Thursday, August 28, 2008


August 28, 2008
Dear parents and guardians,
I would like to offer an opportunity that will help make your child’s book bag a little lighter and afford me the chance to have a classroom set of textbooks that would stay permanently in my classroom. I am requesting that you consider allowing your child to use one of our Human Heritage CD’s instead of being assigned a hardback textbook. Please note, the CD contains all the same material that is in our textbook. If you have a computer in good working order, this opportunity may be just what the doctored ordered. Students who opt not to take a CD will still be assigned a textbook. The good part about this plan is that all my students will be able to leave their textbook or CD at home and return it in June before the school year is over. This entire plan is contingent upon 26-27 students agreeing to use the Human Heritage CD instead of a textbook because this will allow me to be able to accumulate a classroom set of textbooks. Be assured, if the CD fails to operate adequately I will be happy to replace it with another CD or a book. Please discuss this plan with your child, complete the form, and sign it below. I plan to give out textbooks next week therefore this form is due no later than Tuesday, Sept 2nd .
Thank you,

Jolynn Alexander
Voice Mail: 708 524-5830 ext. 1305

------------------------Please cut and return this form to Ms. Alexander------------------------------

Student name____________________________________________ Per.________
Please check one of the following:
______ Yes. I would like a CD to be assigned to my child.

______ I prefer a text book to be assigned to my child.

______I would like to preview the CD before making a decision.

Parent signature ______________________________________ Date______________

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