Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of December 3, 2007

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of December 3, 2007(students rec’d it Wed. 11/5,sorry)
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*We had a wonderful experience in Greek Town last week. Our team wishes to thank all our parent volunteers for assisting us. Thanks to our students for bringing their money and their permission slips in so quickly, and for their great behavior.
*I’m still looking for the new textbooks. Please check your home textbook for a label that contains the Follett book company name, which will be inside the cover. I will switch them for a better book and return the defective ones.
* Students received a note regarding the expectations for our last Greek project, “Greek
Connections,” on Monday & their rubric on Wed. Please sign it & I will return it that same day.
Greek Connections project is due on Tuesday, December 11, 2007.

Monday, December 3–
Introduce d and discussed Greek Connections projects
Comic Strips and assessments returned
Homework: Get Greek Connections letter signed

Tuesday, December 4–
Periods 1 and 3 only: Topics assigned and go to media center to research project
Period 2 only: Topics assigned and complete Ch. 11 handout p. 47
Homework: Work on new project
Per. 2 only Finish handout p. 47, if necessary - Due Thursday

Wednesday, December 5–
Periods 1 and 3 only: Complete Ch. 11 handout
Period 2 only: Go to media center to research project – begin handout p. 11
Homework- Continue to work on project
Finish p. 11 & p. 47 handouts, if necessary – due Thursday

Thursday, December 6–
Review pp. 11 & 47 handouts
Begin Greek alphabet and Greek words activity
Homework: Continue to work on project- bring draft of the paragraph on Friday

Friday, December 7–
Finish Greek alphabet and Greek words activity
Peer edits of project drafts
Homework: Continue to work on project
****We will go to the media center on Monday, as well*****

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