Monday, August 29, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus August 29, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 2
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of August 29 - September 2, 2011
Blog Website:

Important!! Please read the following information:
*At the beginning of each week, your child will receive a syllabus containing a list of activities and homework. In addition, your child must copy only the homework in his/her planner. I plan to give each student a copy of the syllabus for approximately a month. In order to conserve paper, students will be not be given a paper syllabus anymore. Instead, students will be able to copy the homework in their planner while viewing my syllabus via a LCD projector or from my chalkboard. In addition, my syllabus will be posted on my blog website. (See the blog website information at the top of this syllabus.) By all means, students who desire a paper syllabus may go to my website to copy my syllabus.
*Since this is the first full week of classes and my students were told, last week, they must have a folder and spiral. I recommend that the folder and spiral be the same color. If your child does not have matching materials then they should simply use the materials they have. Do not purchase additional materials.

Monday, August 29– Discuss classroom expectations
Copy homework in planner
Begin Parts of the Book/Elements of Non-Fiction Pre-Assessment
Homework: None

Tuesday, August 30– Finish Parts of the Book/Elements of Non-Fiction Pre-Assessment
Hand out textbooks
Begin reviewing Pre-Assessment
Homework: None

Wednesday, August 31– Copy Elements of Non-Fiction/Parts of the Book terms in spiral & discuss

Homework: Bring glue stick or liquid glue to class on Thursday

Thursday, September 1- Finish copying Elements of Non-Fiction/Parts of the Book terms and discuss
Begin Elements of Non-Fiction cut & paste activity (time permitting)

Homework: Complete chalkboard questions

Friday, September 2- Finish Elements of Non-Fiction/Parts of the Book activity

Homework: None!! Have a great 3-day holiday weekend!

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of August 29, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Reading/LA Syllabus
Week of August 29, 2011
Important Information:
• The typed draft of Vital Statistics must be in proper format and is due on Tuesday, August 30. The typed final copy will be due Tuesday, September 6.
• Students received their first Reading Logs tomorrow Thursday, Sept. 1; it is due on Wednesday, September 28. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Every two weeks students will receive a new list of Vocabra-Words; these will be their spelling and vocabulary words. The students will be tested on these words every two weeks. The first tests will be on Friday, Sept 9.
• Mark your calendars! Curriculum Night is Wednesday, September 14, at 6:30 P.M. and Picture Day is Monday, September 12 (information will be sent home soon).

Monday, August 29
Map Testing Today 8th and 9th Period

Homework: Vital Statistics Rough Draft Due Tomorrow! Bring a pleasure book in to read for when you are finished with your MAP test!
GET THIS SYLLABUS SIGNED - also due Tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 30
Collect Vital Statistics Typed Rough Draft
Map Testing Today 8th and 9th Period

Homework: None

Wednesday, August 31
Pre-Reading items in blue Seedfolks Packet
Read and Chart Kim
Vocabra: Introduce Spelling and Vocabulary Words
Review the Typed Format for Vital Statistics

Homework: Find a book to read as a pleasure book- be sure to keep up with your reading log.

Thursday: September 1
Introduce Reading Logs
Return Edited Vital Statistics
Read and Chart Ana & Wendell
Vocabra Word Drawing Time

Homework: Draw your assigned vocabulary word without using the actual word in your
drawing. On the back you should write a good sentence for the word.
Make sure you have your Ziploc bag in class tomorrow because Seedfolks
books will be assigned.

Friday, September 2
Read and Chart Ganzalo
Present Vocabra Word Drawings

Homework: Work on Final Draft of Vital Statistics Due Tuesday, Sept 6.