Monday, September 5, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus September 5, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 2
Social Studies Syllabus: Week September 5, 2011 (Updated Sept. 7 at 4:00 P.M.)
Blog Website:

Important!! Please read the following information:
*For the next three weeks, you will receive a syllabus containing a list of activities, assignments, and homework. Students must copy homework in his/her planner order to establish a routine. Since our district is “going green” by conserving paper, in several weeks, students will be able to view the syllabus as displayed from a LCD projector in my classroom instead of receiving a paper syllabus. As usual, you must copy homework assignments in your planner. Students who desire a paper syllabus may go to my website to copy the syllabus. (See the blog website information at the top of this syllabus.) Have your parents contact me if they want you to have a paper syllabus so I will know how many to print.
*All students must bring writing utensils, their social studies spiral, folder, and planner to class each day.

Monday, September 5– Labor Day, No School

Tuesday, September 6–
Begin Elements of Non-Fiction cut & paste flipbook activity
Homework: None

Wednesday, September 7–
Work on the Flip Book
Homework - Follow these directions carefully: Draw 8 boxes on a blank page in your spiral. Label each box
using the boldface title as see below. Fill each box using the instructions next to each subtopic
1. Chapter Focus Box - Cut and paste a sample of the Chapter Focus Box from your packet
2. Terms - Cut and paste a sample of the Terms from the sample of the Chapter Focus Box
3. Graphic Organizer Activity -Draw the Graphic Organizer Activity from pg. 138
4. Reference Atlas Map- Label and draw the symbols for a lake, river, and the color used to indicate the
5. Political Map-explain what is used to show borders thus separating the countries on the map on pg 700-701
6. Physical Map-name the types of land formations seen on the map on pg. 702-703
7. Spanish Glossary- Copy one word from the Spanish glossary and write its meaning next to the word
8. Primary Sources Library – Write the title of the first unit and the title of the article written by Mary Leaky- Due Friday

Thursday, September 8–
Finish the flip book.
Introduce “Be an Active Reader!” p. viii – pg. 1 in textbook
Homework: Finish the above Parts of the Book questions - Due Friday. I canceled the questions from page 1 because we did finish the flip book on Wednesday.

Friday, September 9–
Finish reading and discussing “Be an Active Reader!” p. viii – pg. 1 in textbook
Journal writing
Introduce Ch. 1
Time permitting: (Read Ch. 1 pp. 4-7 and begin defining: Geography, Absolute Location, Relative Location, Place, Region, Physical System, and Human System)
Homework: None!! Have a great weekend!

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of September 5, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Reading/LA Syllabus
Week of September 5, 2011
Blog Website:

Please note the important information below:
• Reading logs are due on Wednesday, September 28. Students must read two or more books each month, log the book, and obtain a parent signature for each book read.
• Every two weeks students will receive a new list of Vocabra-Words; these will be their spelling and vocabulary words. The students will be tested on these words at the end of the two weeks. They will take a fill in the blank vocabulary test and a spelling test. The first tests will be on Friday, Sept 9.
• Mark your calendars! Picture Day is Monday, September 12 (information will be sent home soon) and Curriculum Night is Wednesday, September 14, at 6:30 P.M.
• Remember our team will be “going green.” We will discontinue giving students a paper syllabus in a few weeks. Students will be responsible for printing their own syllabus at home or at the media center. Please contact us if you do not have access to a computer and you need us to give you a syllabus.

Monday, September 5 - No school due to Labor Day
Homework: Vital Statistics final draft WITH PICTURE is due tomorrow! Vocabra spelling and fill in the blank vocabulary tests on Friday!

Tuesday, September 6
Turn in final copy of Vital Statistics WITH A PICTURE
Assign Seedfolks books
Finish charting Gonzalo then read and chart Leona and Sam
Fill in Seedfolks Vocabulary Chart
List 1 -Vocabra “Sell It” activity with a partner – will be presented tomorrow

Homework: Read and chart Virgil and Sae Young in Seedfolks book – due THURSDAY & don’t forget to fill in your Seedfolks vocabulary chart; Finish “Sell it” activity presentations will be tomorrow

Wednesday, September 7
Present “Sell it” Vocabra activity
Smiley face trick # 1 – the “Magic 3”
Write a letter about yourself to me, and incorporate the “Magic 3”

Homework: Read and chart Virgil and Sae Young – due tomorrow! Study for your Vocabra spelling and fill in the blank vocabulary tests that will be on Friday!

Thursday: September 8
Smiley face trick # 2 – Figurative Language
Figurative Language Activity
List 1 -Vocabra review activity

Homework: Study for your Vocabra spelling and fill in the blank vocabulary tests tonight!

Friday, September 9
List 1 - Vocabra spelling and fill in the blank vocabulary tests
Pleasure book reading time – your reading log is due 9/28!
Fill in Seedfolks Vocabulary Chart
Discuss Virgil and Sae Young

Homework: Make sure you are reading your pleasure book and have a good weekend!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus August 29, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 2
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of August 29 - September 2, 2011
Blog Website:

Important!! Please read the following information:
*At the beginning of each week, your child will receive a syllabus containing a list of activities and homework. In addition, your child must copy only the homework in his/her planner. I plan to give each student a copy of the syllabus for approximately a month. In order to conserve paper, students will be not be given a paper syllabus anymore. Instead, students will be able to copy the homework in their planner while viewing my syllabus via a LCD projector or from my chalkboard. In addition, my syllabus will be posted on my blog website. (See the blog website information at the top of this syllabus.) By all means, students who desire a paper syllabus may go to my website to copy my syllabus.
*Since this is the first full week of classes and my students were told, last week, they must have a folder and spiral. I recommend that the folder and spiral be the same color. If your child does not have matching materials then they should simply use the materials they have. Do not purchase additional materials.

Monday, August 29– Discuss classroom expectations
Copy homework in planner
Begin Parts of the Book/Elements of Non-Fiction Pre-Assessment
Homework: None

Tuesday, August 30– Finish Parts of the Book/Elements of Non-Fiction Pre-Assessment
Hand out textbooks
Begin reviewing Pre-Assessment
Homework: None

Wednesday, August 31– Copy Elements of Non-Fiction/Parts of the Book terms in spiral & discuss

Homework: Bring glue stick or liquid glue to class on Thursday

Thursday, September 1- Finish copying Elements of Non-Fiction/Parts of the Book terms and discuss
Begin Elements of Non-Fiction cut & paste activity (time permitting)

Homework: Complete chalkboard questions

Friday, September 2- Finish Elements of Non-Fiction/Parts of the Book activity

Homework: None!! Have a great 3-day holiday weekend!

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of August 29, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Reading/LA Syllabus
Week of August 29, 2011
Important Information:
• The typed draft of Vital Statistics must be in proper format and is due on Tuesday, August 30. The typed final copy will be due Tuesday, September 6.
• Students received their first Reading Logs tomorrow Thursday, Sept. 1; it is due on Wednesday, September 28. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Every two weeks students will receive a new list of Vocabra-Words; these will be their spelling and vocabulary words. The students will be tested on these words every two weeks. The first tests will be on Friday, Sept 9.
• Mark your calendars! Curriculum Night is Wednesday, September 14, at 6:30 P.M. and Picture Day is Monday, September 12 (information will be sent home soon).

Monday, August 29
Map Testing Today 8th and 9th Period

Homework: Vital Statistics Rough Draft Due Tomorrow! Bring a pleasure book in to read for when you are finished with your MAP test!
GET THIS SYLLABUS SIGNED - also due Tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 30
Collect Vital Statistics Typed Rough Draft
Map Testing Today 8th and 9th Period

Homework: None

Wednesday, August 31
Pre-Reading items in blue Seedfolks Packet
Read and Chart Kim
Vocabra: Introduce Spelling and Vocabulary Words
Review the Typed Format for Vital Statistics

Homework: Find a book to read as a pleasure book- be sure to keep up with your reading log.

Thursday: September 1
Introduce Reading Logs
Return Edited Vital Statistics
Read and Chart Ana & Wendell
Vocabra Word Drawing Time

Homework: Draw your assigned vocabulary word without using the actual word in your
drawing. On the back you should write a good sentence for the word.
Make sure you have your Ziploc bag in class tomorrow because Seedfolks
books will be assigned.

Friday, September 2
Read and Chart Ganzalo
Present Vocabra Word Drawings

Homework: Work on Final Draft of Vital Statistics Due Tuesday, Sept 6.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus and Ch. 4 Study Guide May 23, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of May 23, 2011
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
*There will be a quiz on Wednesday, May 25th. It will be on the material covered through Tuesday, May 24th. Students received a study guide last Friday. It is at the bottom of the syllabus.
* During the next several advisories, students will be studying the origins of Chicago, the people involved, landmarks, and architecture in preparation for our end of the year Spirit of Chicago cruise.

Monday, May 23, 2011 –
Review homework
Define: sphinx, silt, underworld
Review Gods and Goddess handout and notes on Khufu’s pyramid, Ramses, Hatshepsut
Begin reading pg. 73
Homework- Finish reading pg. 73-74 and answer questions # 1-4 on pg. 74 and study for test

Tuesday, May 24, 2011– Lunchtime Study Session Today
Decipher the Message handout
Review pg. 73 # 1-4
Homework: Study for the test

Wednesday, May 25, 2011-
Egypt Quiz
Begin reading pp. 74-78 and define Amon-Ra, scribe, Aton, hieroglyphics, Akhenaton
Homework: None

Thursday, May 26, 2011 –
Read and review pp. 74-78
Small group work: Section 4 questions # 4 and 5 only
Homework: None

Friday, May 27, 2011 –
Introduce Hieroglyphics & write name in hieroglyphics
Complete Nile Map
Read & discuss pp. 78-79
Homework: None!! Have a great 3-day holiday weekend

Study Guide for Chapter 4 Test

Study pp. 66-80, all notes, and the following:
1. Know what these famous Egyptians were known for: Narmer/Menes, Hatshepsut,
and Ramses II
2. Pharaoh’s responsibilities
3. Purposes of the pyramids
4. Study important events of Old and Middle Kingdom
5. Know impact Hyksos had on Egyptian culture
6. Know Egyptian resources
7. Egyptian religious beliefs
8. Know these gods: Isis, Osiris, Horus, Ra, Hapi, Anubis, Thoth
9. Study these areas indicated on the Egyptian Map: Nile River, Alexandria, Giza, Memphis, & Upper and Lower Egypt
10. Study all the questions completed in Chapter 4 –Sections 1, 2, & 3
11. Why is Egypt called the “Gift of the Nile”
12. The continent Egypt is located on.
13. Study Nile, River of the Gods Movie notes
14. Study vocabulary

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of May 23, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of May 23, 2011

Important Information:
• Our final Team 6-3 PBIS Reward Day is going to be on Friday, May 27th during 8th and 9th period. Students will sign up for an outdoor activity and it will “cost” 15 Bee Tickets to participate.
• Remember the end of the year field trip is on Wednesday June 1st.
• Please turn in your SIGNED, Yearbook Signing Rules sheet no later than Thurs., June 3.
• Lit Circles: Most groups will meet on Wednesday’s either 8th or 9th period, except for the Breadwinner group. The Breadwinner group will meet on Thursday during 8th period. Thanks to all the parents who volunteered their time!
• All Lit circle packets will be due by Tuesday, next week due to the field trip. The groups that meet on Wednesday will meet on Tuesday, instead. The Thurs. group will still meet on Thursday, though.

Monday, May 23
Vocabra Word Story: Topic is Team 6-3
Spelling Race
Lit Circles Work Time
Homework: Vocabra Sheet- Make Believe…

Tuesday, May 24
Lit Circle Work Time
Vocabra: Comic Strip Captions
Homework: Be ready for Lit Circle Meeting #3 tomorrow. Remember you need to have your packet 100% complete and your novel in class to participate in your group meeting.

Wednesday, May 25 – Lit Circle # 3 meetings held in Media Center 8th and 9th Period
Lit Circle Work Time
Study for Vocabra Tests on Thursday
Homework: STUDY for your Vocabra Tests- they will be given tomorrow.

Thursday, May 26
8th Period: Breadwinner - Lit Circle Meeting #3
LAST set of Vocabra TESTS (List 15)
Homework: Work on your last Lit Circle packet- They all will be due on Tuesday, next week due to the field trip.

Friday, May 27
Team 6-3 PBIS Reward Day
Homework: Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!!! Finish your last Lit Circles packet -remember all packets will be due on Tuesday! Come in with your book and packet 100% complete.

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of May 16, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of May 16, 2011

Important Information:
• Our Lit Circle groups are progressing really well so far. Keep up the great work. All the parents were very impressed with your participation and discussions. Thanks to all the parents who volunteered their time!
• All the groups will meet on Wednesday, this week only, because of our field trip on Thursday. The Breadwinner and Code Talker groups will meet 8th period and the other 3 groups will during 9th period.
• Remember, in order to participate in the weekly Lit circle groups students must have the PACKET 100% COMPLETED and HAVE the NOVEL IN CLASS on the day the discussion group meets.
• Don’t forget we have a walking trip to the Hemingway Museum to see School House Rock, Thursday, May 19th.

Monday, May 16
Introduce Vocabra List #15
Lit Circles Work Time
Homework: Vocabra Word Drawing.

Tuesday, May 17
Lit Circle Work Time
Vocabra: Divide up 12 Words with a Partner
Homework: 1. Write 6 Vocabra sentences with YOUR 6 words.
2. The extra credit letter to your Lit Circle Author is due tomorrow. Remember- it must be
typed and you need to also bring in an addressed envelope with postage on it.
3. Be ready for Lit Circle Meeting #2 tomorrow. Remember you need to have your packet
100% complete and your novel in class to participate in your group meeting.

Wednesday, May 18 – Media Center for Lit Circle Groups
Lit Circle Letter to your author is due today.
8th period - Breadwinner and Code Talker Groups
9th period - Day of Tears, Habibi, & Other Side of Truth Groups
Read Socratic Seminar Article: “Should Kids Hunt”
Mark/Highlight “Should Kids Hunt”
Lit Circle Work Time, when done with Socratic articles
Homework: Read “Should Kids Hunt” again!
Tomorrow is the field trip- you need to remember your lunch money and dress for the
weather! 

Thursday, May 19 (Shortened Class due to Field Trip)
Lit Circle Work Time when we return from trip
Homework: Write TWO high level discussion questions about “Should Kids Hunt” for the Socratic
Seminar Tomorrow.
You must have your marked article and 2 questions in class with you to participate in the

Friday, May 20
8th Period: Socratic Seminar- Should Kids Hunt?
All Other Groups- Work Time for Lit Circles
Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!! Work on your Lit Circles.