Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of December 8, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus
Mrs. Alexander Team 6 – 3 - Week of December 8, 2008
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com - Email: jalexander@op97.org

Parents and Guardians:
*We had a great time at our Greek Town field trip. Thanks to all the parents that volunteered their time as chaperones. I hope my students got a few ideas about a good topic for their upcoming project.
*On Tuesday - Friday, students will have lots of work time to develop their connections/achievement project. I do hope each student makes good use of their time. We will go to the library Tuesday – Friday and even on Monday.
The project is due next Wednesday, December 17th.

Monday, December 8: No Class –Field Trip

Tuesday, December 9: Block Schedule – Periods 1 and 2 only today
In class students can begin to read pp. 185 – 190 and define:
Intellect, philosophia, philosophers, Socratic Method, political science, classify, scientific method, hypothesis, logic, syllogism, Hippocrates
Project work time
Homework: Finish reading pp. 185 – 190 and complete definitions – due next class session

Wednesday, December 10: Block Schedule
Period 3 only:
1. In class students can begin to read pp. 185 – 190 and define:
Intellect, philosophia, philosophers, Socratic Method, political science, classify, scientific method, hypothesis, logic, syllogism, Hippocrates
2, Project work time
Homework: Finish reading and definitions

Period 1 only:
Review homework and project work time
Homework: Work on project

Thursday, December 11: Block Schedule – Periods 2 and 3 only
Review homework and project work time
Homework: Work on project

Friday, December 12: Regular schedule today
Project work time
Homework: Work on project- due Wednesday, Dec. 17th

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