Monday, December 13, 2010

Greek Contributions and Connections Project Rubric


Name of Topic__________________________________________

Poster or Power Point Rubric

1. _______/ 3 pts. Accurate, factual background information is given about Greek topic

2. ______¬_ / 2 pts. Student explains how topic is used in our society today and/or connection
between Greeks and our modern society

3. _______/ 2pts. Student makes valid inference and/or
Explains why topic is important to our society

4. _______/ 3 pts. Poster/visual has no more than 3 grammatical and/or spelling errors

5. _______/ 2 pts. Information has been typed and is large enough to be seen from at
least 3 feet away. Use a 16 point font or larger.

6. _______/ 5 pts. Is very creative and contains 3 or more colorful, graphics, drawings, icons,
original logos, etc (Poster must have a border and no visible pencil

7. _______/ 3 pts. Poster is neat, appropriate size or power point is presented appropriately

8. _______/ 2 pts. Project is turned in on time

_________/ 22 Total points

Student Name_______________________________ Per______Date_______________

Name of Game _____________________________________________

Olympic Game Rubric

1. _______/ 3 pts. Game is creative and appropriate

2. _______/ 2 pts. Poster gives a clear explanation about how to play and win the game

3. _______/ 2 pts. Materials needed to play game are included on poster

4. _______/ 3 pts. Poster/presentation has no more than 3 grammatical errors

5. _______/ 2 pts. Information has been typed and is large enough to be seen from a

6. _______/ 4pts. Visual is creative, neat, and contains 2 or more colorful graphics, drawings,
icons, original logos etc. (Poster must have a border)

7. _______/ 3 pts. Student’s behavior is appropriate throughout entire presentation

8. ______/ 5 pts. Students included an accurate two or more paragraph essay comparing
Greek and modern Olympics

9. ______/ 2 pts. Project is turned in on time

_________/ 26 Total Points

Student Name_______________________________ Per______Date_______________

Name of Play _____________________________________________

Greek Play Performance Rubric

1. ______/3 Consistently speaks in a clear voice that can be heard by all

2. ______/2 Shows interest, enthusiasm, and confidence

3. ______/2 Makes eye contact with the audience and/or with the other performers

4. ______/2 Displays no nervous habits

5. ______/4 Uses appropriate expression to create a believable character

6. ______/3 Most of his/her lines are memorized

7. ______/3 Contributed appropriately to the play banner

8. ______/3 Has appropriate prop(s) and costume(s)

_______/ 22 Total points

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