Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of December 15, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus
Mrs. Alexander Team 6 – 3 - Week of December 15, 2008
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Parents and Guardians:
*Remember, the Greek Connections/Achievement Project is due on Wednesday, December 17th.
*Students will receive their tests back this week before vacation.
*I have given my student lots of time to begin their project in class. Most students have made good use of his/her time. All students that completed a draft last week will receive it back on Monday.
*I strongly urge students to reread the project rubric to make sure all requested information has been included on the poster.

Monday, December 15:
Project work time in Media Center
Homework: Work on project- due Wednesday, Dec. 17th

Tuesday, December 16:
Begin “Focus on Ideas” handout p. 47 – due Thursday
Project work time
Homework: Finish project due tomorrow

Wednesday, December 17:
Present projects
Begin “Using Vocabulary” handout p. 48- due Thursday
Homework: Finish p. 47 and 48 handouts

Thursday, December 18:
Review homework
Begin Winter Holidays activity
Homework: None

Friday, December 19:
Finish Winter Holidays activity
Homework: None! Have a restful holiday vacation. See you on Monday, January 5th, 2009

Reading Language Arts Syllabus- December 15, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of December 15, 2008
Blog: d97jalexander.blogspot.com – email: jalexander@op97.org

Important Information:
o Students began a Heracles time line project last Friday. It is an in-school assignment and should be completed by Tuesday, December 16.
o The differentiation group received a Hero writing assignment last week. The typed final draft is due Tuesday, December 16.
o Our students will also be a part of a play. They received the play and their parts last Thursday. Lines should be memorized and we will perform our play on Wednesday in the auditorium during 8th and 9th period.
o Last week students not in the differentiation group began a Greek Myth Project. They were given a Tic-Tac-Toe Board and told to select one of the nine project choices. It is due on Thursday, December 18. Remember this is a FINAL project so it must be of the highest quality!
o Our next Reading Log will be due on Thursday, January 8
o Please let your child’s Reading teacher know if your child will be absent this week. It really helps our reporting of the attendance. Be sure to encourage your child to turn in projects prior to their absence if they will not be at school when it is collected.

Monday, December 15
Finish In-Class Heracles Timeline Project
Play Rehearsal
Greek Project Work Time
Homework: Memorize and practice play lines and/or bring in requested props.
Differentiation Group – Hero Writing Assignment is due on Tuesday.
Non Differentiation Group: Continue to work on Greek project-due Thursday
If you have not returned the signed report card envelope, please do so a.s.a.p.

Tuesday, December 16
Differentiation Group: Hero Project Due Today
Participate in Team 6-3 Olympics
Play Rehearsal, time permitting
Homework: Memorize and practice play lines and/or bring in requested props.
Work on Greek Myth Project – due Thursday, December 18.

Wednesday, December 17
Present Plays in Auditorium
Homework: Finish Greek Myth Project – due Thursday

Thursday, December 18
Tic-Tac-Toe, Greek Project is due today.
Begin Watching Hercules Movie
Book Talks Regarding Student Choice Novel Study After Our Break-Student Take Survey
Homework: Students may bring a store brought, healthy snack to share on Friday.

Friday, December 19
Continue Watching Hercules Movie
Homework: Have a SUPER winter holiday. See you on Jan. 5th, 2009.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Greek Achievement/Connections Poster Project and Rubrics

Greek Achievement/Greek Connections Poster Project

Instead of a Social Studies test on Chapter 11 you are to create a poster regarding the following:
* An achievement the Greeks have contributed to our society or
* Explain a Greek connection that is found in our modern world
You cannot use Nike or the marathon because these examples were used in class.

An achievement is something the Greeks invented or created that is used in our society today. Examples of achievements are: Greek columns, democracy, pottery, philosophy, Socratic Method, scientific method, Greek origin words, etc. You can find many more examples in Ch. 11 of our textbook or ask your teacher for assistance.
A connection is a Greek idea that is found in today’s society. Here is an example of what can be written about Nike:
Did you know that the Nike Corporation was probably named after a Greek mythological character, called Nike? Athena was the goddess of war and had a companion called Nike. Nike was the spirit of victory and was always at Athena’s side to help her be victorious in battle. Nike is a good name for the company because it symbolizes a great success for the company or people who wear their products.

1. Greek Achievement - include the following: (A great differentiation project)
A. Your visual must include a written explanation about the achievement, background
information such as who created it, who used it and why, where and when it was used, where can it be found, the time period, etc.)
B. Explain why it is important to our society and how it is used in our society today
C. Create a visual such as a poster or power point presentation
D. If using a poster it must be decorative, have a border, and cannot be any
bigger than 18 X 22 inches and no smaller than 8.5 X 11 inches.
E. Power points must be decorative and can be read clearly. (See teacher for permission)
F. All information on the visual must be typed and include 3 or more colorful
pictures, graphics, etc.
G. If typing paper is used then it must be matted to construction paper.
H. Be sure to cite your source of information on the back of your poster.

2. Greek Connection - please note the following requirements:
A. Give background information about the Ancient Greek topic on the poster
B. Include an explanation about how it is used in our society today so that the teacher can understand the connection
C. Make an inference about the topic (see the example above)
D. If using a poster it must be decorative, have a border, and cannot be any
bigger than 18 X 22 inches and no smaller than 8.5 X 11 inches.
E. Power points must be decorative and can be read clearly. (See teacher for permission)
F. Informaiton on your visual must be typed and include 3 or more colorful pictures, graphics, an icon or original logo(s), etc.
G. If typing paper is used then it must be matted to construction paper.
H. Be sure to cite your source of information on the back of your poster.

Visual Aid Rubric:


Name of Topic__________________________________________

1. _______/ 3 pts. Background information given about Greek topic

2. ______¬_ / 3 pts. Student explains relationship/connection between Greeks and our modern society

3. _______/ 4 pts. Student makes valid inference
Explains why topic is important to our society and/or
How it is used in our society today

4. _______/ 3 pts. Poster/visual has no more than 3 grammatical and/or spelling errors

5. _______/ 3 pts. Information has been typed and is large enough to be seen from a distance

6. _______/ 3 pts. Contains 3 or more colorful graphics, drawings, icons, and/or original logos etc.

7. _______/ 4 pts. Visual is creative and neat (posters must have a border)

8. _______/ 2 pts. Poster is appropriate size or power point is presented appropriately

9. _______/ 2 pts. Project is turned in on time

_________/ 27 Sub Total


1. ______/ 7 pts. Draft completed and turned in on time

2. ______/5 pts. Student was focused and displayed appropriate behavior during work time

________/ 39 Total Points


Name of Game _____________________________________________

Olympic Game Assessment Rubric

1. _______/ 3 pts. Game is creative and appropriate

2. _______/ 2 pts. Poster gives a clear explanation about how to play and win the game

3. _______/ 2 pts. Materials needed to play game are included on poster

4. _______/ 3 pts. Poster/presentation has no more than 3 grammatical errors

5. _______/ 2 pts. Information has been typed and is large enough to be seen from a distance
6. _______/ 2 pts. Contains 2 or more colorful graphics, drawings, icons, and/or original logos etc.
7. _______/ 2 pts. Visual is creative and neat (posters must have a border)

8. _______/ 3 pts. Student’s behavior is appropriate throughout entire presentation

9. _______/ 3pts. Students include an interesting opening and/or closing ceremony.

10. ______/ 5 pts. Students included a two or more paragraph written explanation about the Olympics

_________/ 27 Total Points


1. ______/ 7 pts. Draft completed and turned in on time

2. ______/5 pts. Student was focused and displayed appropriate behavior during work time

________/ 39 Total Points

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of December 8, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus
Mrs. Alexander Team 6 – 3 - Week of December 8, 2008
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com - Email: jalexander@op97.org

Parents and Guardians:
*We had a great time at our Greek Town field trip. Thanks to all the parents that volunteered their time as chaperones. I hope my students got a few ideas about a good topic for their upcoming project.
*On Tuesday - Friday, students will have lots of work time to develop their connections/achievement project. I do hope each student makes good use of their time. We will go to the library Tuesday – Friday and even on Monday.
The project is due next Wednesday, December 17th.

Monday, December 8: No Class –Field Trip

Tuesday, December 9: Block Schedule – Periods 1 and 2 only today
In class students can begin to read pp. 185 – 190 and define:
Intellect, philosophia, philosophers, Socratic Method, political science, classify, scientific method, hypothesis, logic, syllogism, Hippocrates
Project work time
Homework: Finish reading pp. 185 – 190 and complete definitions – due next class session

Wednesday, December 10: Block Schedule
Period 3 only:
1. In class students can begin to read pp. 185 – 190 and define:
Intellect, philosophia, philosophers, Socratic Method, political science, classify, scientific method, hypothesis, logic, syllogism, Hippocrates
2, Project work time
Homework: Finish reading and definitions

Period 1 only:
Review homework and project work time
Homework: Work on project

Thursday, December 11: Block Schedule – Periods 2 and 3 only
Review homework and project work time
Homework: Work on project

Friday, December 12: Regular schedule today
Project work time
Homework: Work on project- due Wednesday, Dec. 17th

Reading/Language Arts Syllabus- Week of December 8, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of December 8, 2008
Blog: d97jalexander.blogspot.com – email: jalexander@op97.org

Important Information:
o There will be a Greek Myth Minor God Vocabulary Test for all students on Monday, Dec 8.
o Students will take Greek Myth Minor God Comprehension Test on Wednesday, December 10. As we read the minor gods section of the novel students have a handout they must complete. The handout must be completed by Wednesday December 10.
o This week students not in the differentiation group will begin a Greek Myth Project. They will receive a Tic-Tac-Toe Board with nine project choices. They are to select the project that best fits their learning style and complete it by Thursday, December 18. Remember this is a FINAL project so it must be of the highest quality!
o Don’t forget, differentiation projects are due this Tuesday. They will receive a writing assignment on Tuesday. The final typed draft is next Tuesday, December 16.
o Our next Reading Log will be due on Thursday, January 8.

Monday, December 8
Media Center Front Tables: 8th Period
Minor Gods Vocabulary Test
Spelling Pre-Test: Lesson 7
Homework: Study for the Minor Gods Comprehension Test- on Wednesday.

Tuesday, December 9
Differentiation Projects Due Today
Read and Discuss The Nine Muses and Orpheus
Spelling Master 7B
Review for Minor Gods Comprehension Test
Homework: Study for the Minor Gods Comprehension Test- tomorrow! Make sure your Minor Gods Handout is complete- I will collect it tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 10
Study for the Minor Gods Comprehension Test
Greek Myth Tic-Tac-Toe Board Project - due Thursday, December 18 (non-differentiation grp)
Spelling Page 34 Part C
Introduce Greek Plays- performance will be on Wednesday, December 17
Homework: Work on Project. Prepare for upcoming play.

Thursday, December 11
Read Heracles Myth
Spelling Master 7A
Review for Spelling Test
Read Pleasure Books
Homework: Study for Spelling Test. Prepare for play! Work on Project.

Friday, December 12 (Report Cards TODAY)
Introduce In-Class Project: Heracles Timeline
Work on Greek Play
Homework: Have a SUPER weekend!!! Get your Report Card Envelope SIGNED this weekend!
Return Report Card Envelope on Monday

Monday, December 1, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus and Study Guide - Week of December 1, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus
Mrs. Alexander Team 6 – 3 - Week of December 1, 2008
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com - Email: jalexander@op97.org

Parents and Guardians:
*Last week I announced an upcoming test to be given on Thursday, December 4th. Please see the study guide on the reverse side of this syllabus.
*I have not received all the Comic Strip projects. I will still accept it for late credit but I must have it by Tuesday. I will not accept any projects after Tuesday, December 2nd.
*Don’t forget our trip to Greek Town on Dec. 8th. $20 is due to your child’s L/A teacher , a.s.a.p. Trip money will not be accepted after Wednesday, December 3rd .

Monday, December 1:
Continue reviewing Guided Reading Questions handout
Begin to create a list of Greek connections found in our present day society
Homework: Map of Greece

Tuesday , December 2:
Review homework
Finish reviewing Guided Reading Questions handout
Homework: Life of Sparta - graphic organizer

Wednesday, December 3:
Review homework
Compare and contrast Sparta and Athens
Review Anticipation Guide and for test
Homework: Study for test on Thursday

Thursday, December 4:
Take Ch. 10 test
When done with test read pp. 179-185 and define:
oracles, prophecy, Oracle at Delphi, Olympia, Olympic Games, Hippodrome, pancratium, pentathlon, Herodotus, Olympiads, soliloquy, tragedies, orchestra (see margin on p. 183), and comedies
Homework: Finish reading and defining above words found on pp. 179 - 185

Friday, December 5:
Review homework and discuss Greek connections discovered on pp. 179-185
Watch movie: Ancient Greeks, time permitting
Introduce “Greek Connections” project – due Wednesday, December 17th
Homework: Get project sheet signed
Chapter 10 Study Guide

Study Guide: Be sure to study the following for test on Chapter 10- pp. 163-176:

1. All the vocabulary words: polis, acropolis, agora, aristocrats, ephors, artisans, Council
of Elders, helots, perioeci, Assembly, constitution, oligarchy, democratic, magistrates, Council of Five Hundred, triremes, defensive league, mercenaries,
2. Section Questions on pp. 164 and 167
3. Guided Reading Questions handout for pp.168 -176
4. Life in Sparta - graphic organizer
5. Similarities and differences of Sparta and Athens
6. Types of governments Sparta and Athens had
7. The Battle of Marathon
8. The Battle of Thermopylae
9. The Delian League
10. How the Peloponnesian War began and ended
11. Women rights in Sparta and Athens
12. Who Pericles was and what he did
13. Decline of Athens
14. Greek values
15. Greek Map
16. Anticipation Guide

Greek Town Permission Slip

Team 6 - 3
Hellenic Museum and Restaurant Field Trip

On Monday, December 8, 2008, we’ll visit Greek Town to tour the Hellenic Museum and enjoy a delicious meal at the Parthenon Restaurant. The cost will be $20.00 per child. It will cost $9 for the bus and museum and $11 for the restaurant. If your child does not wish to eat at the restaurant then he/she should plan to bring a lunch and only pay $9. Please let us know if you are available to chaperone our trip. Chaperones only have to pay $11.00 for the meal if they wish to eat at the restaurant. One of the teachers will contact if you are selected as a chaperone. All money is due by Wednesday, December 3rd. Please send cash only.
9:30 A.M. Board bus
10:00-11:30 A.M. Hellenic Museum at 801 W. Adams
11:45 A.M. Lunch at the Parthenon Restaurant at 314 S. Halsted
12:45 P.M. Board buses to return back to school.
1:30 P.M. Arrive back at school. Students will go to their 7th period class and finish the rest of their school day.

-----------------------Clip and return to your reading teacher--------------------------------------------
I give permission for my child ______________________________to attend the field trip to Greek Town with team 6-3 on Monday, December 8, 2008. My child understands that all school rules and regulations still apply for him/her while on this trip. Violations could result in him/her not being allowed to go on future trips.
Parent Signature___________________________________________________________________
Emergency contact infor during the hours of our trip______________________________
If you would like to contribute toward the scholarship of a student please feel free to do so. Thank you very much. $___________
Does your child have any food restrictions? Please explain or write your comments here:

Will your child need to take any medications along with him/her?(circle one) yes or no
What medications?_______________________________________________
_____ Yes. I will be able to chaperone the trip.
Parent Name____________________________________________________________________
Email______________________________________Phone #:_____________________________

Reading/Language Arts Syllabus- Week of December 1, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of December 1, 2008

Important Information:
o There will be a Greek Myth Minor God Vocabulary Test for all students on Monday, Dec 8.
o Students will take Greek Myth Minor God Comprehension Test on Wednesday, December 10. As we read the Minor Gods section of the Greek Myth book students will have a handout they must complete. The handout must be completed by Wednesday December 10.
o Students participating in the differentiation group will be given a Myth Project Menu today. The projects are due on Tuesday, December 9. On December 9th students participating in differentiation will be given a writing assignment that will be due on Tues., December 16.
o Third Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday, December 2.
o Permission Slip and Money for the Greek Town Field Trip is due on Wednesday, December 3.

Monday, December 1
Introduce Minor Gods Handout- due December 10th
Vocabulary Notes: Prometheus, Pandora, and Deucalion
Read and Discuss Prometheus
More Practice with Commas in Sentences (handout page 164)
Homework: Read Pandora. Your Reading Log with parent signatures is due tomorrow!
Finish comma handout p. 164 (updated Dec. 1st)

Tuesday, December 2
Reading Log #3 due
Media Center Computers- 9th Period
Vocabulary: Eos, Helios, and Selene
Read and Discuss Deucalion
Language Network Book: Read page 212 and complete page 213 Part A
Homework: Read Eos. Continue working on Minor God Handout. Greek Town Permission Slip and Money- due tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 3
Read Helios and Selene
Vocabulary: Pan, Echo, and Syrinx
Language Network Book: Read pages 214 to 216
Homework: Punctuating Quotations: Application (handout page 171)

Thursday, December 4
Review Grammar Homework
Read and Discuss Pan & Echo
Vocabulary: Wild & Vulgar Centaurs and Orpheus
Study for Vocabulary Test
Homework: Read Syrinx

Friday, December 5
Read Wild & Vulgar Centaurs and Asclepius
Semicolons and Colons (handout pages 172-173)
Homework: Have a SUPER weekend!!! Study for your Vocabulary Test on Monday.