Monday, May 11, 2009

Egypt Project Menu

Egypt Project Menu – Due Friday, May 22, 2009
Choose one of the following projects. Each one is worth 25 points

A. Hieroglyphic Crossword Puzzle and Mini Egyptian Research-
1. You must first decipher the hieroglyphic clues and translate them into English in order to complete
the puzzle. Some research may be required to determine the answers to the clues.
2. Be sure to spell all the words correctly when you complete the puzzle.
3. Once the puzzle is completed choose one of the people or objects mentioned in the puzzle and
write one-two detailed paragraphs about the person/object. Ms. Alexander must approve the topic
B. Make a Paper Sarcophagus - (See Mrs. Alexander for the pattern)
Trace the given sarcophagus and include the following:
1. The inside and outside must be highly decorative and creative
2. Egyptian hieroglyphics and Egyptian symbols
3. It must be made like a book and the inside should have pictures and/or objects of important items
needed in the afterlife.
4. Captions must be written for each picture or object explaining why items are needed for the afterlife
and/or important to you.
5. Egyptians often include poems on the inside of their tombs so you will need to include one also.
C. Create an Egyptian Story and the Headdress of an Egyptian God
1. Create an interesting story of a time when the Egyptians would find it necessary to worship the
2. You must include information in the story that informs the reader what the gods represent and why
they were important to the Egyptians.
3. Choose one of gods/goddesses mentioned in your story and create a headdress worn by him or
D. Create an Egyptian Newspaper
1. You may choose four of the following people: Menes/Narmer, Djoser, Khufu, Amenhotep III,
Amenhotep IV, Tutankhamen, Seti I, Thutmose III, Ramses II, or Imhotep, Nefertiti, Cleopatra, or
2. You must use clever headlines introducing all four important Egyptians. Under the headlines
explain: who each person was, title, time period lived, accomplishments or other facts
3. Next create a second attention-grabbing headline and an article that will highlight an event
involving each selected Egyptian. The article should be cleverly written, yet informative. For
example, the article could about something the Egyptian has accomplished or about his/her failure.
Be creative. It should not be written as a fact-based article.
E. Design a 3 D model an Egyptian Pyramid or Tomb
1. The pyramid must look authentic, using authentic colors. You may not use legos, kits, blocks,
sugar cubes and other food products.
2. Draw a detailed, labeled diagram of the inside of your pyramid showing all the parts, chambers,
and mount the drawing on construction paper.
3. Create a separate list of the parts and chambers, and explain the purpose of the chambers and
what could be found in each one. This list should be mounted on construction paper, as well.
4. You may want to consider using heavy card board, foam board, or self hardening clay such as
“model magic” from Crayola or a Model Mud” clay, etc.
F. Mummify a Chicken Wing
1. Mummify a chicken wing and keep a journal, using a given set of embalming instructions.
2. The embalming process takes about three weeks therefore the due date for your project will be
be extended. It will be due Thursday, May 28th.

--------------------------------------------Cut and return to Ms. Alexander--------------------------------------------
I plan to do the ____________________________________________________activity.
Parent Signature________________________________________Date______________________

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