#11Vocabra Tests
Power Point Presentation Rehearsal- Partner Practice
Homework: Today was our last day to work on power point! Be sure to finish it at home if it was not completed today. If you work on the power point at home you must save it as a power point 97-2003 version. If you have signed up to present, your power point presentations will begin on Monday! Have an outstanding WEEKEND ☺

Monday, March 8, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus and Study Guide- Week of March 8, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of March 8, 2010
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
*Next week I will introduce a new project regarding a student presentation involving what we are studying now. I recommend paying careful attention to our next unit. You will need to decide what you are most interested in and willing to learn more about.
*We will not have Newsbowl next week due to our upcoming Roman presentation project

Monday, March 8, 2010 –
Review decline of Roman Republic
3-column notes for Roman Reformers: Gracchus brothers pp. 227
Homework: Finish 3-column notes for: Marius & Sulla bottom of pg. 227 – top of
If you haven’t paid for our upcoming to the Board of Trade please bring in your money tomorrow

Tuesday, March 9, 2010 –
Review homework
Define booty, dictator, & triumvirate
Read pp 228-227 & complete 3-column notes
Homework: Complete Julian Calendar handout

Wednesday, March 10, 2010 –
Review homework
Begin Ancient Roman movie
Homework: None

Thursday, March 11, 2010 –
Small group work: Section 5 Questions p. 230 # 2-4
Homework: Finish Section 5 questions p. 230 #2-4

Friday, March 12, 2010 –
Review homework
Define: emperor, empire, Augustus, freedmen, census
Begin reading pp. 233-234
Homework: None

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- March 8, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of March 8, 2010
Important Information:
• Students are to spend this week working on the FINAL draft of their Research Paper!
• Upcoming research due dates:
o Monday, March 9: All edited research papers will be returned by today
o Friday, March 12: Typed FINAL of Research Paper is due! This must include a cover pages, works consulted, corrected outline, and your edited rough draft.
• We will be finalizing our persuasive essays this week. Students will have time to make corrections and print their final paper on Tuesday.
• The Chicago Board Options Exchange permission slip and money is due on Tuesday 3/9. No Exceptions! Be sure to get those into me ASAP!
• The 6th Reading Log is due on Tuesday, March 16. Don’t forget signatures!!!
• REMEMBER we accept NO late work at all during the 3rd Trimester!
• I would like to request assistance from parents who know how to create a power point or are interested in learning how to do it. My class will be creating their power points in the Media Center on March 16 at 2:10, March 17 at 2:10, & March 19th at 2:50. I could really use your help if you are available. Thank you.

Monday, March 8
Introduce Vocabra List #11
Finish typing persuasive essay/peer edits when done
Vocabra Word Drawing #11
Discuss - How to do a Cover Page
Homework: Finish typing persuasive essay at home if not done in class and save it on your
flashdrive – due Tuesday
Work on making corrections to Final Research Paper! Work on your Cover Page!
Bring permission slip and money for Chicago Board Options Exchange trip tomorrow,
if you haven’t turned it in already.

Tuesday, March 9
Finish Peer edits
Discuss - How to do a Works Consulted page
Work on Reading Logs- due next Tuesday
Homework: Work on making corrections to Final Research Paper! Work on your Works Consulted Page and Cover Page!

Wednesday, March 10
COW’s: Make corrections to persuasive essay! Print Final Draft by the end of class!
Vocabra Word Story #11! This week you need to have exactly 26 sentences in your story! The first sentence will begin with Letter A; the second sentence will begin with Letter B; and so on… You can write about any topic- BE CREATIVE!
Read Pleasure Books and work on Reading Logs
Homework: Work on your Final Research Paper--Due FRIDAY!

Thursday, March 11
Introduce Power Point Project Requirements
Power Point Lesson: How to create a power point
Begin Slide Show Rough Draft- Due next Monday
Homework: FINISH the typed FINAL draft of your research paper- DUE TOMORROW!!! Remember you must turn in your Cover Page, Works Consulted, Corrected Outline, and Edited 1st Draft of your essay!

Friday, March 12
Turn in Final Research Paper
Continue Making a Plan for your Research Slide Show
Vocabra Quickie Skit
Homework: Have an outstanding WEEKEND ☺