Friday, May 22, 2009

Book in A.....Literature Circle Project

Book in A ... Rubric


The Outside: (Worth 14 pts)

Choose any container for your book project. You may choose any container that suits your needs or theme of your book i.e. manila envelope, paper bag, plastic bag, can with a cover, box, or any other container that you can imagine. Be creative!

 Decorate the container with details appropriate to the book.  - you must present and include the following literature elements somewhere on the outside of your container:

_____/3 points   1. Setting(s)

_____/3 points   2. Character(s)

_____/4 points   3. External Conflict(s) and Internal Conflict(s)

_____/2 points   4. Climax

_____/2 points   5. Resolution

(Optional) Flashback and/or Foreshadow

 The Inside: Choose two of the following (Worth 10 pts)

The inside of the container should include two of the following materials and activities pertaining to the book.

 ____/5 points  1. Questions - Write 10 questions that could be answered by reading the book. Five of the questions should be easier questions with answers that are and five questions should be harder questions with answers that require more thinking.

 ____/5 points  2. Vocabulary – Make a ten word glossary of unfamiliar words from the book and a short definition for each word. Each word should be used in a new meaningful sentence.

 ____/5 points  3. Objects – Include five actual items that depict the story in some way. Include a brief explanation of each. Explain what the objects have to do with the novel and why it was chosen. 

 ____5/points  4. Drawing- Draw ten major scenes retelling the story through the pictures.  The pictures should be kept in chronological order. Include a caption for each picture.

 Total Project

_____/3 points   Creativity

 _____/3 points   Neatly done

 _____ /30 Total  Points                        

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of May 18, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of May 18, 2009

Blog Website:


Important Information:

* Remember the S.S. project is due this Friday, May 22nd. 

*There is a Math Test for Periods 2 & 3 on Friday, therefore students should plan to complete

   their project by Thursday in order to have time to study for Friday’s Math test.  Remember I will

    not accept late work.

  *Our Media Center is open every morning except Wednesdays and it is open after school Monday-

    Thursday, 3:30 – 4:30, if students need more computer time.

  *Finally, we will have an Egypt test next Wednesday, May 27. Please see the reverse side of this

    sheet for the study guide.


Monday, May 18–  

Field Trip- Complete given field trip observation notes on the given handout.

Homework:  Complete a two paragraph observation/reflection about our trip- due Tuesday


Tuesday, May 19– 

Turn in web quest paragraphs

Review field trip reflections

Read & discuss pp. 74 – 78

Homework:  Complete questions pp. 78 # 2 – 5 – due Wednesday

                          Bring research materials to class on Wednesday. You will have class time to work on project


Wednesday, May 20–

Media Center computers and tables - project work time

Finish Cartouche activity

Homework:  Finish cartouche and short paragraph, if necessary- due Thursday

                       Complete Egypt Map handout


Thursday, May 21-

Define:  hieroglyphics, stela, amulets, Hatshepsut, Akhenaton, and Imhotep

Review homework for test

Homework:  Finish Egypt project


Friday, May 22- Egypt projects are due today – Chicken mummy projects are due next week

Read pp. 78 – 80

Complete questions p. 80 # 2-5

Homework:  You may wish to begin studying for your test next week.

                      Have a great 3-day holiday weekend!


Study Guide for Chapter 4 Test


Study pp. 66-80, all notes, and the following:

  1. Know what these famous Egyptians were known for: Akhenaton, Narmer/Menes, Hatshepsut, Thutmose II, Rames II, Imhotep


  1. Pharaoh’s responsibilities
  2. Purposes of the pyramids
  3. Study important events of Old, Middle and New Kingdom (you will receive a handout)
  4. Know impact Hyksos had on Egyptian culture
  5. Know Egyptian contributions
  6. Know Egyptian resources
  7. Know what caused the fall of the Egyptian culture
  8. Egyptian religious beliefs
  9. Know these gods: Isis, Osiris, Horus, Amon-Re, Hapi
  10. Study these areas indicated on the Egyptian Map: Nile River, Alexandria, Giza, Memphis, & Upper and Lower Egypt


  1. Importance of the Rosetta Stone
  2. Know what the Ba, Ka, papyrus plant/paper, and stele are.
  3. Study all the questions completed in Chapter 4
  4. Why is Egypt called the “Gift of the Nile”
  5. The continent Egypt is located on.
  6. All vocabulary words given

language Arts Syllabus - Week of May 18, 2009


Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Week of May 18, 2009


Important Information:

·      We are going to finish up our research presentations early this week. On Wednesday, May 20, we will have our team Research Fair during 8th and 9th period.  Students will be able to view research boards of every student on our team and ask questions of their peers on Wednesday. We will also vote for the best boards at this time! Parents are welcome to attend.

·      We will have our third lit circle meeting this week! Remember you must have your packet 100% complete and your book in class with you in order to participate.

·      We are starting a final lit circle project this week.  Students can work individually or with one partner from their lit circle group.  Students will get all requirements on Monday.  The final project is due on Thursday, May 28. 

·      Congratulations to Erin and Katie for advancing on to the 6th grade spelling bee!  It will be on June 1st during periods 1-3.  GOOD LUCK!!!

·      Spirit Week is this week. There is a different theme each day. Please see below.


Monday, May 18 (BASEBALL DAY)

Introduce “Book in A…” Project– due Thursday, May 28th

Research Presentations


Homework: Remember you must have your packet 100% complete and your book in class with you in order to participate.


Tuesday, May 19 (TWIN DAY)

3rd Lit Circle Meeting Today

Finish Research Presentations (hopefully)


Homework: Work on Lit Circles and/or “Book in A…” Project


Wednesday, May 20 (DODGEBALL DAY)

Research Fair


Homework: Work on Lit Circles and/or “Book in A…” Project


Thursday, May 21 (SUNGLASSES DAY)

Lit Circle Work Time

Sentence Diagramming: Compound Subjects and Predicates


Homework: Work on Lit Circles and/or “Book in A…” Project



Lit Circle Work Time

Sentence Diagramming: Complements- Direct Objects (pages 20-21)


Homework: Have a super three-day weekend

Monday, May 11, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- May 11, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of May 11, 2009
Blog Website:

Important Information:
* Students who have not paid their money for our field trip on Monday, May 18th must turn in
money to their Reading/L.A. teacher by next Wednesday, May 13.
* We will begin our S.S. project this week which it is due Friday, May 22nd. All students have
received a project menu and once I receive parent signatures students will receive a rubric as
*Students will have some class time to work on their project but they should plan to complete
most of it at home. Our Media Center is open every morning except Wednesdays and it is
open after school Monday-Thursday, 3:30 – 4:30.
*The cartouche activity has been postponed until Wednesday. On Wednesday, be sure to have
your name written in hieroglyphics. It was assigned lastThursday, the day I was absent.

Monday, May 11–
Media Center computers and tables - project work time
Homework: Get project letter signed if haven’t done so already

Tuesday, May 12–
Media Center computers and tables - project work time
Homework: Get project letter signed if haven’t done so already
Bring name written in hieroglyphics to class on Wednesday

Wednesday, May 13–
Mummification activity
Begin Cartouche activity
Homework: Finish cartouche and short paragraph

Thursday, May 14-
Copy definitions for given vocabulary words from chalkboard
Read pp. 73 -74
Homework: Complete questions # 1-4 on p. 74

Friday, May 15-
Webquest: Ancient Wonders of the World
Homework: Continue to work on project – due Friday, May 22

Egypt Project Menu

Egypt Project Menu – Due Friday, May 22, 2009
Choose one of the following projects. Each one is worth 25 points

A. Hieroglyphic Crossword Puzzle and Mini Egyptian Research-
1. You must first decipher the hieroglyphic clues and translate them into English in order to complete
the puzzle. Some research may be required to determine the answers to the clues.
2. Be sure to spell all the words correctly when you complete the puzzle.
3. Once the puzzle is completed choose one of the people or objects mentioned in the puzzle and
write one-two detailed paragraphs about the person/object. Ms. Alexander must approve the topic
B. Make a Paper Sarcophagus - (See Mrs. Alexander for the pattern)
Trace the given sarcophagus and include the following:
1. The inside and outside must be highly decorative and creative
2. Egyptian hieroglyphics and Egyptian symbols
3. It must be made like a book and the inside should have pictures and/or objects of important items
needed in the afterlife.
4. Captions must be written for each picture or object explaining why items are needed for the afterlife
and/or important to you.
5. Egyptians often include poems on the inside of their tombs so you will need to include one also.
C. Create an Egyptian Story and the Headdress of an Egyptian God
1. Create an interesting story of a time when the Egyptians would find it necessary to worship the
2. You must include information in the story that informs the reader what the gods represent and why
they were important to the Egyptians.
3. Choose one of gods/goddesses mentioned in your story and create a headdress worn by him or
D. Create an Egyptian Newspaper
1. You may choose four of the following people: Menes/Narmer, Djoser, Khufu, Amenhotep III,
Amenhotep IV, Tutankhamen, Seti I, Thutmose III, Ramses II, or Imhotep, Nefertiti, Cleopatra, or
2. You must use clever headlines introducing all four important Egyptians. Under the headlines
explain: who each person was, title, time period lived, accomplishments or other facts
3. Next create a second attention-grabbing headline and an article that will highlight an event
involving each selected Egyptian. The article should be cleverly written, yet informative. For
example, the article could about something the Egyptian has accomplished or about his/her failure.
Be creative. It should not be written as a fact-based article.
E. Design a 3 D model an Egyptian Pyramid or Tomb
1. The pyramid must look authentic, using authentic colors. You may not use legos, kits, blocks,
sugar cubes and other food products.
2. Draw a detailed, labeled diagram of the inside of your pyramid showing all the parts, chambers,
and mount the drawing on construction paper.
3. Create a separate list of the parts and chambers, and explain the purpose of the chambers and
what could be found in each one. This list should be mounted on construction paper, as well.
4. You may want to consider using heavy card board, foam board, or self hardening clay such as
“model magic” from Crayola or a Model Mud” clay, etc.
F. Mummify a Chicken Wing
1. Mummify a chicken wing and keep a journal, using a given set of embalming instructions.
2. The embalming process takes about three weeks therefore the due date for your project will be
be extended. It will be due Thursday, May 28th.

--------------------------------------------Cut and return to Ms. Alexander--------------------------------------------
I plan to do the ____________________________________________________activity.
Parent Signature________________________________________Date______________________

Reading Language Arts Syllabus - May 11, 2009

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of May 11, 2009

Important Information:
• Students received their edited research papers last week. The final research paper is due on Tuesday, May 12. Be sure to review your rubric to make sure you have all the requirements. You must make corrections to your research paper and your outline after you have edited your paper.
• Your visual aid is due on Thursday, May 14. Again review the rubric you were given.
• Our final Reading Log is due this Friday, May 15th. Don’t forget, if you are reading The Egypt Game novel you must complete two different log entries in order for it to count as 2 books. One of the log entries must be a book report. You must use the book report format on the back of your log sheet. See Mrs. A if you’ve lost your log sheet. I will not accept any late reading logs unless you are absent.
• Remember your lit circle book cannot be used for this reading log, therefore I strongly encourage you to read at least 3-4 books if you want to earn 18-20 pts for this reading log.
• We are planning a Sixth Grade Spelling Bee for June 1st. In order to qualify interested students must participate in classroom spelling bee competition in their reading/language arts classes.
This year, students will not receive a list of words to study. I recommend interested students
review spelling rules and patterns and study vocabulary words used in core classes. Good Luck!
• If you haven’t paid for the trip all money is due by this Wed., May 13th. The trip costs $4.50.

Monday, May 11
Research 8th & 9th Period - Media Center C.O.W.S. to complete any last minute research
Discuss research presentation requirements
Literature Circle work time, as well
Homework: Work on Lit Circles. We meet TOMORROW. Remember you must have your packet 100%
completed and your book in class with you in order to participate.
Work on editing your research paper – Your final draft is due tomorrow

Tuesday, May 12
Literature Circle 8th Period: - 2nd Literature Circle Meeting in Media Center
Sentence Diagramming: Compound Subjects and Predicates pp. 17-19
Homework: Finish Sentence diagramming pp. 17-19, if necessary – due Thursday
Work on visual aid and presentation– Visual Aid is due Thursday, May 14

Wednesday, May 13 - Research Papers Due Today
Lit Circle work time
Classroom qualifying spelling bee
Homework: Work on visual aid and presentation– visual aid is due tomorrow
Work on Lit Circles.

Thursday, May 14- Visual Aids Due Today
Research: Rehearse presentations with a partner
Literature Circle Work Time
Sentence Diagramming: Review pp. 17-19
Homework: Practice presentations- Presentations will begin tomorrow
Work on Lit Circles.

Friday, May 15
Research: Presentations Today
Homework: Work on Lit Circles for our next Tuesday meeting.
Tell parents about our Research Fair next Wednesday, May 20th from 2:10 – 3:30
Have a super weekend!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus May 4, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of May 4, 2009
Blog Website:
Important Information:
* Congratulations to my Newsbowl team! For the third consecutive month we had the top score of all 400 + online participates in the U.S.! Way to go, Red Lightning Team!! We will have a celebration lunch at Nicks on Friday. Students should bring their signed permission slip by Thursday.
*We will take field trip to the Field Museum on May 18th to tour the Ancient Egypt exhibit.
Students should turn in money to their Reading/L.A. teacher by next Wednesday, May 13.
*Finally, I will introduce a S.S. project this week but some students may wish an extra challenge of
mummifying a chicken wing. It is a very long process. Students wishing information about how to
do this activity must have your parents write a short note and sign it at the bottom of this syllabus.

Monday, May 4–
Take pyramid notes
Finish Nile River of Gods, movie notes
Homework: Define- Memphis, Old Kingdom, pharaoh, granaries, pyramids, Book of the Dead,
embalming, mummy using pp. 69 – 73 in Human Heritage textbook

Tuesday, May 5–
Review homework
Review and discuss Pyramid and Religious Beliefs notes
Homework: Egyptian God’s handout

Wednesday, May 6–
Review homework
Discuss Rosetta Stone and introduce Hieroglyphics
Homework: Complete Hieroglyphics handout

Thursday, May 7-
Cartouche Activity
Homework: Finish cartouche

Friday, May 8-
Introduce project (we will spend three days researching, in our Media Center next week)
Beginning watching Mummy movie
Homework: Get Project Letter signed (points will be given) - due Monday

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus May 4, 2009

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of May 4, 2009

Important Information:
• Students will receive their edited research papers on Wednesday, May 6. The final research paper is due on Tuesday, May 12. Be sure to look at the rubric and make sure you have all the requirements within your research paper. Be prepared to make corrections to your research paper when you receive it back on Wednesday.
• The visual aid is due on Thursday, May 14. Students will have some in class time but a majority of this will be done at home. Be sure to see the rubric for guidelines/requirements.
• We have our first lit circle meetings this week! Please be sure to keep up with your reading and packet work.
• Remember your lit circle packet must be 100% completed and you must bring your book to class with you in order to participate.
• Our next Reading Log is due on Friday, May 15th. Some students are reading The Egypt Game novel. Students must complete two different log entries on the May Reading Log in order for it to count as 2 books. One of the log entries must be a book report. Remember our lit circle book cannot be used for this reading log, therefore I strongly encourage you to read an additional two books if you want to earn the entire 20 pts for this reading log.

Monday, May 4
Research: 8th Period Media Centers: Computers for Visual Aid Work Time
Literature Circle Work Time

Homework: Work on Lit Circles. We meet TOMORROW. Remember you must have your packet 100% completed and your book in class with you in order to participate.

Tuesday, May 5
8th Period - Literature Circle Meeting in Media Center
Sentence Diagramming: Review Adjectives and Adverbs

Homework: Work on Lit Circles.
Complete Pp. 12 – 13 Sentence Basics Diagramming handouts – due Thursday

Wednesday, May 6
Return Edited Rough Drafts
Review How to Type Work Consulted Page and How to Make a Cover Page
Research: 9th Period Media Centers: Computers for Visual Aid Work Time

Homework: Work on Editing your Research Paper- final draft is due on Tuesday, May 12.
Work on Lit Circles.

Thursday, May 7
Sentence Diagramming: Review Sentence Basics (pages 12-13)
Literature Circle Work Time

Homework: Work on Lit Circles.

Friday, May 8
Sentence Diagramming: Compound Subjectects and Predicates
Literature Circle Work Time
Homework: Have a super weekend! Work on your final draft & your visual aid! Both are due next week!