Thursday, December 20, 2007

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of December 17, 2007

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of December 17, 2007
Blog Website:
Hello Parents and Guardians:
*This week, we will focus on reviewing Ch. 12 and discussing current events.
*We’ll read the Jr. Scholastic news magazine for our current events information. Students will not be allowed to bring the magazine home because I only have one class set. They will bring home notes and a Quick Quiz handout on Thursday to use as a study guide for our Newsbowl current events competition on Friday.
*Because of time constraints we will not complete the previously mentioned, Ch. 12 map activity.
*All students will complete the Geography Bee first round questionnaire. Only students wishing to participate in the Geography Bee, will be scored. It will be held after vacation.

Monday, December 17–
Read & discuss Senate Approves New Attorney General p. 4 and Kids and Concussions p. 6
Complete Quick Quiz questions for Kids and Concussions
Begin Ch. 12 worksheets p. 51 & p. 52
Homework: Finish Ch. 12 worksheets –due Tuesday

Tuesday, December 18–
Review homework
Read & discuss Count Me In! pp. 8-9 and answer Quick Quiz questions
Homework: None

Wednesday, December 19–
Geography Bee Questionnaire
Read and discuss Meltdown: Greenland pp. 10 -12 and complete Quick Quiz questions
Homework: None

Thursday, December 20–
Review Geography Bee questionnaire
Read & discuss What is Islam? pp. 14-15 and complete Quick Quiz questions
Homework: Complete Greenland’s Map Search questions

Friday, December 21–
Newsbowl Competition
Homework: None. Enjoy your winter break!

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