Monday, September 20, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus-Week of September 20, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of September 20, 2010
Blog Website: (updated 9/20 at 5:10 p.m.)

Please Read the Following Information:
* Students who did well on the geography pre-assessment will begin completing a differentiation assignment this week. Please see below
* Picture Day is Thursday therefore students will be pulled out of morning classes to take pictures.
*The last day to turn in late work for the Parts of the Book assignments will be Wednesday, Sept. 22nd. Students must have a parent signature in order for me to accept the late work.
*We will have test on Ch. 1, Sections 1 and 2 on Friday, October 1st.

Monday, September 20– Finish presenting Elements of Geo research
Complete a graphic organizer.
Begin locating A – Z Coordinates using a given World Map or
Differentiation Group: “How Well Do You Know World Geography” research handout.
Homework: None

Tuesday, September 21 – Begin copying definitions for new geography terms in spiral: latitude,
longitude, map key, hemisphere, scale, inset map, compass rose, borders, prime meridian, and
Continue A – Z Coordinates World Map activity or
Differentiation Group: “How Well do you Know World Geography” research handout.
Homework: Finish A-Z Coordinates or “How well do you know world geography” handout

Wednesday, September 22– Review homework
Read & discuss p. 10-12
Homework: Define core, mantle, crust, tectonic plates, continental drift, volcanoes, and

Thursday, September 23- Picture Day
Begin Ch. 1.2 question handout
Homework: Finish Ch. 1.2 question handout

Friday, September 24- Review homework and begin reading pp.12-13
Homework: None

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