Monday, September 27, 2010

Social Studies Ch. 1.2 Questions and Study Guide

Chapter 1.2 Questions
Complete each question in the space provided.
Be sure to keep this paper to use as a study guide for your test.

1. Explain the main characteristics of each layer of the earth’s structure (what is each layer made of)

A. Inner Core –

B. Outer Core-

C. Mantle-

D. Crust-

2. What is the connection between tectonic plates and continental drift?

3. What evidence led scientists to believe Pangaea could be a valid theory?

4. How were the Himalayas formed?

5. What is a common cause of earthquakes?

6. What happens in the mantle that can cause volcanoes?

7. Why do geographers think California will be separated from the U.S. thousands of years from now?

8. Give one example how wind erosion has helped people.

9. Give one example how wind erosion has not helped people.

10. How have glaciers affect humans in the past?

11. How have glaciers affected physical geography of the earth in the past?

12. Why did early civilizations prefer to settle near waterways?

13. Explain the difference between climate and weather?

14. Tell three things that determine (or shape) our climate? Be sure to explain how each of these things affects our climate.



15. How can a place’s latitude help you predict temperatures in that region?

16. How do mountains affect precipitation?

17. All the continents are separated except for two. Name these 2 continents. What landform separates them?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus-Week of September 20, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of September 20, 2010
Blog Website: (updated 9/20 at 5:10 p.m.)

Please Read the Following Information:
* Students who did well on the geography pre-assessment will begin completing a differentiation assignment this week. Please see below
* Picture Day is Thursday therefore students will be pulled out of morning classes to take pictures.
*The last day to turn in late work for the Parts of the Book assignments will be Wednesday, Sept. 22nd. Students must have a parent signature in order for me to accept the late work.
*We will have test on Ch. 1, Sections 1 and 2 on Friday, October 1st.

Monday, September 20– Finish presenting Elements of Geo research
Complete a graphic organizer.
Begin locating A – Z Coordinates using a given World Map or
Differentiation Group: “How Well Do You Know World Geography” research handout.
Homework: None

Tuesday, September 21 – Begin copying definitions for new geography terms in spiral: latitude,
longitude, map key, hemisphere, scale, inset map, compass rose, borders, prime meridian, and
Continue A – Z Coordinates World Map activity or
Differentiation Group: “How Well do you Know World Geography” research handout.
Homework: Finish A-Z Coordinates or “How well do you know world geography” handout

Wednesday, September 22– Review homework
Read & discuss p. 10-12
Homework: Define core, mantle, crust, tectonic plates, continental drift, volcanoes, and

Thursday, September 23- Picture Day
Begin Ch. 1.2 question handout
Homework: Finish Ch. 1.2 question handout

Friday, September 24- Review homework and begin reading pp.12-13
Homework: None

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of September 20, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading/LA Syllabus
Week of September 20, 2010
Important Information:
• Last week, students received requirements and a rubric regarding writing a narrative essay. The 1st typed draft is due Tues. 9/21. Students will do peer edits and prepare a 2nd draft to be turned in on Thurs. 9/23. Mrs. Alexander will edit the 2nd drafts then the 3rd and FINAL draft of the essay will be due on Friday 10/1.
• We are beginning a short story unit working on a variety of literary skills involving fiction and nonfiction stories.
• Our first reading log is due on Thursday, September 30. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read. Seedfolks can be included on the reading log and they do not have to complete a log for Seedfolks.
• Mark your calendars! Picture Day is Thursday, September 23.
• Parents that did not attend Curriculum Night will receive a conference form that will be given to each child. Please ask him/her for the conference form and please return it a.s.a.p.
• There will be a grammar test on Ch. 9 on Tuesday, October 5th.

Monday, September 20
Literature Book: Fiction vs. Non Fiction
Begin Reading “Greyling” Story, pp. 9-15
Grammar Lesson 9.3 (pp. 166 – 167)
 Trick #6
Homework:  Trick #7
Finish 1st TYPED narrative essay – due Tuesday

Tuesday, September 21- 1st TYPED Narrative Essay - due today
Lit Book: Define grief, sheared, selchie, slough, and wallowed (see pp. 9-15)
Finish Reading “Greyling” Story, pp. 9-15
Narrative Essay Peer Edits
 Face Trick #8
Homework: Write Vocabra Word story: The topic is Water
Finish  Face Trick #8 and edit your narrative essay
Grammar Lessons 9.1-9.3 pp. 160-167 will be checked in on Wednesday

Wednesday, September 22
Lit Book: “Greyling” story- Plot Diagram and Read p.16
Grammar Lesson 9.4 (pg 169-170) & Lesson 9.5 (pg 172)
Homework: Vocabra newspaper caption
Finish 2nd TYPED narrative draft – due Thursday

Thursday: September 23 - 2nd TYPED Narrative Draft – due today
Non-Fiction Notes
Lit Book: Read Jane Yolen’s speech, “My Heart is in the Highland” pp. 17-18
“Learning about Non-Fiction” – worksheet
Grammar Lesson 9.6 (pg 175)
Vocabra Review - Spelling Race
Homework: Study for Vocabra tests
Finish Grammar Lesson 9.6, if necessary

Friday, September 24
Vocabra Spelling and Fill-in-the blank tests
Lit Book: Critical Thinking Questions p. 19
Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!! If you did not complete grammar Lessons 9.4 & 9.5, (pp. 169-172) you must complete them by Monday.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus-Week of September 13, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of September 13, 2010
Blog Website:

Please Read the following Information:
*Students will participate in MAP Testing on Wednesday and Thursday during 1st and 2nd periods. We will not have Social Studies on Wednesday.
*On Thursday, 1st period Social Studies class will begin during 3rd period time, 2nd period Social Studies during 8th period and 3rd period during 9th period.
*Using the Multicultural Resource Center, we will begin an in-class mini project regarding the Elements of Geography. Students will research an assigned country and complete a given handout. The plan is for all work to be completed by Thursday. Anything not completed will become homework.

Monday, September 13– Review Elements of Geography
Continue Section 1 Assessment p.9 #3-5.
Introduce Elements of Geography in-class project handout.
Homework: None

Tuesday, September 14 – Assign culture groups.
MCRC to work with artifacts and work on handout.
Homework: None

Wednesday, September 15– MAP testing. No Social Studies class.
Homework: None

Thursday, September 16- MCRC – complete handout and illustrate artifact.
Homework: Read p. 9. Use glossary to define landforms, elevation and relief. Answer the following questions in your spiral:
1. What are the four main kinds of landforms?
2. How do geographers use elevation and relief to describe landforms?
Finish Elements of Geography project, if necessary- due Friday

Friday, September 17- Review homework.
Complete a graphic organizer.
Geography review and assign geography differentiation group.
Homework: None

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of September 13, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading/LA Syllabus
Week of September 13, 2010

Important Information:
• The Seedfolks Comprehension Test is on Wednesday, September 15. You should study your Chart.
• This week students will begin writing a Narrative Essay that is related to Seedfolks. Students will receive requirements and a rubric this week, outlining the entire assignment. The 1st typed draft is due Tues. 9/21; students will do peer edits then prepare a 2nd draft to turn in on Thurs. 9/23. Ms. Alexander will edit the essays. Then the 3rd and FINAL draft of the essay will be due on Friday 10/1.
• We are beginning Grammar Chapter 9 today which focuses of punctuation. Students will take a Pre-Test this week and students who show mastery will be offered differentiated activities and assignments.
• Don’t Forget! The first reading log is due on Thursday, September 30. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Mark your calendars! Curriculum Night is this Wednesday, September 15, at 6:30 P.M. and Picture Day is Thursday, September 23.

Monday, September 13
Introduce Vocabra List #2
Grammar Chapter 9 Pre-Test
Seedfolks: Read and Chart Florence & Review Chart
 Trick #3
Homework: You need to write one sentence for each of the 12 Vocabra Words (These should be 12 separate sentences not a story).

Tuesday, September 14
Grammar Lesson 9.1 (PP pg 160-161)
Seedfolks: Character Matching Sheet
 Face Trick #4
Vocabra Word Drawing
Homework: STUDY for your Seedfolks Comprehension Test tomorrow. Finish Word Drawing. Be sure to have your pleasure book in school with you the next two days for MAP testing. Remind parents to attend Curriculum Night tomorrow at 6:30.

Wednesday, September 15 (CURRICULUM NIGHT TONIGHT @ 6:30)
3 Periods of Reading/LA Today (3, 8, and 9)
Grammar Lesson 9.2 (PP pg 164-165)
Introduce Seedfolks Narrative Essay
Seedfolks Comprehension Test
Narrative Essay Pre-Writing
Homework:  Face Trick #5

Thursday: September 16
No Reading/LA due to MAP Testing
Homework: Work on your Narrative Essay

Friday, September 17
Grammar Lesson 9.3 (PP pg 166-167)
Word Story: Topic is Water
Lit Concept Notes
Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus-Week of September 6, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of September 6, 2010
Blog Website:

Please Read the following Information:
*The Parts of the Book quiz will be returned by Thursday. Please ask your parent to sign the test and I will return it back to you.
*Students will take geography pre-assessment this week.
*Based on the geography pre-assessment, students will be offered a differentiation activity.
*Under my supervision, my student teacher, Ms. Gran, will begin teaching all my Social Studies

Monday, September 6 – No School- Labor Day

Tuesday, September 7– Discuss “Be an Active Reader” – Social Studies Reading
Homework: None

Wednesday, September 8 – Begin Chapter One- Section 1, Elements of Geography
Take Geography pre-assessment.
Read and discuss pp.4-7
Homework: Copy the following terms: geography, absolute location, relative location, place,
region, ecosystems, adapt, modify, and environment – complete the definitions for
homework - Due Friday

Thursday, September 9– Continue Section 1 - Read and discuss pp. 7-8
Homework: Finish vocabulary definitions – due Friday

Friday, September 10 – Answer Section 1 Assessment p. 9 #3-5
Introduce Culture Grams

Homework: None.

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of September 6, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading/LA Syllabus
Week of September 6, 2010

Important Information:
• The typed final draft of Vital Statistics is due Wednesday, September 8.
• The first reading log is due on Thursday, September 30. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Team 6-3 Homework Club will begin THIS week!!! It is held from 3:30 to 4:30 (Monday’s with Ms. Alexander, Tuesday’s with Ms. Priebe, Wednesday’s with Ms. Koplin, and Thursday’s with Mr. Morrell).
• Mark your calendars! Curriculum Night is Wednesday, September 15, at 6:30 P.M. and Picture Day is Thursday, September 23 (information will be sent home soon).

Monday, September 6 - No School: Labor Day

Tuesday, September 7
 Face Trick #1
9th Period: Media Center – Orientation/Scavenger Hunt
Homework: Read and chart Sae Young story.
The FINAL draft of your Vital Statistics is due tomorrow- be sure to
make all suggested corrections and print out a clean copy!

Wednesday, September 8
 Face Trick #2
Begin Goal Setting
Read and Chart Curtis & Nora story
Homework: Vocabra Newspaper Captions.

Thursday: September 9
Team Building Activity
Vocabra Review - Spelling Race
Finish Goal Setting, if necessary
Homework: Read and chart Maricela story.
Get your goal setting sheet signed by your parents- Due Friday
Study for your first Vocabra spelling AND fill-in the-blank Vocabra test!

Friday, September 10
List #1 - Vocabra Spelling and Vocabra Fill-in-the-Blank Tests
Make The Team 6-3 Garden
Read and Chart Amir and Florence
Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!