Monday, December 1, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus and Study Guide - Week of December 1, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus
Mrs. Alexander Team 6 – 3 - Week of December 1, 2008
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Parents and Guardians:
*Last week I announced an upcoming test to be given on Thursday, December 4th. Please see the study guide on the reverse side of this syllabus.
*I have not received all the Comic Strip projects. I will still accept it for late credit but I must have it by Tuesday. I will not accept any projects after Tuesday, December 2nd.
*Don’t forget our trip to Greek Town on Dec. 8th. $20 is due to your child’s L/A teacher , a.s.a.p. Trip money will not be accepted after Wednesday, December 3rd .

Monday, December 1:
Continue reviewing Guided Reading Questions handout
Begin to create a list of Greek connections found in our present day society
Homework: Map of Greece

Tuesday , December 2:
Review homework
Finish reviewing Guided Reading Questions handout
Homework: Life of Sparta - graphic organizer

Wednesday, December 3:
Review homework
Compare and contrast Sparta and Athens
Review Anticipation Guide and for test
Homework: Study for test on Thursday

Thursday, December 4:
Take Ch. 10 test
When done with test read pp. 179-185 and define:
oracles, prophecy, Oracle at Delphi, Olympia, Olympic Games, Hippodrome, pancratium, pentathlon, Herodotus, Olympiads, soliloquy, tragedies, orchestra (see margin on p. 183), and comedies
Homework: Finish reading and defining above words found on pp. 179 - 185

Friday, December 5:
Review homework and discuss Greek connections discovered on pp. 179-185
Watch movie: Ancient Greeks, time permitting
Introduce “Greek Connections” project – due Wednesday, December 17th
Homework: Get project sheet signed
Chapter 10 Study Guide

Study Guide: Be sure to study the following for test on Chapter 10- pp. 163-176:

1. All the vocabulary words: polis, acropolis, agora, aristocrats, ephors, artisans, Council
of Elders, helots, perioeci, Assembly, constitution, oligarchy, democratic, magistrates, Council of Five Hundred, triremes, defensive league, mercenaries,
2. Section Questions on pp. 164 and 167
3. Guided Reading Questions handout for pp.168 -176
4. Life in Sparta - graphic organizer
5. Similarities and differences of Sparta and Athens
6. Types of governments Sparta and Athens had
7. The Battle of Marathon
8. The Battle of Thermopylae
9. The Delian League
10. How the Peloponnesian War began and ended
11. Women rights in Sparta and Athens
12. Who Pericles was and what he did
13. Decline of Athens
14. Greek values
15. Greek Map
16. Anticipation Guide

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