Monday, December 13, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus December 13, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of December 13, 2010
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
* Olympic group only- Olympic game poster is due Monday, December 13th
*Poster project is due Tuesday, December 14th
* We will have an Olympic activity on Tuesday, December 14th during 8th and 9th periods. Students will participate in a series of stations created by the Olympic group

Monday, December 13– Olympic Group Only- Game poster is due today,
Pottery Activity
Homework: Finish poster – due Tuesday, December 14th

Tuesday, December 14- Poster projects due today
Introduce Ch. 12 & define hostage, phalanx, and alliances
Read pp. 193-195
Finish Pottery Activity
Homework: Complete “Section 1 Assessment questions” p. 195 # 5 only
Olympic Group Only: Typed Ancient and Modern Comparison paper due Wednesday

Wednesday, December 15 –
Review homework
Begin reading pp. 195-198 & define barbaroi, breakwaters, Alexandria
Play Presentations
Homework: Finish Pottery, if necessary- due Thursday

Thursday, December 16–
Begin “Understanding Main Ideas” questions - middle of p. 201 # 4-8
Poster presentations
Homework: None

Friday, December 17-
Finish reading pp. 197-200
Complete “Understanding Main Ideas” questions middle of p. 201 # 4-8
Homework: None

Greek Contributions and Connections Project Rubric


Name of Topic__________________________________________

Poster or Power Point Rubric

1. _______/ 3 pts. Accurate, factual background information is given about Greek topic

2. ______¬_ / 2 pts. Student explains how topic is used in our society today and/or connection
between Greeks and our modern society

3. _______/ 2pts. Student makes valid inference and/or
Explains why topic is important to our society

4. _______/ 3 pts. Poster/visual has no more than 3 grammatical and/or spelling errors

5. _______/ 2 pts. Information has been typed and is large enough to be seen from at
least 3 feet away. Use a 16 point font or larger.

6. _______/ 5 pts. Is very creative and contains 3 or more colorful, graphics, drawings, icons,
original logos, etc (Poster must have a border and no visible pencil

7. _______/ 3 pts. Poster is neat, appropriate size or power point is presented appropriately

8. _______/ 2 pts. Project is turned in on time

_________/ 22 Total points

Student Name_______________________________ Per______Date_______________

Name of Game _____________________________________________

Olympic Game Rubric

1. _______/ 3 pts. Game is creative and appropriate

2. _______/ 2 pts. Poster gives a clear explanation about how to play and win the game

3. _______/ 2 pts. Materials needed to play game are included on poster

4. _______/ 3 pts. Poster/presentation has no more than 3 grammatical errors

5. _______/ 2 pts. Information has been typed and is large enough to be seen from a

6. _______/ 4pts. Visual is creative, neat, and contains 2 or more colorful graphics, drawings,
icons, original logos etc. (Poster must have a border)

7. _______/ 3 pts. Student’s behavior is appropriate throughout entire presentation

8. ______/ 5 pts. Students included an accurate two or more paragraph essay comparing
Greek and modern Olympics

9. ______/ 2 pts. Project is turned in on time

_________/ 26 Total Points

Student Name_______________________________ Per______Date_______________

Name of Play _____________________________________________

Greek Play Performance Rubric

1. ______/3 Consistently speaks in a clear voice that can be heard by all

2. ______/2 Shows interest, enthusiasm, and confidence

3. ______/2 Makes eye contact with the audience and/or with the other performers

4. ______/2 Displays no nervous habits

5. ______/4 Uses appropriate expression to create a believable character

6. ______/3 Most of his/her lines are memorized

7. ______/3 Contributed appropriately to the play banner

8. ______/3 Has appropriate prop(s) and costume(s)

_______/ 22 Total points

Wrinkle in Time - Reading Syllabus- Week of Dec 6- Dec 17, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
A Wrinkle in Time Syllabus
Week of December 6, 2010

Important Information:
• There will be a quiz covering Chapters 5-8 on Wednesday and December 8 and Chapters 9-12 on Monday, December 13.
• A Wrinkle in Time Study Guide must be completed. This is due on Monday, December 13.
• Students will have an in-class project. They will work in pairs to create a Glog which is an online poster regarding a specific theme in the novel. There will be time to work on the project next week. The project is due on Friday, December 17.

Monday, December 6
Review Chapter 6 and discuss entries.
Read Chapter 7 and complete Reading Guide entry.
Homework: Read Chapter 8 and complete Reading Guide entry.

Tuesday, December 7
Review Chapter 8 and discuss entries.
Answer Chapter 5-8 Active Reading and Responding handouts
Homework: Study for the Chapter 5-8 quiz.

Wednesday, December 8
Chapter 5-8 Quiz
Read Chapter 9 and do Reading Guide entry.
Homework: Read Chapter 10 and complete Reading Guide entry.

Thursday, December 9
Review Chapter 10 and discuss entries.
Introduce in-class Project- Glogs
Pick themes and begin planning information to include in Glog.
Homework: Read Chapter 11 and complete Reading Guide entry.
Begin Chapter 9-12 Active Reading and Responding handouts.

Friday, December 10
Review Chapter 11 and discuss entries.
Read Chapter 12 together and do Reading Guide entry.
Finish Chapter 9-12 Active Reading and Responding handouts.
Homework: Study for the Chapter 9-12 quiz.
Complete A Wrinkle in Time Study Guide. This is due MONDAY!

Mrs. Alexander
A Wrinkle in Time Syllabus
Week of December 13, 2010

Important Information:
• Students will continue to work in pairs to complete their Glogs. There will be time to work on the project this week. Students must bring materials they need for the project. The project is due on Friday, December 17. Presentations are on Thursday, December 16 and Friday, December 17.
• Student will return A Wrinkle in Time books on Thursday, December 16.

Monday, December 13 (Blocked Period)
Chapter 9-12 Quiz
Collect A Wrinkle in Time Study Guide
Write out the information to put on Glog- if not finished you will not be able to spend time working on your Glog on the computers.
Glog work time: Focus- input information in textboxes
Homework: If necessary, finish draft of written information for Glog. You will need this to work on Glogs on Wednesday.

Tuesday, December 14
No class
Homework: None

Wednesday, December 15 (Blocked Period)
Glog work time: Focus- continue to input information in textboxes
Homework: Bring you’re a Wrinkle in Time books to hand in TOMORROW!

Thursday, December 16 (Blocked Period)
Collect A Wrinkle in Time books
Glog work time: Focus- edit Glog layout
Begin project presentations for those who have finished.
Homework: None

Friday, December 17
Project Presentations
Homework: Have a great winter break!

Name: _____________________________________________________________________
A Wrinkle In Time- Glog Rubric
Due Thursday, December 16, 2010

Theme: ____________________________________________________

______/5 pts Handout- completed handout with written information about chosen theme
______/4 pts Quote- Accurate quote from the novel with page number and explanation reflecting chosen theme
______/4 pts Support- relevant support for the theme from the novel
______/4 pts Creativity- uses variety of elements in the Glog to artistically present the theme
______/3pts Presentation- speaks clearly and shows appropriate enthusiasm

______/20 TOTAL POINTS

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus December 6, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of December 6, 2010
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
*There will be a Ch. 11 vocabulary test on Thursday, December 9th covering Ch. 11 words. These words were left off of the list below: oracles, prophecy, and political science
Delphi, Olympia, pancratium, pentathlon, Golden Age of Greece, temples, soliloquy, tragedies, Aeschylus, comedy, Aristophanes , intellect, philosophia, Socrates, Socratic method, Plato, classify, scientific method, hypothesis, logic, syllogism, & philosopher
*The Greek project is due next Tuesday, December 14th
* We will have an Olympic activity on Tuesday, December 14th during 8th and 9th periods. Students will participate in a series of stations created by an Olympic group
*Ms. Gran’s last day is quickly approaching and we would like to celebrate it. I have purchased granola bars but would like someone from each class to donate a gallon of 2% milk

Monday, December 6–
Media Center computers to work on project
Draft is due at end of class today
Olympic group- decide on game
Homework: Finish draft, if not completed, for late credit
Study for test

Tuesday, December 7 - Last day for computers
Media Center computers or front tables to work on project
Homework: Complete “Using Vocabulary” p. 48 handout
Study for test

Wednesday, December 8 –
Review homework and complete puzzle review sheet
Homework: Study for test
Olympic group- Game and a draft of poster content are due Friday. Completed poster is due Monday, December 13, 2010
Play group – Lines must be memorized by Friday, December, 10th.

Thursday, December 9–
Ch. 11 Vocabulary Test
Ms. Gran’s end of student teaching & graduation celebration
Homework: Work on project- Due Tuesday, December 14th
Olympic group- Game and a draft of poster content are due Friday. Completed poster is due Monday, December 13, 2010
Play group – Lines must be memorized by Friday, December, 10th.

Friday, December 10-
Play group: Dress rehearsal & Olympic group: Present games for Olympic Day
Homework: Olympic group only- poster is due Monday, December 13th

Language Arts Syllabus Week of December 6, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of December 6, 2010

Important Information:
• Our forth Reading Log is due on Thursday, 1/6/11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Students will have a Grammar Test on Nouns and Pronouns on Tuesday, December 7.

Monday, December 6
Review for Grammar Test: Nouns and Pronouns

Homework: STUDY for you NOUN and PRONOUN TEST

Tuesday, December 7
Noun and Pronoun Test
Start Vocabra Sell It

Homework: Finish Vocabra Sell It

Wednesday, December 8
Media Center: Front Tables

Homework: None

Thursday, December 9
Review for Vocabra Tests

Homework: None

Friday, December 10
List #7 Vocabra Tests

Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!