Thursday, December 20, 2007

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of December 17, 2007

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of December 17, 2007
Blog Website:
Hello Parents and Guardians:
*This week, we will focus on reviewing Ch. 12 and discussing current events.
*We’ll read the Jr. Scholastic news magazine for our current events information. Students will not be allowed to bring the magazine home because I only have one class set. They will bring home notes and a Quick Quiz handout on Thursday to use as a study guide for our Newsbowl current events competition on Friday.
*Because of time constraints we will not complete the previously mentioned, Ch. 12 map activity.
*All students will complete the Geography Bee first round questionnaire. Only students wishing to participate in the Geography Bee, will be scored. It will be held after vacation.

Monday, December 17–
Read & discuss Senate Approves New Attorney General p. 4 and Kids and Concussions p. 6
Complete Quick Quiz questions for Kids and Concussions
Begin Ch. 12 worksheets p. 51 & p. 52
Homework: Finish Ch. 12 worksheets –due Tuesday

Tuesday, December 18–
Review homework
Read & discuss Count Me In! pp. 8-9 and answer Quick Quiz questions
Homework: None

Wednesday, December 19–
Geography Bee Questionnaire
Read and discuss Meltdown: Greenland pp. 10 -12 and complete Quick Quiz questions
Homework: None

Thursday, December 20–
Review Geography Bee questionnaire
Read & discuss What is Islam? pp. 14-15 and complete Quick Quiz questions
Homework: Complete Greenland’s Map Search questions

Friday, December 21–
Newsbowl Competition
Homework: None. Enjoy your winter break!

Language Arts/Reading Syllabus: Week of December 17, 2007

Team 6-3 Ms. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of December 17, 2007

Important Information:
o The students will have a vocabulary test over chapters 12-20 on Wednesday, December 19.
o Students will take a Red Fern Comprehension Test on Thursday, December 20.
o Our fourth reading Log is due on Wednesday, January 9. Be sure to read over winter break!
o Differentiation projects are due on Friday, December 21.
o The student Council is requesting gently used books for their Book Drive; it ends on 12/20.

Monday, December 17
Spelling Lesson 28: Pre-Test
Review Ch. 14-16 Vocabulary
Read and Discuss Chapter 18
Chapter 16-18 Comprehension Questions
Homework: Spelling Lesson 28: Part A (page 123)

Tuesday, December 18
Review Ch. 16-18 Vocabulary
Do Chapter 19-20 Vocabulary
Begin Reading and Discussing Chapters 19-20
Cloze Vocabulary Review
Homework: Finish reading Ch 19-20, if necessary
Chapter 19-20 Comprehension Questions.
Study for your chapter 12-20 vocabulary test.

Wednesday, December 19
Chapter 12-20 Vocabulary Test
Review Where the Red Fern Grows
Spelling Lesson 28: Part B (pages 123-124)
Homework: Study for Red Fern Comprehension Test

Thursday, December 20
Where the Red Fern Grows Comprehension Test
Write a short chapter about what happened after Ch. 20 for Where the Red Fern Grows- due Friday. Chapter 21 should be 1 pg Min- 2 pg Max and must be double spaced, if typed.
Spelling Review
Homework: Study for Spelling Test. Finish writing Chapter 21 for Where the Red Fern Grows- due tomorrow

Friday, December 21
Spelling Lesson 28: Post Test
Present Chapter 21 of Where the Red Fern Grows
Homework: Have a FANTASTIC WINTER BREAK! I will see you next year!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of December 10, 2007

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of December 10, 2007
Blog Website:
Hello Parents and Guardians:
* Last week, there was an error regarding the date the Greek Connections project is due. The correct due date of the Greek Connections project is Tuesday, December 11, 2007. Sorry for the error.
*There are a group of four students in each class that is planning an Olympic activity for their peers. They will present their activity on Wednesday to their class. Our Olympics will be held in the afternoon on Thursday, December 12th.

Monday, December 10–
Computer work time in Media Center
Homework: Finish project –due Tuesday

Tuesday, December 11–
Presentations - Greek Achievements and Connections
Homework: None

Wednesday, December 12–
Finish Presentations - Greek Achievements and Connections
Homework - Define vocabulary pp. 193-196: Hellenistic Age, hostage, phalanx, alliances,
Demosthenes and orator

Thursday, December 13–
Review vocabulary homework
Introduce Ch. 12 and read pp. 193-196
Homework: Finish reading Ch. 12 pp. 196-200
Define vocabulary: barbaroi, breakwaters, factories, emigrated

Friday, December 14–
Olympic Awards Ceremony
Review homework
Map Activity
Homework: Finish map activity, if necessary

Language Arts/Reading Syllabus: Week of December 10, 2007

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of December 10, 2007
Important Information:
o Report cards were given to students on Dec. 7th; please be sure to review and sign your child’s report card.
o Students will take a chapter 1-11 vocabulary test on Tuesday, December 11. The students will have a vocabulary test over chapters 12-20 on Wednesday, December 19.
o Students will take a Red Fern Comprehension Test on Thursday, December 20.
o Our fourth reading Log is due on Wednesday, January 9.
o Last week I offered a differentiation opportunity to selected students who have exhibited the ability to work independently and produce outstanding products. They will be required to complete the novel Where the Red Fern Grows by Tues., Dec. 11th ,and pass a comprehension test, with a 90% or higher. Students are still expected to complete the vocabulary activities and odd questions in the packet, but it will not be due until Dec.17. Students participating in the differentiated activities will receive a variety of projects to complete this week that will be due on Fri., Dec. 21.
o Our advisories have adopted a family in order to provide holiday gifts for families or senior citizens. Students are asked to contribute money to purchase the items for the family. Please check with your child regarding how much money is requested.
o The student Council is requesting gently used books for their Book Drive; it ends on 12/20.

Monday, December 10
Chapter 11 POP QUIZ
Chapter 11 Comprehension Questions
Chapter 12-13 Vocabulary
Read and Discuss Chapter 12

Homework: Chapter 12-13 Comprehension Questions #1-5. Study for the Chapter 1-11 vocabulary test.

Tuesday, December 11
Chapter 1-11 Vocabulary Test
Read and Discuss Chapter 13
Chapter 12-13 Comprehension Questions # 6-10

Homework: Figures of Speech with Local Flavor

Wednesday, December 12
Chapter 14-15 Vocabulary
Read & discuss Chapter 14
Drawing of Figures of Speech with Local Flavor
Venn Diagram
Homework: Read Chapter 15 and complete Chapter 14-15 Comprehension Questions

Thursday, December 13

Homework: Read Chapter 16

Friday, December 14
Chapter 15-16 POP QUIZ
Chapter 16-18 Vocabulary,
Read and Discuss Ch. 17, complete questions (# 1-4)
Homework: Have a FANTASTIC weekend!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of December 3, 2007

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of December 3, 2007(students rec’d it Wed. 11/5,sorry)
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*We had a wonderful experience in Greek Town last week. Our team wishes to thank all our parent volunteers for assisting us. Thanks to our students for bringing their money and their permission slips in so quickly, and for their great behavior.
*I’m still looking for the new textbooks. Please check your home textbook for a label that contains the Follett book company name, which will be inside the cover. I will switch them for a better book and return the defective ones.
* Students received a note regarding the expectations for our last Greek project, “Greek
Connections,” on Monday & their rubric on Wed. Please sign it & I will return it that same day.
Greek Connections project is due on Tuesday, December 11, 2007.

Monday, December 3–
Introduce d and discussed Greek Connections projects
Comic Strips and assessments returned
Homework: Get Greek Connections letter signed

Tuesday, December 4–
Periods 1 and 3 only: Topics assigned and go to media center to research project
Period 2 only: Topics assigned and complete Ch. 11 handout p. 47
Homework: Work on new project
Per. 2 only Finish handout p. 47, if necessary - Due Thursday

Wednesday, December 5–
Periods 1 and 3 only: Complete Ch. 11 handout
Period 2 only: Go to media center to research project – begin handout p. 11
Homework- Continue to work on project
Finish p. 11 & p. 47 handouts, if necessary – due Thursday

Thursday, December 6–
Review pp. 11 & 47 handouts
Begin Greek alphabet and Greek words activity
Homework: Continue to work on project- bring draft of the paragraph on Friday

Friday, December 7–
Finish Greek alphabet and Greek words activity
Peer edits of project drafts
Homework: Continue to work on project
****We will go to the media center on Monday, as well*****

Greek Contributions/Greek Connections- Project and Rubric

Greek Contributions/Greek Connections- Presentation-2007-2008

Instead of a Social Studies Test on Chapter 11 you are to make a short, two minute presentation that will prove you have learned one of the following:
1. An achievement the Greeks have contributed to our society.
2. Explain a Greek connection that is found in our modern world.
You cannot use Nike or Pegasus restaurant, which I used as examples in class. You cannot use these Greek architecture examples researched in class, such as: White House, New York Stock Exchange, Capitol Building, or Lincoln Memorial

An achievement is something the Greeks invented or created that is used in our society today. Examples of achievements are: Greek columns, democracy, pottery, philosophy, Socratic Method, scientific method, etc.

A connection is a Greek idea that is found in today’s society. Here is an example of what can be written about Nike:
Did you know that the Nike Corporation was probably named after a Greek mythological character, called Nike? Athena was the goddess of war and had a companion called Nike. Nike was the spirit of victory and was always at Athena’s side to help her be victorious in battle. Nike is a good name for the company because it symbolizes victory for people who wear their products.

1. Greek Achievement - be sure to include the following requirements:
A. Tell the achievement
B. Give background information about it (who created it, where can it be found, where is it used, the time period, etc.)
C. Explain why it is important to our society today
D. A visual aid must be included such as:
*a decorative poster that depicts the achievement
and why it is important to our society. Your poster cannot be any
bigger than 18 X 22 inches and no smaller than 8.5 X 11 inches.
*a visual that enhances the presentation
E. Your visual aid must be typed and include 2 or more colored pictures, graphics, etc.
F. If you use typing paper for your poster then it must be matted to construction paper.
G. Be sure to cite your source of information on the back of your poster.

2. Greek Connection - please note the following requirements:
A. Give background information about the Ancient Greek topic
B. Explain how it is used in our society today so that I can understand the connection
C. Make an inference about the topic (see the example above)
D. Include a visual aid such as a poster that depicts the connection. Your poster cannot
be any bigger than 18 X 22 inches and no smaller than 8.5 X 11 inches.
E. Your visual aid must be typed and include 2 or more colored pictures, graphics, etc.
F. If you use typing paper for your poster then it must be matted to construction paper.
G. Be sure to cite your source of information on the back of your poster.

Please note: You may not cite Google, Yahoo, etc as your source of information. They are just search engines that can lead you to your source of information.

Name of Topic__________________________________________

Greek Connections Project and Presentation Rubric

3 points = Well Done 2 points = Satisfactory 1 point = Needs Improvement


_______/3pts. Organization & Content-
Student is prepared, states topic, ideas are clearly expressed, and appears enthusiastic about topic

_______/ 3pts. Poise-
Student appears at ease, stays focused, and doesn’t use distracting movements, comments, sounds, or words

_______/3 pts. Speaking & Eye Contact-
Student speaks at an appropriate rate, appropriate volume, and uses good eye contact

_______/2 pts. Time-
Student stays within the one-two minute allotted time

Visual Aid:

1. _______/ 3 pts. Background information given about Greek topic

2. ______¬_ / 3 pts. Student explains relationship/connection between Greeks and our
modern society

3. _______/ 3 pts. Student makes valid inference about topic or explains why topic is
importat to our society

4. _______/ 3 pts. Poster/presentation has no more than 2 grammatical errors

5. _______/ 3 pts. Information has been typed and is large enough to be seen from a

6. _______/ 3 pts. Contains 2 or more colorful graphics, drawings, icons, and/or original
logos etc.

7. _______/ 3 pts. Visual is creative and neat (posters must have a border)

Language Arts/Reading Syllabus: Week of December 3, 2007

Team 6-3 Ms. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of December 3, 2007
Important Information:
o Report cards will be given to students on Dec. 7th. Please sign and return the report card envelope on Monday, December 10th. Jayhawk signatures will be given.
o Our fourth reading Log is due on Friday, December 21st
o I will be offering a differentiation opportunity, only to selected students who have exhibited the ability to work independently and produce outstanding products. They will be required to complete the Red Fern book by Monday, December 10th and pass our Red Fern comprehension test, with a 90% or higher. Students are expected to complete only the odd questions and vocabulary activities in the blue packet, but it will not be due until December 17th.
o Our advisories have adopted a family or senior citizen in order to provide holiday gifts for them. Students are encouraged to contribute a designated amount to purchase the items for our family. You will receive information about it from your child’s advisory teacher.
o The Student Council is requesting gently used books for their Book Drive. The Book Drive ends on December 20th.
o We are desperately in need of Kleenex tissues. If you have a spare box please send us one. Thank you.
o My students would like to participate in a secret pal activity. This an optional activity and it must be approved by a parent. You will receive a note by Wed. Please sign and return it if you would like your child to participate in it.

Monday, December 3
Reading: Review Ch. 4 & discuss Ch. 5 and complete questions (# 5 – 8)
Spelling Lesson 7: Pretest and discuss rule on p. 32
Homework: Reading- Ch 4-5 vocab. puzzle
Record of Billy’s Earnings handout - due Thursday

Tuesday, December 4
Reading: Review homework; Intro Ch 6-7 vocab., read, & discuss Ch. 6; Do Active Reading Handout
Spelling Lesson 7: Part B – p. 33; Review grammar handout p. 211
Homework: Reading – Ch. 6 -7 questions (# 1- 3)
Spelling – Finish Pt. B p. 33, if necessary

Wednesday, December 5
Reading: Review homework; Ch. 6-7 vocab.,activity, read & discuss Ch. 7
Go to library to check out books
Spelling Lesson 7: Review Pt. B - p. 33
Homework: Reading- Finish questions for Ch.6-7 (# 4 – 10)

Thursday, December 6
Reading: Review homework; Ch 8 & 9 vocab., read and discuss Ch. 8; Begin questions (# 1-5)
Spelling Lesson 7: Part C – p. 34
Homework: Reading- Finish Ch. 8 questions, if necessary, and read Ch. 9
Study for spelling test on Friday

Friday, December 7- Report Cards go home today
Reading: Vocabulary, read, and discuss Ch. 10, complete questions (# 1-4)
Spelling Lesson 7: Test
Brief Cast Assembly today
Homework: Finish Ch 10 Questions (# 1-4)
Read Ch. 11 and be prepared for a pop-quiz on only Ch. 11 on Monday