Monday, May 4, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus May 4, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of May 4, 2009
Blog Website:
Important Information:
* Congratulations to my Newsbowl team! For the third consecutive month we had the top score of all 400 + online participates in the U.S.! Way to go, Red Lightning Team!! We will have a celebration lunch at Nicks on Friday. Students should bring their signed permission slip by Thursday.
*We will take field trip to the Field Museum on May 18th to tour the Ancient Egypt exhibit.
Students should turn in money to their Reading/L.A. teacher by next Wednesday, May 13.
*Finally, I will introduce a S.S. project this week but some students may wish an extra challenge of
mummifying a chicken wing. It is a very long process. Students wishing information about how to
do this activity must have your parents write a short note and sign it at the bottom of this syllabus.

Monday, May 4–
Take pyramid notes
Finish Nile River of Gods, movie notes
Homework: Define- Memphis, Old Kingdom, pharaoh, granaries, pyramids, Book of the Dead,
embalming, mummy using pp. 69 – 73 in Human Heritage textbook

Tuesday, May 5–
Review homework
Review and discuss Pyramid and Religious Beliefs notes
Homework: Egyptian God’s handout

Wednesday, May 6–
Review homework
Discuss Rosetta Stone and introduce Hieroglyphics
Homework: Complete Hieroglyphics handout

Thursday, May 7-
Cartouche Activity
Homework: Finish cartouche

Friday, May 8-
Introduce project (we will spend three days researching, in our Media Center next week)
Beginning watching Mummy movie
Homework: Get Project Letter signed (points will be given) - due Monday

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